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JD Vance

Based: JD Vance Attacked the Childless Left!

With Kamala Harris being the de facto Democrat nominee headed into the DNC Convention, the Democrats have been rallying to her cause, and in doing so, their strategy has been to go Full Feminist against the Trump-Vance ticket. In digging for dirt, his comments on Tucker Carlson where he called Kamala Harris one of many “childless cat ladies” who are ruling/ruining this country, yet also a clip from a Vance speech at the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI).

ISI is a community building organization that seeks to connect college age conservative students that function as a breeding ground for those who go on to function in conservative think tanks. It should be noted that while the duplicitous William F. Buckley was its first president, they do engage with a variety of old guard type conservatives and even some dissident right figures, which is why JD Vance’s speech is rather notable as he is speaking to an erudite, idealistic audience.

The controversial comments begin halfway into the speech, in which Vance begins with an emphasis on the American dream and then shifts towards an attack on the left, in which he states that “rejection of the American family is perhaps the most pernicious and most evil thing that the left has done in this country.” The speech is about a civilizational crisis, in which he is talking about demographic collapse from a lack of population replacement, as measured by the declining fertility rates.

Viktor Orban, who is of course the bugaboo of nearly every liberal and the mainstream American media, has implemented a couple of policies that I think are really interesting, one of which is that in his country they offer. Loans to new married couples that are forgiven at some point later. If those couples eventually stay together and have children, why can’t we do that here? Why can’t we actually promote family formation here in our country? Why can’t we give resources to parents who tell us the only reason they’re not having kids is because they can’t afford it?

This is a civilizational crisis, and if we’re not willing to spend resources to solve it, we’re not serious about the very real problems that we face. So we should do it. We should give resources to parents who are going to have kids. We should make it easier to raise American families, and we should send the signal to the culture. That we are the Pro-family party and we’re gonna back it.

JD Vance advocates for natalism and asserts that the government should be involved in promoting childbirth and family growth. Hungary’s Viktor Orban is notorious for his natalist policies which also include no income tax for families with four children. Liberalism inherently rejects family and deracinates humans from family, community and other competing social institutions. Natalist policies are associated with the left’s favorite boogeyman, Fascism.

Given his audience, JD Vance perhaps holds back how right-wing he is, but he is clearly talking about changing the direction of the Republican party from one centered around corporations to one focused on family.

This was an excerpt from the speech that the Kamala HQ took issue with:

When you go to the polls in this country as a parent, you should have more power. You should have more of an ability to speak your voice in our democratic republic than people who don’t have kids. Let’s face the consequences and the reality. If you don’t have as much of an investment in the future of this country. Maybe you shouldn’t get nearly the same voice now people will say, and I’m sure the Atlantic and the Washington Post and all the usual suspects will criticize me about this in the coming days. Well, doesn’t this mean that nonparents don’t have as much of a voice as parents? Doesn’t this mean that parents get a bigger say in how our democracy functions? Yes, absolutely.

Essentially, Vance states that those who have children are more invested in the country so therefore they should have more say. They leave out the part where he clearly states that he is not referring to those with fertility problems and this clip immediately follows a redress of the idea of lowering the voting age to 16. Thus, he is speaking hypothetically and again, to an educated audience, not as a stump speech.

Full Feminism

Politics is increasingly a war of the sexes: Masculinity vs. Feminism. The Democratic Party’s most dominant voter base, besides Black Americans, is unmarried women.

Democrats know that unmarried women are their core voters. Thus, social engineering has been implemented to promote feminism through entertainment, hiring practices, social media, and college education. Marriage is dissuaded and childrearing is stigmatized. Objective beauty is rejected. Promiscuity is encouraged. Mental illness is normalized.

Democrat policy is a war on family, and abortion is the number one issue that drives these unmarried women to the polls. Donald Trump knows this. That is why the GOP weakened its stance on abortion. The Trump campaign fears the wrath of the angry vaginas. And for good reason. They single-handedly defeated the red wave of 2022. These unmarried women will let the border invasion go unmitigated, literally inviting rapists into the country, all so they can preserve the ability to murder their children with impunity. Liberalism is suicidal, and the women will be the ones slicing open the veins of America’s destruction.

Thus the Kamala Harris campaign’s strategy is to go full vagina. They will throw everything they can to brand JD Vance as a sexist to maximize the support of women.

MAGA Natalism

The pro-life movement must take up the cause of natalism. It is not just enough to be pro-family and against abortion, there must be a positive vision established. Family is that vision. Feminism seeks to usurp women from their highest natural calling. Childrearing is both a duty to God and a duty to society. The most important duty in society is bestowed onto women, and all actions by men center around the preservation of life. To be fruitful and multiply was the foremost command of God. Childrearing is virtuous, and therefore the State should encourage it as a matter of policy.

Realistically, there is never going to be a national ban on abortion passed through Congress. Any pro-life efforts towards that end are worthless. Instead, federal lobbying efforts should be shifted towards natalist policies, whether it be tax incentives like Hungary, debt forgiveness, or school choice programs. Real policy changes can be effectuated which breed a culture of life.

JD Vance represents what will hopefully be the future of the American Right. The Republican Party must become the pro-family party. They must embrace and support natalist policies that both cater to their base while also encouraging family formation which then produces future conservative voters. For this reason, he was the best choice Trump could have made regarding his VP.

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