James White has definitely been a focal point of controversy lately. After many Christians defended him from malicious attacks from the cohost of the Steve Deace Show, White returned to countersignaling younger Christians who are more Reformed than he is. Taking a break from going after Thomas Aquinas, James White attacked Christian support of the crusades in a lengthy, historically reductive diatribe.
James White writes:
OK, for the folks who are still going, “What on earth?” The Crusades did not stop the expansion of Islam. In fact, they were not intended to. That was done the old fashioned way: armies, representing nations, fighting against other armies.
James White begins arguing that the Crusades did not stop the advance of Islam, and claimed that the armies of nations are what did that. White presupposes that the standing armies are legitimate while the Crusades illegitimate. This is how he would logically distinguish the Battle of Tours from the Seige of Antioch. However, this is an inaccurate recollection of how the Crusades, specifically the First Crusade, were initiated. Before the Pope gave a rousing speech, the Eastern Roman Emperor made ample preparations and pleaded with the West for support. The West, mainly comprised of Frankish knights and nobility answered the call. In short, the First Crusade was initially an auxiliary or advanced force for the national army that James White presupposed to be the legitimate alternative to crusading. The subsequent crusades had established Crusader states which also meet White’s criteria.
The sacking of Constantinople by “Crusaders” (all done on the basis of money and politics) actually hastened the fall of that last bastion holding back the Muslim expansion westward. Disastrous.
Obviously, the Fourth Crusade, the Sacking of Constantinople in 1204, was disastrous. There was treachery on all sides. The Eastern Romans never truly recovered, although the Eastern Romans were the Cleveland Browns of world powers, always in a rebuilding year. Those who defend the Crusades are not defending the Fourth Crusade. They are primarily celebrating those who fought in the First and Third Crusades. Moreover, James White is factually incorrect in stating that Constantinople was the bastion holding back the Muslim advance westward. There were multiple Islamic incursions into Europe: the Iberian Peninsula, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Eurasian steppe.
But folks, listen, please. Have you seen the images these (mainly) young men are posting? What do you see in them all? Yes, the cross, prominently displayed on the armor of men slashing and hacking the infidel to pieces. The Crusades were definitionally religious in nature. I know, I know, Rome was quite involved in politics and the like by that time, and very corrupt. No question about it. But, here’s the point: they joined religion to their avarice and thirst for power. They promised eternal life to those who died fighting the infidel! The entire foundation was a fundamental and outright denial of the nature, efficacy, and truth about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
James White makes a specific reference to the actions of the Fourth Crusade, alludes to the First Crusade, but ignores the vast majority of crusades that were launched. Crusades were not merely launched in the Holy Land, but also in Eastern Europe (Latvia, Estonia, Prussia) and against the Ottoman Empire’s incursions into Hungary. Even the Reconquista would categorically qualify as a crusade. To say that the entire foundation of the Crusades is antithetical to the gospel is a gross oversimplification and rather dishonest argument.
What completely and utterly shocks me is that outside of the Romanists who are promoting this stuff (ironically, against the views of their own Pope), the majority of the wild-eyed zealots I am seeing are Reformed! Well, they claim to be, anyway. I truly wonder how anyone with a semi-formed theology that is even slightly Reformed can buy into this stuff. But the fact is these folks are saying the Crusades did not go “far enough.” Far enough in what? Blaspheming Christ? Disparaging the gospel? Promoting hatred? What would you like to see more of, exactly? What would be “far enough”?
When Martin Luther criticizes the Crusades, he points out that the Papacy is not serious about crusading, rather they were serious about collecting indulgences from Germany, specifically in reference to fighting the Turks. Luther argues that the Pope had ample means to fund a defense against the Turks without extortion. While White would ultimately be closer to agreement with Luther on this point, Luther’s criticisms of the Crusades advance the sentiment that the Crusades could have gone much farther than they did.
In conclusion, the history of the Crusades is complex and multifaceted. It’s important to engage in thoughtful and nuanced discussions when examining historical controversies, rather than resorting to oversimplification or misrepresentation of facts, as employed by James White.
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4 Responses
disappointing to learn that james white is not a crusade enjoyer.
and we are facing muslim invasions in europe.
We do not want Muslims here in America either. Brutal savages. But I guess James thinks a nation defending against them would be unchristian. This sucks, I’ve found immense value in James Whites teachings before.
Boomer faults were largely hidden in decades past when there wasn’t as much persecution and pressure rising. They were good on most theological points, but now we see boomer politics on full display.
Lately the only pastor I’ve been able to listen to is Joel Webbon (or bonifaceoption), as I I keep hearing nails on a chalkboard from all my old favorites anytime current events come up.
Sometimes StoneChoir can be harsh, but honestly that’s the harshness I think we need to shake out the weakness and dross, as this wimpy feminine behavior is being touted as Christian love when it’s cowardness. Christian kings of the past very much loved Christ and neighbor but wouldn’t tolerate those who put their people in danger.
It is claimed by some (Micheal Yon among them) that the country is being invaded. Jihadists from 100 plus countries (Assuming the number said by some is accurate) have come here to destroy the Christians and what is good about our way of life. And not all without the help of our own government. They have in fact infiltrated the body politic as represented by (Tlaib and Oma) r2/3s of the Squad–those Harridan witches are Islam’s reps.