Candace Owens is one of the most controversial figures in Conservative media. Her messy sacking from the Daily Wire followed a heated interview with a woke rabbi, Michael Barclay, who insisted that she not defend herself from a Jewish rabbi who sells sex toys with his daughter. Candace Owens had deviated from the Daily Wire’s Zionism putting her at odds with Ben Shapiro and Jeremy Boreing and grew edgier and more conspiratorial in her content, put mildly. Owens would go independent.
Candace Owens is not welcome in the land down under which led to a woke activist doing a press release which Christian Post transformed into an article titled, “Evangelical leader says churches must ‘close the doors’ on Candace Owens over Israel remarks“
Laurie Cardoza-Moore, president of the nonprofit Proclaiming Justice to The Nations who served as special envoy to the United Nations for the World Council of Independent Churches, condemned a series of remarks from the 35-year-old Owens about Israel and the Jewish people that many deemed antisemitic.
Proclaiming Justice to The Nations is a secular organization that seeks to coopt Christians to serve Jewish interests. It is working on a documentary to adapt Benzion Netanyahu’s, father of Benjamin Netanyahu, propaganda about the Spanish Inquisition.
A press release from an obscure woman who runs an organization that does nothing for the benefit of Christians is not newsworthy. Yet Christian Post decided that it was for two reasons. One, Candace Owens is a big name. The bait isn’t going to click itself. Laurie Cardoza-Moore is not an Evangelical leader. The second reason is agenda. Christian Post, despite its name is run by neoconservatives who prioritize Jewish interests above Christian interests routinely. They even ran a piece justifying Israel’s contribution to the ethnic cleansing of Armenian Christians.
This story highlights the need for Christian news to be produced by Christians and for Christians.
7 Responses
The Christian post has just felt so irrelevant for 15 years. Even if I thought perhaps there could be a problem with Candace, I’m not a fan or follower of hers, but I’m open to hearing about potential wrong doing of anyone who would be a leader. Alas, did they quote Candace even once in the article? Nope, they give a summary and maybe a link or two and expect readers to then agree with them. It’s actually embarrassing that this is even classed as journalism.
Many of the commentators on articles from the Post seem like they should go back to Reddit. It’s a mess.
It truly is
Candace has become controversial beyond the pale when she became unhinged and began to target Jews and lumping the good, bad and ugly. She changed when she converted to RC and I feel like she began to re-invent the false narrative of the RCC’s blood libel. Israel is not understood biblically by the RCC so her bias is unconscionable. Shame on her. Anyone who flies under the UN umbrella is always suspect for me, however, on this issue I would side with this topic that Candace is on shaky ground bordering on anti-semitic hatred and forming a following for the insanity today against the Jews. The Christian who sides against Israel and their right to defend themselves should really think carefully and pick up their Bible.
Did they miss that she converted to Catholicism like her husband? Closing their Bethel and Hillsong doors to her probably not gonna bother her.
The Jews did covid. All CEOs of big pharma are Jewish, but almost all CEOs period are Jewish and pushing the LGBTQP+ and trans agendas via the corporations. These are facts. Boomers who don’t get that and refuse to open their eyes to that are enemies of their children, grandchildren, and of Christ and God. And there was nevwr a blood libel because it was no libel; they do kill Gentile children, and that’s why so many children go missing each year. That’s also why the Jews have tunnels under New York.
The people you describe in your diatribe are what I call JINO’s. Jewish in name only. Orthodox Jews, like Ben Shapiro, Marc Levin and others call out the garbage they spew. Of the 32 Jews in Congress, all but two are Democrats and they are lock step with each other and the hundreds of Non-Jews wgi call themselves Catholic, Protestant, Muslim and atheist. As to your disgusting accusation about killing gentile children, you have a sick mind.