Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

John Rich, Tucker Carlson vs Pretribulation Rapture Tucker Carlson has been interested in exploring and at times exposing corrupting influences in Christianity, despite his infancy in the faith. John Rich, the country music star best known for “Save A Horse (Ride A Cowboy), has, since becoming famous, returned to the roots of his faith, producing Christian music. The latest song he’s […]

Livestream Announcement: Save A Horse, Revelation A Cowboy Tucker Carlson recently conducted and released an interview with country music star, John Rich, who became famous for his song, “Save A Horse (Ride A Cowboy)” has since returned to the roots of his upbringing and Christian faith. In addition to making Christian country music, he’s also an entrepreneur in the parallel economy. In […]

Dispy Cringe Sermonette At SBC Led by Messianic Jewish Rabbinat

One of the more cringeworthy, and quite frankly blasphemous, things to occur at the 2024 Southern Baptist Convention was a prayer made by Connie Saffle at the close of Session 2 on day 1 in which she invoked John Hagee levels of dispensationalism while invoking, in a most pretentious fashion, various different names for the […]

Woman Preaches Dispensationalist Sermonette At Annual Southern Baptist Convention

The 2024 Annual Southern Baptist Convention is underway, and despite the heated debate over female pastors being had at the convention, Bart Barber let a woman preach at the convention in a flagrant disregard for Baptist polity and tradition. The preaching came in the guise of prayer, but what followed was a cultish sermonette that […]

Dispensationalist Pastor False Prophetic Screed Against Christian Nationalism Brandon Holthaus is the pastor of Rock Harbor Church in Bakersfield, California, a very dispensational church. In a recent sermon, Brandon Holthaus attacked Eric Metaxes, taking aim at Christian Nationalism in a deceitful “prophetic update” he gave to his church. The church has about 33500 subs on YouTube. What is ironic is that Rock […]

Carol Swain’s Ignorance On Church History

Christian Post is on a tear publishing cringeworthy articles, and an article last week from former Vanderbilt University professor turned Conservative Inc. speaker Carol Swain defending bad theology with an even worse reading of church history is something to behold. The article titled “My ignorance of Jews and church history” is aptly named yet conveys […]

Is John Hagee A False Teacher?

Category 5 Verdict: John Hagee Is An Idolator Preface Part of how this Discernment ministry operates is taking in reader questions about prevalent teachers. Hagee was voted by our members to be the next subject of research. You can make a request here and see our answered verdicts here. Biography John Hagee is an American pastor, author, and televangelist known […]

Michael Brown vs. Palestinian Christians

On October 20th, a group of Palestinian Christians and Eastern Orthodox believers, both within Israel and Palestine, issued an open letter entitled, “An Open Letter from Palestinian Christians to Western Church Leaders and Theologians,” that while imperfect for reason which will be outlined, offered a stance critical against the actions of Israel and unsurprisingly, was derided […]

Israel vs Palestine: Confronting Biblical Error It’s important to be theologically transparent, especially during coverage for which theological views on secondary and tertiary views are relevant. But there are times where abuse of text to advance a Scriptural agenda are both newsworthy and necessary to confront in practicing discernment. Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills did a short video […]

Does John MacArthur Believe In Loser Theology? The debate surrounding Christian Nationalism has many of John MacArthur’s followers against Christian Nationalism. This comes at a time when John MacArthur’s views on the civil government are not as clear, as he famously changed his position on Romans 13 and Hebrews 10:24-25 in late July 2020. However, the inconsistent teaching of John MacArthur […]