Theologically Sound. Culturally Relevant.

Charisma Magazine Promotes Greg Locke’s New Book

Few pastors have run head-first into controversy as much as Greg Locke has. The MAGA pastor who had a nasty divorce from his wife whilst he remarried the church secretary has undergone a rebranding in the last couple of years. Greg Locke has stepped away from politics to do “deliverance” ministry. This has included partnering […]

Greg Locke Promoted To NARpostle

The New Apostolic Reformation is a hypercharismatic heretical movement that claims to have modern-day apostles. This movement is often marred by the scandals of its famous personalities. Mike Bickle is the latest high-profile example, and the International House of Prayer was the embodiment of the NAR movement. Greg Locke has been one of the most […]

Michael Brown Defends Mike Bickle’s Legacy, the New Apostolic Reformation

Whereas some men are apologists for Creation, others the historicity of the bible, Michael Brown is the most prolific apologist for hypercharismatic Christianity. Because of certain culture war issues, Brown gained clout with many Christians and conservatives, much as teachers like Eric Metaxas, Sean Feucht, or Mark Driscoll, where people appreciate their stances on cultural […]

IHOP Provides Update On Mike Bickle’s #MeToo Scandal

In late October, Mike Bickle was denounced by the International House of Prayer who accused him of sex abuse, using a feminist framework as opposed to a criminal framework. Their initial disclosure of the allegations found Bickle guilty despite not having investigated the veracity of the claims against him. Later on, a preliminary investigation produced […]

Mike Bickle Accused Of Sexual Misconduct, Denounced By IHOP

Mike Bickle is one of the most prominent figures in the New Apostolic Reformation also known as NAR. His organization, the International House of Prayer (IHOP) is the embodiment of NAR. On Saturday, the International House of Prayer released a statement denouncing Mike Bickle, disqualifying him from ministry. Public Statement concerning recent allegations on Mike […]

The Asbury Revival Ends Inducing Both Cringe And Praise The Asbury Revival concluded Thursday night after 16 days of continuous worship service at the university chapel. The chapel itself was packed with college age students or younger. The stream of the finale coincided with the Collegiate Day of Prayer, a jumpstart movement that seeks to capitalize on the 200th anniversary of the 2nd […]

Sean Feucht: Church Hero or Villain Introduction Evangelical Dark Web has been one of the foremost discernment ministries calling out what we have called Branch Covidianism in the church. Along these lines, it is unmistakable that Sean Feucht has been a man of action. However, not everyone we agree with is someone we can trust. Independently, the writers of Evangelical […]

Is Francis Chan a false teacher?

Category 4 Verdict: Various discernment ministries have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Francis Chan is a false teacher. Preface Part of how this Discernment ministry operates is taking in reader questions about prevalent teachers. Francis Chan has received a record number of requests (previously held by Levi Lusko), and due to him leading the field of […]

Is Bill Johnson a false teacher?

Category 5 Verdict: Bill Johnson is a false apostle within NAR and should be avoided. Preface Part of how this Discernment ministry operates is taking in reader questions about prevalent teachers. There were multiple requests to investigate Bill Johnson, and due to him leading the field of requests, this investigation into his teachings was undergone. […]

DarkLinks 37: False prophets and coronavirus

The Wuhan Coronavirus has exposed many false teachers in how they shut down their faith healing events so easily in light of the coronavirus. This has not stopped others, even these same people, from making ridiculous statements and false claims of prophesies in relation to coronavirus. This themed edition of DarkLinks tackles bad teaching on […]