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DarkLinks 27: Max Lucado and Jen Hatmaker

This edition of DarkLinks covers a rather slow period of activity outside of the whole Soros-EIT issues that we covered along with the video evidence of woke theology at SEBTS. And while it’s great to be able to report on these, it left us lacking of material for DarkLinks. Alas, the time has come to promote some quality articles. We begin with the story of Max Lucado going on Jen Hatmaker’s podcast and endorsing the false teacher host. This story is much bigger than it seems, given Lucado’s writing influence. Next we continue promoting the Revisiting Revoice Series at Founders Ministry. Next we have an article that wraps up the whole Jason Allen lobbying allegations nicely. To insert some levity, we have a Babylon Bee article ripping Jim Bakker for his to love Trump is to love God comments. Consider this the Evangelical Dark Web‘s way of saying that this is not a remotely biblical position. Lastly we conclude with another sad update from the Kanye conversion story, as he gets swept away by false teachers.


Max Lucado’s Endorsement of Jen Hatmaker: What it Means and Why it Matters

By Alisa Childers

Jesus compared false prophets to wolves in Matthew 7:15. Can you imagine a shepherd trying to “build a bridge” or “sit at the same table” with a wolf? When a wolf comes after the sheep, the shepherd has one job. Protect the sheep. Not the wolf. 
We don’t get a pass because our current cultural climate would label us as disruptive or unloving. It’s because of our love for Jesus and out of protection for his bride that we must find the courage to do what is right. 
It’s possible that Max Lucado is unaware of how unorthodox the teachings of Jen Hatmaker and Richard Rohr are. I pray that is the case. But Christian leaders cannot afford to brush aside the danger of these unbiblical alliances under the guise of promoting unity. The Bible simply doesn’t give them that option.


Revisiting Revoice: Same-Sex Attraction in the Fall

By Chris Bolt @ Founders Ministry

A fair number of Protestant Christians were wrongly taught that temptation to sin is never the same thing as sin. But temptation to sin is sin, when that temptation stems from within. Temptation from within is rooted in our fallen flesh, while temptation from without originates with the world and Satan. We know from God’s word that Adam and Eve were not initially tempted from the inside by their own desire, but from the outside by the serpent in the Garden of Eden. While some stipulate that an outward temptation must also have an inward element, nothing in the text of Scripture requires or warrants this assumption. We also have analogies in our experience that would lead us to reject the idea that every temptation requires an internal element. For example, consider those who do not struggle with SSA. They are disinterested, but not necessarily exempt from external temptation.


In the Wake of a False Report by Capstone Report, SBC Leader Compares “Discernment Blogs” to “Terrorists”

By Jeff Maples @ Reformation Charlotte

Reformation Charlotte acknowledges the incalculable damage that publishing unsubstantiated information does to any journalistic movement — especially when the movement is controversial. One misstep calls into question the integrity of an entire movement. While Reformation Charlotte shares several important concerns regarding the leftward drift in the Southern Baptist Convention with other independent journalists such as Capstone Report, Pulpit & Pen, Church Watch, etc., they are independent. However, often, these outlets are seen as one umbrella entity and if one messes up, they all take the heat.

Thankfully, Capstone Report issued a retraction and an apology for publishing the report and updated the original article to reflect the retraction as well. While it takes a substantial amount of personal integrity to publish a retraction and issue an apology, the damage has still been done and will take an enormous amount of effort to recoup.

Southern Baptist leaders have now come out in full force against what they label as “discernment blogs” — even though that’s not really what they are — and the same Jason Keith Allen who Capstone originally published the unsubstantiated article about has published his own article comparing “discernment blogs” to terrorists.

Jim Bakker: ‘Many On The Last Day Will Cry Out, ‘Lord, Lord!’ But He Will Reply, ‘Depart From Me, You Didn’t Vote For Trump”

By Babylon Bee

U.S.—On a new episode of The Jim Bakker Show, televangelist Jim Bakker proclaimed that on the Last Day, many will cry out, “Lord! Lord! Did we not prophesy and cast out demons in Your name?” but Jesus will reply, “Depart from me, you didn’t vote for Trump.”



By Pulpit and Pen

The Babylon Bee ran an cutting satirical article reporting that Joel Osteen had taken Kanye Osteen to the top of Lakewood Church and offered him all the kingdoms of the world. Although satire, it’s precisely what many of us feared. As Kanye professed faith in Christ, a long line of charlatans and spiritual snake-oil salesman offered him their wares. Lacking no shortage of capital, it appears as though Kanye purchased what they were selling.

Please pray for Kanye West.


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