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Bart Barber Guidepost Solutions

SBC Prepares Race Narrative Over Black Churches and Female Pastors

The major accomplishment over the passage of the Mike Law Amendment which would specify in the Southern Baptist Convention constitution that churches with female pastors would not be in friendly cooperation with the SBC is going to be a heated battle as after passing in 2023, it will need to be ratified in 2024. But already the fight over doctrinal purity is being framed as racism by liberals in the SBC.

Gregory Perkins has claimed that 4000 black churches will be forced out of the convention upon the passage of the amendment. Gregory Perkins is a pastor and is president of the National African American Fellowship (NAAF). Bart Barber has arranged a meeting to discuss Perkin’s concerns.

Our sister SBC churches in the NAAF have asked us for a season of prayer and dialogue. What a Christ-honoring, biblical way to approach decisions when fellow believers want to find common ground and make decisions together! I honor and value these partners in the work of the gospel. I will make sure that the entire SBC family has ample opportunity for prayer and dialogue throughout the coming year leading up to our meeting next June in Indianapolis. Indeed, I plan to see many of our NAAF leaders next week in Asheville, North Carolina, where I trust that we will make a healthy start in both prayer and fruitful conversation with one another.

The consequences of purging the liberal churches in the SBC might result in a whiter convention. It might also make conservatives more electable at the national convention. In any case the race narrative is being set. This could cause leaders like Al Mohler to buckle on this issue. The momentum is in the conservative direction, and the race narrative is the best card the liberals have. It will be interesting to see how many Southern Baptists still care about being called racist, especially after they endorsed Critical Race Theory in 2019 via Resolution 9 and doubled down on in in 2021.

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