Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

Mark Dever

Mark Dever, 9 Marks Cancel Event Due To Lack Of Interest

The mantra of go woke, go broke is often overused but the demise of Bud Light, Disney, and a few other brands might bring insight into similar collapses in Big Eva, a shorthand for the Evangelical Industrial Complex.

On Friday, Mark Dever posted a video begging 150 people to sign up for the event or else they’ll have to cancel.

Mark Dever’s desperate advertisement was met with an intense ratio of mockery and questions about the video’s background. The event was 9 Marks At Southeastern and was a conference geared towards seminarians to discuss the topic of expository preaching. Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary is arguably the wokest seminary in the Southern Baptist Convention. So if they can’t even get those seminary students to show up then this would showcase the growing irrelevancy of 9 Marks, which many have taken to calling 9 Marx.

As reported in our verdict which ultimately concluded that Mark Dever is a false teacher, 9 Marx went woke around 2014-2015 well before it was cool to do. It appears 9 Marx is in decline, as they had to cancel their conference which may also be an indication of the decline of SEBTS as well.

It’s not easy to throw a conference. As multiple Evangelical ministries have put on their first in the last year, Big Eva conferences like T4G and not this are struggling.

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