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Israeli Government Blasphemes Christ On Christmas

Many liberals use Christmas to advance their agenda, whether it be to rebrand America’s southern invaders as refugees, anti-White rhetoric, or advancing the Palestinian cause. But the Arabs are not the only side of the Zionist issue that is using Christmas to advance their woke agenda, the Israeli government is as well.

In their latest efforts to bolster their online support, combatting their lack of influence on TikTok, the Israeli government used Jesus as the spokesperson for their online campaign.

In the video, the Israeli government assures the internet that Jesus is an Ashkenazi Jew who uses Yiddish phrases like “oy vey” which is just as bad as claiming that Jesus was a Palestinian Muslim, the lackluster claim that the Israeli government is responding to.

Modern Israel is clearly trying to invoke Jesus to appeal to Christians and religious normies. Yet their wanton 2nd Commandment Violation may even run afoul of dispensationalists whose support for the modern nation-state is generally unwavering. The modern nation-state of Israel is actively hostile to Evangelism to the point where it has the smallest percentage of Christians in the region and has armed the Azjerbajiani’s ethnic cleansing of Armenian Christians. So for them to invoke the God they hate to serve their agenda is rightfully condemned.

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4 Responses

  1. Nah, this is a bit ridiculous, Ray. The implication that only those of Ashkenazi decent use the term “oy vey” is a giant leap by itself. But even if it were true, the etymology of the phrase probably goes back more than 1500 years, and at least 50 generations, if not more. Even if it were true, you could conceivably have someone who is 1 over 2 to the 50th power part Ashkenazi, who’s family has been using the phrase for centuries.

    Jews of all ethnos and lineages use that term. If they’d have depicted Him with European features and appearance, then maybe there might be an argument, but just the term “oy vey” by itself is indicative of nothing.

    I’m not sure what to think about publishing such a video overall, but in fairness, we should not accuse them of things that they did not do.

    The point on evangelism, though, shows a bit of disconnect and inconsistency between the CN movement, and other nationalist movements. Would a Christian nation not be “hostile” to satanists, muslims, jews, or others evangelizing? Of course it would. I still don’t get this hostility to the idea of a Jewish nation existing in the world, while simultaneously advocating for a Christian nation. The general idea is separation, live and let live, they live in their nation and we live in ours. It’s a step up in scope from federalism. But if you’re against Jewish nations, Muslim nations, Atheist nations, Pagan nations, and so on, then maybe you’re not a Christian nationalist as much as you’re a Christian globalist.

    We need to remember that Jesus told us to shake the dust off our feet.

    If they’ve heard the Gospel already, and they’ve already rejected it, then we don’t need to be hounding and harassing them all day every day. Jesus specifically said not to do that. And Jews are not the only non-Christians who are hostile to Christian evangelism. Right, just about all non-Christians are hostile to Christian evangelism. Even western nations are becoming hostile to Christian evangelism. They’re locking up street preachers all throughout europe.

    In order to get back to a federalist sort of framework, or even a nationalist sort of model across the globe, we would have to forego some of the evangelism efforts. What Jesus said is more federalist, putting the granularity at the scope of towns – if the people of a town reject the Gospel, then shake the dust off your feet. And of course there are many similar scriptures such as 1 Cor 5:9-11. But federalist or nationalist, whether town-to-town or nation-to-nation, the same principle applies.

    Once they’ve heard the Gospel, the great commission has been fulfilled. We don’t have to keep on harassing and hounding them from now to the end of days. That’s not true evangelism.

    The inconsistency is very hypocritical. You can’t advocate for imposing on them while simultaneously condemning them for imposing on us. You can’t advocate for the violation of their conscience, while simultaneously condemning them for violating ours. That sort of hypocrisy will not win anyone to the Lord.

  2. For those too lazy to do the math, they could be 1/1,125,899,906,842,620 (less than one quadrillionth) part Ashkenazi, and still have a family history of using such yiddish terms. (and 50 generations is a very conservative and generous estimate considering the short lifespans through much of that period – it’s probably closer to 75 or more)

    As a brother in Christ, I’m telling you it is time to get over it. We’re not battling against flesh and blood.

  3. If you want the wickedness being imposed upon Christians to continue, and you want Christians to be extorted and forced further, backed into corners further, leaving us with choices that essentially amount to either violating our conscience and defying the Lord and His word, or survival, then fixating on flesh and blood is an excellent way to accomplish that goal. It will pretty much guarantee it. And as far as I’m concerned, those who are doing so, on both “sides”, letting racist stupidity get in the way of everything, might as well be marching down the street naked in front of children waving the flag of porneia, preaching the “virtues” of critical theory, while selling murdered baby parts. You’re just as guilty.

  4. Professing Christians on both “sides” need a brotherly, loving, swift kick in the flipping pants.

    It’s getting ridiculous. Even the nazis would’ve laughed at the idea that you could determine lineage based on use of a phrase like “oy vey”. Even they went to greater lengths to determine lineage.

    Good grief. Quit this stupidity.

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