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Ultra Right Beer

Conservatives Ethots and Calendars

One of the byproducts of the boycott of Bud Light was “Conservative Dad’s Ultra Right” Beer. The timing was rather quick, but the gimmick was then stepped up by the release of a calendar spearheaded in part by Riley Gaines whose organization stands to benefit from the proceeds. The calendar celebrates the “conservative women who are fighting woke extremist to preserve real women.” Riley Gaines is bikini-clad on the cover of the calendar and is featured in two months of the year.

This has created a controversy in conservatism about the culture we are trying to preserve and ongoing debates on modesty. However, there is an element to this debate that is being looked at and is more of a pressing problem for conservatism than defining what is and is not immodest dress. This issue is conservatism’s rewarding of ethots.

Simply put, half of the women the calendar is celebrating are there because they have successfully monetized their sexuality to make it in conservative media. They might not have an OnlyFans, but the hustling sex appeal to an audience of simps is the same energy. Let’s run through the names.

Ashley St. Clair

Ashley St. Clair is a straight-up hoe. Her Instagram is loaded with immodest pregnancy pictures. Her photos in the calendar are among the most risque. Moreover, she has a history of being an actual whore on social media. Back in the day, she ran an alt-account under the handle @sexlaptop.

Moreover, she is by her own words not a conservative, nor does she believe stopping illegal immigration is a priority.

Peyton Drew

Leading off the calendar’s January, Peyton Drew is perhaps the most overtly sexualized model. She is yet another ethot. With DSLs installed along with a boobjob, it’s clear she didn’t make it to One America News because of her personality or intellect.

Riley Gaines

Featured in two months as well, Riley Gaines is famous for being the female swimmer robbed by Lia Thomas. She’s turned this moment into a career in Conservative Inc yet she isn’t really able to tell people what they did not already know about transgenderism. Could resorting to being an ethot be the next phase in her career? Hopefully not.

Kim Klacick

The former stripper is the most modestly presented in the calendar. How ironic. Despite this past, she is famous for running for Congress twice in West Baltimore. So she is not an ethot.

Bethany Bartlett

Former bikini model turned conservative TikToker who frequently posts thirst traps.

The Redheaded Libertarian

The bonafide ethot is one of a few who utilizes the libertine love of coomerism to her advantage. Having built a social media brand off of people’s love of redheads and thirst traps.


Jenna Ellis insisted on arguing that the calendar was softcore pornography. This definition is broad and unclear, yet the key distinction between Jenna Ellis and The Redheaded Libertarian is that Jenna Ellis did not monetize sex to work in politics. Thus for her to be in the calendar is going to be seen as sexualized because that is what her brand has always been.

Ultra Right Conclusion

Ultra Right is 4.8% ABV but the remaining 95.2% is cringe. The calendar is bad, but it’s merely a collection of several ethots that conservatives have been simping for years. Ultimately, simp culture needs to be called out and rooted out, and strong men must rise up and lead.

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2 Responses

  1. Conservative Christians should cancel Riley Gaines over this. Unless she publicaly repents apologizes and does what ever she can to have those pictures removed from the calander then she should be rejected by all conservative Christians. That she professes to be a Christian and then would use man’s sinful lust as a way to raise money is despicable. I have not been able to discern what if any church she attends but any solid church would put her under church discipline for this.

    Conservative Christians really need to push back on the perverted culture and the status quo regarding modesty. Sadly many Christians today don’t want to actually face that many things they accept are are considered to be nakedness in the scriptures but instead they want to fit in with the world.

    Exodus 20:26
    “Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar, that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon.”

    Exodus 28:42
    “And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness; from the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach:”

    I think it is probably the case when the bible refers to the attire of an harlot Proverbs 7:10 it was something more modest then what many Christian women wear today.

  2. This is an amended comment, The one I made before can be deleted.

    Conservative Christians should cancel Riley Gaines over this. Unless she publicly repents and does what ever, she can to get those pictures removed from that calender then she should be rejected by all conservative Christians.

    That she professes to be a Christian and then would use man’s sinful lust as a way to raise money is despicable. I have not been able to discern what if any church she attends but any solid church would put her under church discipline for this.

    Conservative Christians really need to push back on the perverted culture and the status quo regarding modesty. Sadly many Christians today don’t want to actually face that many things they accept are considered to be nakedness in the scriptures but instead they want to fit in with the world.

    Exodus 20:26
    “Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar, that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon.”

    Exodus 28:42
    “And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness; from the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach:”

    I think it is probably the case when the bible refers to the attire of a harlot Proverbs 7:10 it was something more modest then what many Christian women wear today.

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