The fallout from the revelation that Robert Morris hid the fact that he molested a 12 year old girl continues as more details emerge. As Robert Morris Ministries canceled its namesake, Gateway Church reportedly did not give Morris a golden parachute on his way out the door.
Gateway Church founder Robert Morris received no severance payout after he resigned from the Texas megachurch in the wake of allegations that he sexually abused Cindy Clemishire over multiple years in the 1980s, beginning when she was 12.
Responding to questions from The Christian Post regarding the terms of Morris’ exit from the church on June 18, Lawrence Swicegood, executive director of Gateway Media, tersely told The Christian post “no” when asked if the megachurch founder had received any kind of severance package.
Robert Morris is one of the world’s richest pastors, but in megachurches, the lack of a golden parachute after resigning (in disgrace) is somewhat surprising, as many of these pastors are motivated by money as the Bible indicates.
2 Responses
I hate to say it, but I am starting to feel sorry for this guy. I used to complain to God that HE didnt give me more influence in the Church, but having my sin laid bare before the world is not something I could handle. We all know he deserves to have a millstone tied around his neck and be thrown in the middle of the ocean, but I cant imagine my sins being broadcast to the world.
Why would Robert Morris need any sort of Golden parachute? When he is worth millions, and likely OWNS all the Gateway property and buildings, either in their entirety, or has a large percentage of ownership?