The Steve Lawson adultery scandal has led to one of the most prominent figures in the camp of Dispy-Calvinism to be Thanos-snapped from the internet and ministry positions. New details have emerged surrounding the woman. What we already knew was that she was about a third of Lawson’s age and the affair lasted around five years. Additionally, we were informed by Phil Johnson that she lived in a different state “nowhere close to any of the ministries Steve served.” Phil Johnson added that he doesn’t “believe any good end would be served by exposing her identity to the public.”
From various sources, including a Protestia report, the woman has been identified as having graduated from The Master’s University and attended Grace Community Church in the past (not necessarily during the events). Steve Lawson served as a program head at The Master’s Seminary which does not share the same location as TMU.
According to Protestia:
Lawson served on the board of TMU, but this appears unrelated to his relationship with the woman, who had attended Grace Community Church as a child with her family, moved away, and returning to the area to attend college at TMU.
According to witnesses close to the situation, the young woman’s family was close to Lawson and supportive of his ministry. Lawson accepted the lead preacher position at Trinity Bible Church in Dallas around the same time the young woman graduated from TMU, and Lawson’s time away from home teaching expository preaching at TMS (as well as his frequent traveling for preaching appearances and conferences) provided both the proximity to the young woman and the distance from family needed to engage in what amounted to not just an affair but a secret second life that reportedly saw him paying for travel for the young woman to rendevous with him during ministerial trips.
The nature of the relationship has escalated from what has previously been reported, in that Steve Lawson is characterized as living a second life. This relationship is also between two adults, and attending a college where Lawson is on the board does not meet the Biblical definition of overpowering. However, in MacArthur World, the behavior of the two individuals was raising questions.
While Trinity Bible Church and the various ministries Lawson was involved with (his OnePassion Ministries, The Master’s Seminary, Ligionier, G3, etc.) have been relatively silent on the particular circumstances of Lawson’s affair, what appeared to be his immediate firing from ministry and his material’s swift removal from the internet is likely the end of a months-long investigative process, as inside sources report that the illicit nature of the relationship between Lawson and the young woman was suspected as early as March.
The lack of discretion shown, despite years of an illicit relationship, sparked suspicion. Evangelical Dark Web is also aware that there are those spinning a conspiracy of MacArthur World suppressing knowledge of this. Protestia’s source did not corroborate this narrative, nor has Evnagelical Dark Web seen witnesses corroborate this narrative. Phil Johnson’s claim that she lived “nowhere close” to Steve Lawson’s ministries is the truth, but it was not the whole truth of the situation. The connection to TMU and Grace Community Church already dispels the notion that she was a random individual. Moreover, the connection to TMU and Grace Community Church explains why the whistleblowers have come not from Trinity Bible Church in Dallas but from MacArthur’s camp.
Though not random, there are those who would want to make the sin of Steve Lawson and his young mistress a sin on MacArthur and his ministries, but this is entirely unsubstantiated. Perhaps the most depressing detail in the report comes at the end:
It has yet to be confirmed whether or not Lawson and the young woman have ended their relationship
Protestia provided a clarification:
Correction: An earlier version of this story contained language that could be have been interpreted to imply Trinity Bible Church, Grace Community Church, or other ministries may have had knowledge of Lawson’s affair as early as March, but the intent was to indicate that concerning behavior was observed with Lawson in March, and that these observations may have led to a process resulting in Lawson’s admission and firing in September. Reliable sources at both Trinity and GCC report that there was no suspicion of Lawson’s affair at either church or parachurch ministry.
This is a developing story.
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