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Melania Trump

Melania Trump Champions Abortion in Upcoming Memoir

With the 2024 election underway, abortion is at the forefront of the election. Ten states have ballot measures and it is the number one driver of women voters, whose primary issue is the “right” to murder their own offspring. This has led to many difficult and pragmatic decisions for the Republican party, leading it to ultimately soften its stance on abortion. This includes the 2024 GOP platform, the GOP’s weakness on IVF, and Trump’s various statements that he would not support a federal abortion ban. Regarding IVF, the church is incredibly weak on this issue with Jeremiah Johnston being an IVF apologist in the SBC.

In the latest evidence of capitulation, enter Melania Trump, whose upcoming memoir features a defense of abortion. The Guardian obtained a copy of the memoir in which they published the following:

Melania Trump made an extraordinary declaration in an eagerly awaited memoir to be published a month from election day: she is a passionate supporter of a woman’s right to control her own body – including the right to abortion.

“It is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government,” the Republican nominee’s wife writes, amid a campaign in which Donald Trump’s threats to women’s reproductive rights have played a central role.”

“Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes.

“Restricting a woman’s right to choose whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is the same as denying her control over her own body. I have carried this belief with me throughout my entire adult life.”

Ultimately, Melania Trump views abortion as a fundamental right and a matter of bodily autonomy, highlighting this as a disagreement she has with Donald Trump. Other issues noted as areas of disagreement included immigration.

She would later double down by releasing an Instagram clip in which she stated the following:

Individual freedom is a fundamental principle that I safeguard. Without a doubt, there is no room for compromise when it comes to this essential right that all women possess from birth. Individual freedom. What does my body, my choice really mean?

Melania Trump has largely been an apolitical fixture in the Trump sphere, but her rabid pro-abortion stance came a month before the election. Many on the right are outraged at Melania Trump, whether genuine or feigned. Now, is it really surprising that a Slovenian woman is pro-abortion? Not at all. Eastern European women are very pro-abortion and come from former Soviet Bloc nations with historically high rates. They might be beautiful and uphold more traditional values, but the decades of communism have had a lasting impact. Realistically, Donald Trump did not marry Melania for her opinions. He married her because she was a fashion model, which is another tell of her liberal beliefs.


Morally, a wife should never publicly counter her husband, just as one never takes sides against the family. While it is unsurprising that she is personally pro-abortion, she has publicly countered Trump’s “state’s rights” rhetoric with a “no compromise” stance in favor of abortion. With her promoting her book, her position was articulated months prior to the news dropping. There is some speculation that this was a ploy of the Trump campaign to appeal to women, as Trump has publicly acknowledged and acquiesced to his wife’s actions, but this could just as easily be Melania acting on her own. One could just as easily conject that Melania does not want to be First Lady again and that there is a deeper rift in their marriage. Nevertheless, the timing denotes a wicked heart.

American politics is increasingly Masculinity and Femininity vs. Feminism. Ultimately, Trump’s weakness on abortion stems from his fear of women, and evidently his marriage bed is also a factor. The Democrats are determined to campaign on abortion to maintain power, just as they riled every angry vagina to thwart the Red Wave in 2022. It is the number one driver for female voters. Donald Trump is not campaigning on abortion, preferring to leave it to the states. For the right, abortion is a losing issue which is why Democrats are determined to keep it front and center. Even Ron DeSantis would become Stephen Douglas on the issue, so on a national level this goes beyond Donald Trump, despite what Never-Trumpers claim. Every candidate going forward will be a compromise on some level.

While the life issue is important, there is no need to overreact to this unsurprising October Surprise. Again, she is a European fashion model who did nude work. There are ten states with ballot measures pertaining to abortion. Thus far, the pro-life team has zero wins. For months, Abolitionists have been purity spiraling on abortion, which is counterproductive at best, and accelerationism at worst, meaning that their behavior will accelerate the decline of America and exasperate abortion. Other pro-life organizations, like Lila Rose, grift off the issue rather than politically campaign to elect pro-life politicians. There is no strategy or message in the Pro-Life movement, yet they will uniquely hold Trump to the fire when national action on abortion is neither feasible nor popular, and they have done nothing to change this on the ground level. Engagement farming over Melania Trump changes nothing.

Finally, immigration is still the most important issue on the national ballot this November, because if the invasion is left unmitigated, then it will not matter how pure one’s position on abortion is, because abolition will be mathematically impossible.

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