Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

Andrew Tate Panda Express and Complementarianism

Is Andrew Tate’s Influence Overblown?

Andrew Tate has risen to fame over the last few years for manosphere talking points, appearances of great wealth, and auto-astroturfing media campaigns. Andrew Tate is claimed to have been influencing young men in the church. However, are these claims accurate or are they misreads of how Andrew Tate is viewed by his own audience.

Nancy Pearson, an academic at Houston Christian University claimed:

A former graduate student of mine now teaches at a high school, and she sent me an email saying, “All my male students are fans of Andrew Tate. They are even including quotes from Andrew Tate in the yearbook.” I asked, “Where do you teach?” “At a classical Christian school.” Even Christian young men are being drawn in by these online influencers—if we do not offer them a healthy, attractive biblical model of masculinity.

Yearbook quotes that are otherwise unspecified are the basis for Pearson’s claim that Andrew Tate has captured the minds of young Christian men. Alternatively, generic manosphere talking points could be confused with Tate or quotes relating to a Bugatti are what’s being brandied about. Either way, one has to wonder how these students view Andrew Tate.

Any survey of Tate’s content showcases outlandish statements delivered with unironic confidence and somewhat comedic timing. What else resembles this? A sitcom character. In reality, Andrew Tate is a character. Everything about him is fake. His wealth is highly exaggerated. His home in Romania was a revamped warehouse. His cars, much of them, did not belong to him. His kickboxing record is padded. His chess record is inflated. And he has a history of chasing television. Andrew Tate is a cartoon character to young men much in the same way that George Costanza or Kosmo Kramer were in the 90s.

However, the sitcom genre is fragmented, and there aren’t watercooler television shows anymore. Thus, Andrew Tate has become a character for the edgy youth. While this is not a positive development, its certainly better than Taylor Swift, as manosphere talking points are more conducive to flourishing than feminism. But it remains true that these people are not asking why people listen to Tate or whether they can take the good and reject the bad?

Andrew Tate is a human trafficker who has a slim chance of beating the charges against him. His days are numbered. And this flimsy anecdotal evidence has many Evangelical leaders clamping down on what they perceive as a massive issue in the church.

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13 Responses

  1. “Even Christian young men are being drawn in by these online influencers—if we do not offer them a healthy, attractive biblical model of masculinity.”

    This reminds me of CS Lewis’ quote where he said: “Where men are forbidden to honor a king they honor millionaires, athletes, or film-stars instead — even famous prostitutes or gangsters. For spiritual nature, like bodily nature, will be served — deny it food and it will gobble poison.”

    Leaving aside the fact that the kings (at least in modern times) are corrupt traitors who do not make good role models, the rest of CS Lewis’ quote is accurate.

    Modern mainstream “Christianity” no longer inspires or motivates most young people anymore.

    People want spiritual fulfillment, they want a cause to fight for.

    Modern mainstream “Christianity” doesn’t offer them that, because modern mainstream “Christianity” is essentially cultural marxism packaged in a “Christian” wrapper.

    Who would want to fight for a cause that demands you embrace the destruction of your own race and people?

    I can’t think of anything more off-putting and abhorrent.

    Yet that is exactly what modern mainstream “Christianity” stands for, with its effusive promotion of race-mixing, interracial romance, jew worship, zionism, open borders, etc.

    The traitors within Christianity (including the fake so-called “conservatives”) have heavily corrupted institutional “Christianity” and made anti-White cultural marxism a non-negotiable, integral part of modern mainstream “Christianity”.

    These traitors even have the nerve to falsely claim that you can’t be a Christian unless you embrace race-mixing, zionism, jew worship, etc.

    For example, the lying heretics at Protestia had the nerve to Tweet that anyone who doesn’t enthusiastically celebrate interracial marriage is committing a sin.

    Of course, the false teachers at Protestia are LYING, but when people see even the so-called “conservative Christians” spewing anti-White ideology, that alienates many people from Christianity.

    After all, what decent, good, or honorable person would want to follow a religion which demands that you become a traitor to your own race and embrace the destruction of your own race?

    The false teachers who lead modern mainstream “Christianity” are guilty of driving countless people away from Christ.

    The depraved false teachers, due to their cowardice, their lust for earthly rewards, and their desire to curry favor with the evil jews, have twisted and corrupted “Christianity” into a cultural marxist, anti-White ideology.

    So it’s no surprise that disillusioned young people, looking for spiritual fulfillment that they cannot find in modern mainstream “Christianity”, instead start following wicked charlatans such as Andrew Tate.

    As CS Lewis said, the soul, like the body, must be fed. If you deny the soul healthy food, it will devour poison.

    Modern mainstream “Christianity” is subversive, vapid, and meaningless.

    In modern mainstream “Christianity”, believing in Jesus Christ is optional, but supporting race-mixing and jew worship is mandatory.

    The only thing modern mainstream “Christianity” stands for is zionism, holocaust guilt, jew worship, race-mixing, black/brown men marrying White women, and open borders.

    Since modern mainstream “Christianity” isn’t offering healthy spiritual food, many people (especially young people) are lured into consuming spiritual poison such as Andrew Tate.

    The only solution to this problem is a COMPLETE and TOTAL REVAMP of modern mainstream “Christianity.”

    The True Christian Faith of past centuries must be restored.

    The traitorous lying false teachers within Christianity (especially the so-called “conservatives” who promote liberal doctrine such as zionism and race-mixing) must be excommunicated, purged out of Christianity, denounced as heretical lying traitors, and shunned.

    ALL (((cultural marxist))) teachings, such as zionism, holocaust guilt, jew worship, race-mixing, interracial relationships, etc MUST be TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY PURGED AND REMOVED from Christianity and treated as heresy.

    Christianity must be restored as a wholesome, traditional, spiritually healthy religion that people are enthusiastic to fight for, a cause that inspires people.

    That is the ONLY way that the decline of Christianity among the people will be reversed.

    In past centuries, people were willing to fight and die for the cause of Christianity: the Crusaders, the Spaniards who liberated Spain from the muslims, the Christian sailors who defeated the Turks at Lepanto, and many others.

    Christianity used to be a cause that people were willing to fight and die for.

    That is no longer the case.

    Nobody wants to fight or die for an anti-White ideology which teaches that “god” will punish you if you don’t celebrate White women marrying black men.

    Modern mainstream “Christianity” has become subversive, harmful, and destructive, due to being CORRUPTED and TWISTED by the LYING false teachers.

    If the decline of Christianity is to be reversed, the lying false teachers and their treasonous anti-White ideology must be COMPLETELY and TOTALLY REMOVED AND EXPELLED from Christianity.

    Christianity must repudiate and rebuke the lying false teachers, and treat these evil charlatans as the lying heretical traitors that they are.

  2. There is nowhere in the Bible that could be taken as encouraging marriage between blacks and whites(unless you take it grossly out of context) and several places that could be taken as discouraging it by implication. If the white race is not worth preserving, I don’t know what in nature is. So no one should be excommunicated for opposing interracial marriage, unless perhaps they hold it over the heads of couples that have already married. It’s truly insane how many people seem to think the total mixture of the races would be a good thing.

  3. Dear Ray Fava.

    For a few months I’ve followed your channel to much consternation and prayer regarding discernment.

    If the crowd you draw and content you produce provides a place for people who legitimately believe being white has any spiritual implications then I think it’s very clear which direction discernment avails towards.

    “If the white race is not worth preserving I don’t know what nature is”

    I am genuinely wondering, do you affirm when people who subscribe to your content say things like this. The Gospel has plenty to say on race and it’s found in Galatians 3:28
    There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female for you are all one in Christ Jesus”
    Colossians 3:11
    Here there is not Greek nor Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, Sythian, Slave, Free but Christ is all and in all.

    At the very least among Christian’s we must accept there is nothing wrong with race mixing and that ethnicity plays 0 role in the life of a human. There’s one race, the human race. This is the biblical worldview at the very least for those within the Church. The gathered ones are gathered for the sake of worshipping Christ and his grave upon their life.

    Genuinely asking as a last attempt to see your heart and in good Christian fellowship discourse with you as a brother in Christ. I don’t have any reason to believe otherwise. However a response to whether you affirm or avow the statements that regularly frequent your comment section like the ones above will indeed be telling.

  4. Noah, for some reason these guys have been commenting a lot here and Protestia. Their views are unbiblical and I doubt Ray agrees with them (although I can’t speak for him). He may “appreciate” them to the degree they supposedly support Christian Nationalism. But like you, I have wondered about this site drawing those people. It would be nice if he would speak clearly about his views on this.

  5. Noah, it also says neither male nor female. You don’t need much scripture to know that it would be better for a Christian man like me to marry an atheist woman than a Christian man. Does being white make you a better Christian? Of course not! But in a world where we try to preserve the virtually indistinguishable species of orangutans, it is insane to want the races(or varieties of humans, if you rather) to mingle into one, as just a single human being, regardless of race, is worth much more than any given species of animal.

  6. Hey Noah,

    I don’t really respond to comments on here and moderate to prevent spam; otherwise, I allow free speech, even the ones I disagree with. The quote that you mention I haven’t read. There’s a context it would I would agree with it and a context I would not. I think it would be bad if European peoples went extinct, for instance. If the statement is instead meant to elevate preserving Whites as the highest calling then I would disagree, of course. Moreover, I do not believe interracial marriage is itself a sin. I would disagree with you that the race of Adam excludes more specific races, since race and ethnicity are biblically synonymous and nations have a patrilineal ancestry (ie Abraham or the table of nations in Genesis). The gospel is the basis for uniting different races bringing together what God specifically separated in Genesis 11. And needless to say, I have no animosity towards different races.

  7. Thank you for a thoughtful comment and response and responding, it really did bless me to not wake up in an internet war.

    Keep following Christ,

    Noah Stuckel

  8. There is Jew and Greek, male and female, rich and poor. Sorry, but Paul can’t deny reality. If this is meant to be taken literally, then Paul would be pro-tranny and thus a heretic. He didn’t mean it the way Noachide is implying. Period. Race mixing with blacks is a sin. Race mixing with Asians or Native Americans is ok. Because race mixing with them doesn’t erase the White IQ or even color; race mixing with blacks produces a lower animal.

  9. Hmmm, right on cue, a “fellow Christian” named Noah has entered the chat, spewing typical anti-White talking points, and manipulatively twisting and lying about Scripture.
    I wonder if Noah has any jewish ancestry, which would explain his manipulative efforts to twist the meaning of Scripture in an attempt to gaslight White people into embracing racial suicide.
    In any case, Noah is deliberately twisting and perverting the meaning of Galatians 3:29.
    As “Civil Rights Apostate” pointed out in his post, Galatians 3:29 also says that there is no male or female.
    Is Noah claiming that Christians should not recognize gender, and that gender doesn’t exist if you are a Christian, so homosexual marriage and transgenderism are fine? Because that is the logical conclusion, if you subscribe to Noah’s interpretation of Galatians 3:29. If that verse is taken to mean that race doesn’t exist, then gender doesn’t exist either, and men should be allowed to marry men, and transgender men should be allowed to pretend to be women and use the women’s restrooms and compete in women’s sports, etc.
    Of course, the truth is that Noah is a manipulative LIAR, who is subversively twisting and perverting the meaning of Scripture to serve evil genocidal anti-White purposes.
    Galatians 3:29 simply means that everyone can come to Christ and be part of Christianity, regardless of ethnicity and race.
    Galatians 3:29 does NOT mean that separate races and separate peoples should not exist.
    If God didn’t want separate races to exist, He wouldn’t have bothered to create the separate races each with their own unique characteristics, attributes, and physical appearance.
    Indeed, in Revelation 7:9, it describes people from every nation and tongue, from all tribes and peoples and languages.
    Did you get that Noah?
    It says people from every NATION and TRIBE. Separate nations and separate tribes for separate people, all welcome at Christ’s Table. That is God’s Will.
    Rev 7:9 does NOT say that there was one big crowd of brown people, because all the races had been mixed together.
    Race-mixing is an act of rebellion against God. Race-mixing is essentially saying that God made a big mistake by creating different races, and that you will fix God’s mistake by blending the races together.
    Race-mixing is basically the sexual equivalent of building the tower of babel in rebellion against the natural order of things that God set up.
    Furthermore, race-mixing serves the interests of the antichrist, because if all the races and peoples of the world are blended together, then there is no logical reason for separate countries to continue to exist, because there would no longer be separate unique peoples who each need their own country.
    Thus, the logical result of race-mixing will be a global, one world government.
    And the Bible warns us that the one world government will be ruled by the antichrist.
    Race-mixing serves the interests of the antichrist by blending the separate races into one big global race, which will usher in a one world government ruled by the antichrist.
    Furthermore, in your post you stated: “At the very least among Christian’s we must accept there is nothing wrong with race mixing and that ethnicity plays 0 role in the life of a human. There’s one race, the human race.”
    That is provably false, and you know it, you liar.
    In addition to the spiritual reasons I mentioned above, it is totally obvious to anyone who is honest that ethnicity and race play an enormous role in the life of a human.
    Race is the reason that White countries are well-run, safe, and wholesome, while African countries are an uncivilized mess.
    Race is the reason that Norway and France and Denmark are first world countries with a high standard of living, while Somalia and the Congo are third world pits.
    Race is the reason that ever since White rule ended in Rhodesia and South Africa, those countries have descended into violent chaos, because the black majority is incapable of running their country in a civilized manner.
    Race is the reason why you can walk around at 2AM in complete safety in rural West Virginia or rural Vermont, but not in urban Detroit or Baltimore.
    Race is the reason why Europeans have Beethoven and Mozart and Shakespeare and Michelangelo and Leonardo DaVinci, while Africans have rap music and ghetto graffiti.
    Race is the reason why Europeans have the Cathedral of Notre Dame and the Sistine Chapel and Neuschwanstein Castle and the Palace of Versailles, while Africans have nothing.
    Race is the reason why thousands of years ago, Europe already had the coliseum and the parthenon and the acropolis, but Africans today wouldn’t even have the wheel or roads or multi-story buildings and would still be living in mud huts and wearing loin cloths, if Europeans hadn’t brought technology and civilization to Africa.
    Race is the determinant for whether a country is safe and wholesome and civilized, or a violent barbaric mess.
    Separate races absolutely exist, and anyone who claims that “there is just one race, the human race”, is either a LIAR or a brainwashed idiot. Which one of those are you, Noah?
    The differences in the races are also scientifically and biologically undeniable. For example, the bone marrow and even blood are often non-transferrable to people of different races.
    If there was only “one race, the human race” as Noah claims, then the British National Health service wouldn’t be begging for non-White bone marrow donors, because all bone marrow donors and recipients would be interchangeable.
    But that isn’t the case, because separate races exist.
    Indeed, mixed-race children often can’t receive bone marrow donations from THEIR OWN PARENTS, because they are too racially different than their parents, so they need bone marrow donations from a stranger with a similar racial mixture.
    Does that sound like God’s Will and God’s natural order to you: a mixed-race child needs a bone marrow donation from a COMPLETE STRANGER, because the mixed-race child is incompatible with their own parents’ bone marrow?
    It is totally obvious that race-mixing violates God’s Will and the natural order that God set up.
    Here’s another article: “Why Ethnicity Matters For Bone Marrow Transplants”:
    And here’s another article:
    Oh, and here’s an article from the Department of Veterans Affairs asking for black blood donors:
    And here’s another article, which says: “Blood from Black donors has specific properties that make it a better match for Black people who need transfusions, like people with sickle cell disease.”
    What was that you were saying about how race doesn’t matter because “tHeRe’S oNLy oNe rAcE, tHe hUmAn rAcE”?
    If there’s only one race, then why are blood transfusions and bone marrow transfusions largely race dependent? Hmmmmm.
    The truth is that there ARE separate races, and race absolutely matters. Everything: culture, society, civilization, are all determined by race.
    And the most accomplished and highest-performing race is the White race, as proven by history.
    Thus, mixing the White race which invented space travel, with the Black race which lived in mud huts until White people brought them civilization, is detrimental to human progress.
    Mixing the White race of Mozart and Beethoven and DaVinci and Michelangelo, with the Black race of rap music, is harmful and destructive to the White race.
    Mixing a higher-performing race with a lower-performing race is harmful and destructive, in the same way that mixing a class of Advanced Placement students from the suburbs with inner city ghetto students would harm the Advanced Placement students.
    Race-mixing is contrary to God’s Will, and contrary to the laws of nature that God set up.
    Wanting to preserve the beautiful White race is a noble goal, and a goal we will achieve.
    God created the unique separate races, and God clearly wants the unique separate races to continue to exist, separately, until Jesus Christ returns.

  10. “There is Jew and Greek, male and female, rich and poor. Sorry, but Paul can’t deny reality. If this is meant to be taken literally, then Paul would be pro-tranny and thus a heretic. He didn’t mean it the way Noachide is implying.”

    Precisely Dave.

    If the Scriptural interpretation of subversive liberals such as “fellow Christian” Noah is accurate, then the Bible is saying that gender doesn’t exist and that homosexual marriage is fine, and that it’s fine for transgender men to pretend to be women and it’s fine for men to use women’s restrooms and shower with women and play in women’s sports.

    Of course, Mr. “Fellow Christian” Noah is a manipulative LIAR, subversively trying to gaslight and deceive White people into embracing racial destruction of the White race.

    Mr. “Fellow Christian” Noah thought he would get away with spewing cultural marxist talking points.

    But his manipulative genocidal anti-White lies have been refuted thoroughly and totally.

  11. Jere said: “Their views are unbiblical”

    Actually, our views are the correct biblical views that devout Christians believed in for 2000 years until the 1970s, when anti-White cultural marxism became pervasive throughout modern mainstream “Christianity.”

    Are you really claiming that ALL of the devout Christians for 2000 years who believed in racial separation were ALL doing Christianity WRONG, and the modern woke cuck-vangelicals are the first people to magically figure out how to do Christianity right?

    Are you seriously claiming that?

    The only reason the modern mainstream “Christianity” supports race-mixing is because most modern mainstream “Christians” are terrified of being called racist and are desperate for the approval and favor of modern secular antichrist society.

    The modern “Christian” embrace of race-mixing is entirely motivated by a desire to conform with antichrist secular society and show off how politically-correct and progressive modern “Christians” are.

    In other words, cultural marxist virtue signaling.

    As I mentioned above, for 2000 years pretty much ALL White Christians believed that race-mixing is a sin and an act of rebellion against God.

    This belief only changed starting in the 1970s, because Christians were eager to conform with cultural marxist secular antichrist society.

    Do you really expect us to believe that the devout Christians for almost 2000 years ALL did Christianity wrong, until modern secular antichrist society finally showed Christians how to do Christianity right?

    Is that likely?

    Or is it a lot more likely that the modern Christians who have embraced race-mixing are only doing so due to the corrupting influence of antichrist secular progressive society?

  12. I wrote a long reply to Noah, which for some reason does not seem to have posted.
    Please tell me that this website isn’t censoring comments the way leftwing websites do.
    It would be very disappointing if this website is censoring comments that progressives consider to be “politically incorrect.”
    In any case, I saved my comment in case it got lost, so I will try posting it again:
    Hmmm, right on cue, a “fellow Christian” named Noah has entered the chat, spewing typical anti-White talking points, and manipulatively twisting and lying about Scripture.
    I wonder if Noah has any jewish ancestry, which would explain his manipulative efforts to twist the meaning of Scripture in an attempt to gaslight White people into embracing racial suicide.
    In any case, Noah is deliberately twisting and perverting the meaning of Galatians 3:29.
    As “Civil Rights Apostate” pointed out in his post, Galatians 3:29 also says that there is no male or female.
    Is Noah claiming that Christians should not recognize gender, and that gender doesn’t exist if you are a Christian, so homosexual marriage and transgenderism are fine? Because that is the logical conclusion, if you subscribe to Noah’s interpretation of Galatians 3:29. If that verse is taken to mean that race doesn’t exist, then gender doesn’t exist either, and men should be allowed to marry men, and transgender men should be allowed to pretend to be women and use the women’s restrooms and compete in women’s sports, etc.
    Of course, the truth is that Noah is a manipulative LIAR, who is subversively twisting and perverting the meaning of Scripture to serve evil genocidal anti-White purposes.
    Galatians 3:29 simply means that everyone can come to Christ and be part of Christianity, regardless of ethnicity and race.
    Galatians 3:29 does NOT mean that separate races and separate peoples should not exist.
    If God didn’t want separate races to exist, He wouldn’t have bothered to create the separate races each with their own unique characteristics, attributes, and physical appearance.
    Indeed, in Revelation 7:9, it describes people from every nation and tongue, from all tribes and peoples and languages.
    Did you get that Noah?
    It says people from every NATION and TRIBE. Separate nations and separate tribes for separate people, all welcome at Christ’s Table. That is God’s Will.
    Rev 7:9 does NOT say that there was one big crowd of brown people, because all the races had been mixed together.
    Race-mixing is an act of rebellion against God. Race-mixing is essentially saying that God made a big mistake by creating different races, and that you will fix God’s mistake by blending the races together.
    Race-mixing is basically the sexual equivalent of building the tower of babel in rebellion against the natural order of things that God set up.
    Furthermore, race-mixing serves the interests of the antichrist, because if all the races and peoples of the world are blended together, then there is no logical reason for separate countries to continue to exist, because there would no longer be separate unique peoples who each need their own country.
    Thus, the logical result of race-mixing will be a global, one world government.
    And the Bible warns us that the one world government will be ruled by the antichrist.
    Race-mixing serves the interests of the antichrist by blending the separate races into one big global race, which will usher in a one world government ruled by the antichrist.
    Furthermore, in your post you stated: “At the very least among Christian’s we must accept there is nothing wrong with race mixing and that ethnicity plays 0 role in the life of a human. There’s one race, the human race.”
    That is provably false, and you know it, you liar.
    In addition to the spiritual reasons I mentioned above, it is totally obvious to anyone who is honest that ethnicity and race play an enormous role in the life of a human.
    Race is the reason that White countries are well-run, safe, and wholesome, while African countries are an uncivilized mess.
    Race is the reason that Norway and France and Denmark are first world countries with a high standard of living, while Somalia and the Congo are third world pits.
    Race is the reason that ever since White rule ended in Rhodesia and South Africa, those countries have descended into violent chaos, because the black majority is incapable of running their country in a civilized manner.
    Race is the reason why you can walk around at 2AM in complete safety in rural West Virginia or rural Vermont, but not in urban Detroit or Baltimore.
    Race is the reason why Europeans have Beethoven and Mozart and Shakespeare and Michelangelo and Leonardo DaVinci, while Africans have rap music and ghetto graffiti.
    Race is the reason why Europeans have the Cathedral of Notre Dame and the Sistine Chapel and Neuschwanstein Castle and the Palace of Versailles, while Africans have nothing.
    Race is the reason why thousands of years ago, Europe already had the coliseum and the parthenon and the acropolis, but Africans today wouldn’t even have the wheel or roads or multi-story buildings and would still be living in mud huts and wearing loin cloths, if Europeans hadn’t brought technology and civilization to Africa.
    Race is the determinant for whether a country is safe and wholesome and civilized, or a violent barbaric mess.
    Separate races absolutely exist, and anyone who claims that “there is just one race, the human race”, is either a LIAR or a brainwashed idiot. Which one of those are you, Noah?
    The differences in the races are also scientifically and biologically undeniable. For example, the bone marrow and even blood are often non-transferrable to people of different races.
    If there was only “one race, the human race” as Noah claims, then the British National Health service wouldn’t be begging for non-White bone marrow donors, because all bone marrow donors and recipients would be interchangeable.
    But that isn’t the case, because separate races exist.
    Indeed, mixed-race children often can’t receive bone marrow donations from THEIR OWN PARENTS, because they are too racially different than their parents, so they need bone marrow donations from a stranger with a similar racial mixture.
    Does that sound like God’s Will and God’s natural order to you: a mixed-race child needs a bone marrow donation from a COMPLETE STRANGER, because the mixed-race child is incompatible with their own parents’ bone marrow?
    It is totally obvious that race-mixing violates God’s Will and the natural order that God set up.
    Here’s another article: “Why Ethnicity Matters For Bone Marrow Transplants”:
    And here’s another article:
    Oh, and here’s an article from the Department of Veterans Affairs asking for black blood donors:
    And here’s another article, which says: “Blood from Black donors has specific properties that make it a better match for Black people who need transfusions, like people with sickle cell disease.”
    What was that you were saying about how race doesn’t matter because “tHeRe’S oNLy oNe rAcE, tHe hUmAn rAcE”?
    If there’s only one race, then why are blood transfusions and bone marrow transfusions largely race dependent? Hmmmmm.
    The truth is that there ARE separate races, and race absolutely matters. Everything: culture, society, civilization, are all determined by race.
    And the most accomplished and highest-performing race is the White race, as proven by history.
    Thus, mixing the White race which invented space travel, with the Black race which lived in mud huts until White people brought them civilization, is detrimental to human progress.
    Mixing the White race of Mozart and Beethoven and DaVinci and Michelangelo, with the Black race of rap music, is harmful and destructive to the White race.
    Mixing a higher-performing race with a lower-performing race is harmful and destructive, in the same way that mixing a class of Advanced Placement students from the suburbs with inner city ghetto students would harm the Advanced Placement students.
    Race-mixing is contrary to God’s Will, and contrary to the laws of nature that God set up.
    Wanting to preserve the beautiful White race is a noble goal, and a goal we will achieve.
    God created the unique separate races, and God clearly wants the unique separate races to continue to exist, separately, until Jesus Christ returns.

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