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Pope Francis based

Did Pope Francis Just Embrace Sola Scriptura?

Pope Francis has a reputation for double-minded statements and a generally incoherent worldview. For instance, Pope Francis allowed for homosexual couples to be blessed in a non-liturgical manner yet he also reviles effeminacy and crossdressing. In another interesting episode, Pope Francis appears to have endorsed Sola Scriptura, a Protestant distinctive.

Pope Francis posted on X:

In the midst of the confusion and vanity of human words, we need the Word Of God. Scripture is the only true compass for our journey, and it alone is capable of leading us back to the true meaning of life amid so much woundedness and confusion.

Pope Francis appears to assert that Scripture is the source for meaning and healing in life. Protestants would obviously agree. But the Papist will assert that Pope Francis is not saying that Scripture is the true compass for defining church dogma and practice.

However, as Christian YouTuber, Redeemed Zoomer pointed out, if a Protestant said what Pope Francis said, they would disagree. Yet when Pope Francis said it, they agreed. So the question remains: by what standard?

This is not the first time that Pope Francis has emphasized the importance of Scripture, something that is often refreshing to hear from a Papist.

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4 Responses

  1. Let’s not get our hopes up irrationally. All previous history strongly suggests that Francis is a heretic and that the clear declarations of the Word of God do not inform his judgement (e.g., homosexuality is condemned in both testaments, yet Francis permits it being blessed). From his point of view, the “scriptures” to which he refers could as easily be Tobit, Judith, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus / Sirach / Ben Sira, 1–2 Maccabees, Baruch, and the additions to Daniel and Esther. He should clearly specify to which writing he refers to as “scriptures.” But he won’t – he’s too savvy a radical to be pinned down like that. “Sola Scriptura” has no place in his faith.

  2. Vatican II already admitted Protestants are saved, confession to a priest is not strictly necessary, the EO are as valid as Rome, etc. The modern hierarchy is not anywhere near as exclusionary as the delusional Catholic apologists and their braindead listeners. And early in Francis’ pontificate he seemed to be trying to steer Catholics away from Mary Worship, but the cardinals or whoever reigned him in so you began to see him bowing to Mary statues. The modern popes know bro; but the institution has to be nudged slowly. Can’t let the Catholic frogs know they’re boiling them towards Lutheranism too fast or they’ll jump out the pot. But JPII signed a concord agreement with the Lutherans saying they also believe in sola fide back in the late 90s. And Francis has said before something like “Luther restored to the church something of the gospel which it had lost.” If the Sedevacantists don’t get in control somehow, Catholicism will turn into Lutheranism by next century.

  3. @Winston, Tobit, Judith, Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach, 1–2 Maccabees, Baruch, and the additions to Daniel and Esther aren’t that bad. 2 Mac 12 doesn’t teach purgatory nor prayer to saints but just that Jews back then believed in a resurrection of the righteous only and in sacrifices being retroactive. Baruch is just rhetoric against idolatry that we could easily use against Mary statues. Judith is no worse than Esther; the additions to Esther just try to solve the problem of Mordecai and Esther being heathen secular Jews by inventing prayers and putting them in their mouths. 1 and 2 Mac is just history about some kings which is also found in Josephus. Sirach is mainly a rehash of Proverbs. Tobit is goofy, but surely anyone who reads it can tell its meant to be funny, right? The worst thing in Tobit and Sirach may be “alms makes atonement for sin” but Jesus already solved that in Luke “give alms of such as you have and all things are clean unto you” meaning alms could only atone for kosher violations, so who cares, the kosher law is gone anyway.

  4. Fun fact about Vatican 2, which trashed centuries of traditional Catholic teachings/beliefs, and replaced it with jew worship, holocaust groveling, and cultural marxism.

    The string-pullers behind Vatican 2 were the jews.

    “Fellow Catholics” of jewish ethnicity were the ones who formulated the Vatican 2 policies and subverted the Catholic Church to serve jewish-supremacist interests.

    After accomplishing that, some of these jewish “fellow Catholics” had the nerve to convert back to judaism, since their job of subverting the Catholic Church was complete.

    For example, this guy:éza_Vermes

    Others didn’t officially convert back to judaism, but continued to pretend to be “fellow Catholics” and continued to subvert the Catholic Church to serve jewish-supremacist interests.

    For example, these two:

    In order to prevent Christianity from being infiltrated and subverted by jewish supremacists, it is necessary to view ALL jews who claim to have “converted” to Christianity, with a very high degree of suspicion.

    ALL jewish “converts” to Christianity should only be considered bona fide Christians if they are willing to vocally denounce the evil jewish tribe, and proactively warn everyone about how evil the jews are.

    Any “convert” who is unwilling to vocally and actively denounce the jews, should be considered a jew, regardless of whether that “convert” claims to be a “fellow Christian.”

    If it seems unfair to view jewish “converts” to Christianity with the utmost suspicion, well, it’s not the fault of Christians that throughout history, jewish “converts” continually pretend to be “fellow Christians” in order to twist and manipulate Christianity to serve jewish interests.

    Viewing jewish “converts” to Christianity with the utmost suspicion is an absolutely necessary self-defense measure, which is vital to prevent the jews from infiltrating and taking over Christianity, and subverting and twisting Christianity to serve jewish interests.

    Any genuine converts to Christianity will understand this, and will want to warn everyone about how evil and depraved the jews are.

    An example of a genuine convert to Christianity is the famous Brother Nathaniel, who is ethnically jewish but converted to Orthodox Christianity and became a monk. Brother Nathaniel makes videos exposing the jews as evil, because he is a genuine Christian who wants to warn everyone about how dangerous the wicked jews are.

    Because of his proven hostility to the jews, Brother Nathaniel has shown that he is a genuine convert to Christianity.

    But unfortunately, the vast majority of jewish “converts” are NOT like Brother Nathaniel, but rather are subversive infiltrators hoping to twist and manipulate Christianity to serve jewish interests.

    That is why it is an absolutely necessary self-defense measure to view ethnic jews who claim to have “converted” with a very high degree of suspicion, due to the long history of jews pretending to be “fellow Christians” in order to subvert and manipulate Christianity from within.

    Genuine converts will understand that Christians need to protect the Christian faith against jewish subversion.

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