Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

Sills Defamation Lawsuit Against SBC Delayed Until 2026

The Johnny Hunt defamation lawsuit proceeds to trial on November 12, barring setbacks, against the Southern Baptist Convention, et. al. This is the most bombastic lawsuit facing the Southern Baptist Convention because Hunt was a former SBC president and his salacious misdeeds were the biggest revelation of the report, despite being outside the scope of […]

David Sills Lawsuits Survives SBC’s Motion To Dismiss

The Southern Baptist Convention has not had a good week in court, despite the promising news about the DOJ investigation. After heavily investing in an abuse crisis narrative, the Southern Baptist Convention found itself with multiple defamation lawsuits. The first one of prominence was from David Sills who was made out to be a sex […]

Discovery Allowed In David Sill Lawsuit Against SBC

David Sills was the most prominent figure portrayed as a sex abuser, despite the allegations against him categorically not being sexual abuse. As a result, David Sills filed a lawsuit in Alabama seeking recourse for defamation. The Mississippi resident’s case in Alabama has been contested with minimum contact grounds in Alabama, which has resulted in the […]

David Sills Refiles Lawsuit Against SBC in Tennessee

David Sills was the most prominent figure portrayed as a sex abuser, despite the allegations against him categorically not being sexual abuse. As a result, David Sills filed a lawsuit in Alabama seeking recourse for defamation. The Mississippi resident’s case in Alabama has been contested with minimum contact grounds in Alabama, which has resulted in […]

SBC Wants To Pay Pro-Homosexual Law Firm $2 Million To Build Slander Website

The Southern Baptist Convention announced that the Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force recommends that Guidepost Solutions build their database website of pastors “credibly accused” of sex abuse. Guidepost Solutions is a the pro-grooming lawfirm that the Southern Baptist Convention contracted to investigate sex abuse and sex abuse coverups. They revealed no unknown instances of sex […]

Christian Post Misrepresents David Sills Lawsuit

A major development in the Southern Baptist Convention is the defamation lawsuit filed by David Sills, a former seminary professor, against the SBC and other major entities and persons. Unfortunately, it took the Christian Post to the 17th of December to report on a story that broke around Thanksgiving last month. In their reporting they […]

Why Al Mohler Lied About Dr. David Sills Al Mohler, the president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, has been listed, long with his seminary, as a defendant in Dr. David Sills defamation lawsuit against the Southern Baptist Convention. The lawsuit surrounds an affair that David Sills had with Jennifer Lyell, at one time the most powerful woman in the SBC as a […]

BNG Attacks Tom Ascol, Tom Buck, and Megan Basham After breaking the initial story about David Sills filing a defamation lawsuit against the SBC, prominent figures, and Guidepost, Baptist News Global did not wait long to write a hit piece against supportive voices of the lawsuit, namely Tom Ascol, Tom Buck, and Megan Basham. The first two are prominent pastors in the SBC […]

Is David Sills The Next Johnny Depp? Earlier this year we saw Johnny Depp win a major defamation lawsuit against his ex-wife who maligned him as a wife-beater, during the height of the MeToo Movement. This was in contrast to the Southern Baptist Convention going full MeToo with the Sex Abuse Task Force Report that promoted the Jennifer Lyell narrative. Big […]

David Sills Sues Southern Baptist Convention For Defamation

For the past few years, the Southern Baptist Convention has contended that David Sills is a sex abuser and Jennifer Lyell was a victim. While the Southern Baptist Convention would go on to pay in a defamation suit brought by Jennifer Lyell over one million dollars, nothing of her retconned claims have been remotely close […]