Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

The Willy Rice Redemption Arc

Back in 2022, Willy Rice was nominated to replace Ed Litton as Southern Baptist President, but before the convention, scandal torpedoed him. At the time, Willy Rice was in league with the liberal bloc who advanced Critical Race Theory and the abuse narrative on churches. He famously gave the convention sermon where he said “Being […]

Tom Buck, Willy Rice Publicly Reconcile Over KarenGate

Last year, the Southern Baptist Convention had a trilogy of scandals leading up to Bart Barber’s nomination and eventual election as president of the Southern Baptist Convention. It began with Ed Litton’s Sermongate scandal in which he was caught serially plagiarizing sermons from the outgoing SBC president JD Greear. Litton would choose to not seek […]

The Karengate Conspiracy: Willy Rice, Tom Buck, and Karen Swallow Prior The scandals of the Southern Baptist Convention continue to mount as Deacongate would get a sequel called Karengate, aptly coined by Dr. Bobby Lopez after Karen Swallow Prior. The “Notorious KSP” is at the center of a story involving lies, blackmail, and coverups. Willy Rice Lied On April 1st, Willy Rice came forward on […]

Major Simp Bart Barber nominated for SBC President

In the aftermath of Willy Rice withdrawing his name for consideration to be the next SBC President, Bart Barber has joined the race. In the past, Bart Barber has been Ed Litton’s biggest simp. He was therefore made chair of the Resolutions Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention. Willy Rice withdrew his name for consideration […]

Willy Rice drops out of SBC Presidential Race over Deacongate In a strange turn of events, Willy Rice has lost favor with the hands that were propping him up and has withdrawn his name from consideration for president of the Southern Baptist Convention. This follows this campaign scandal of deacongate, whereby he ousted a deacon from office in his church for committing a sexual […]

Robin Hadaway runs for SBC President

The anticipation for the Annual Southern Baptist Convention continues to build up as another candidate for SBC president is getting his hat thrown into the ring. Robin Hadaway, a professor of missions at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has joined the race. He is being nominated by Wade Akins, a longtime missionary who served in Rwanda. […]

DarkLinks 47: Exposing Willy Rice

Ed Litton’s decision to not run again in 2022, citing sermongate as a primary reason, makes the Annual Southern Baptist Convention of 2022 competitive. The Southern Baptist elites had Willy Rice ready to receive nomination a day after the Litton announcement was made. Following this announcement, grassroots Evangelical publications gave the remnant within the Southern […]

SBC Elite Willy Rice A Client of Docent Research Group In the Annual Southern Baptist Convention of 2021, Willy Rice gave the convention sermon, an honor bestowed upon elites in the Southern Baptist Convention. And predictably he used the pulpit to snipe at ecclesiastical opponents, those who oppose Critical Race Theory. He also simped for Beth Moore, as previously covered on Evangelical Dark Web. […]

Beth Moore vs Lottie Moon

At the Annual Southern Baptist Convention of 2021, Willy Rice gave the convention sermon. And while he used his bully pulpit to talk down on the grassroots, he received numerous rounds of applause by the convention floor and on social media afterwards. While he denied that Critical Race Theory was a real problem, furthermore denying […]