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Support small church livestream efforts

In a time when many churches are resorting to livestreaming, either under threat of government or on their own volition, as Christians we should help one another. Pulpit and Pen is doing just that. Doctrinally sound churches with with congregations under 50 qualify for a free HD livestreaming web camera to help them get through these rough times.

Not every church can afford to purchase equipment to set up livestreaming. This bodes especially true when churches are suffering in tithes because of lost wages due to our impending economic recession and no services for people to attend. But assisting these churches in delivering a Sunday message will help distribute the Word.

Please consider donating to this cause here as I will be doing so.

There are two reasons why I support JD Hall amidst him being such a controversial figure:

  1. This man preaches an uncompromising gospel
  2. He actually cares about the ‘little guy’ against the Pharisaical establishment.

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