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Rob Reiner South Park

Rob Reiner Produces Anti-Christian Nationalist Movie

Rob Reiner has a prolific filmmaking career that includes classics like This Is Spinal Tap and A Few Good Men. But ever since the mid-1990s, Rob Reiner has been more of a political activist first starting as an anti-tobacco voice and then becoming a major Rainbow Jihad advocate as well. The former made him the butt of a South Park episode. Nevertheless, his decades of being a rabid liberal are well documented, so it’s only a little surprising that he has produced a documentary opposing Christian Nationalism.

The documentary features several figures in Big Eva who have long peddled liberalism including Phil Vischer, Jemar Tisby, Rev. Rob Schenck, Kristin Du Mez, Russell Moore, David French, William Barber II, and Skye Jethani.

Most of these names are well-known wolves, especially David French, a proponent of transgendering kids, Russell Moore, the EIC of Christianity Today, and Kristin Du Mez, author of Jesus and John Wayne.

Rob Schenck once argued that abortion can’t be murder because so many women have them

The atheist Jew, Rob Reiner, needed some fake Christians to attack real Christians and had no problem finding the usual whores to come to his aid.

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One Response

  1. They justify wickedness, condemn righteousness, and imply that God’s standards are burdensome, oppressive, and authoritarian.

    They advocate for athiest/pagan/humanist nationalism. They advocate for the establishment and imposition of belief at the national level – just not belief that aligns with scripture. But belief that is burdensome, oppressive, and authoritarian toward Christians.

    No Christian should do such things. No truly born again Christian would.

    In the trailer, the one woman asked what would be done with those who “don’t believe this stuff”. It’s a fair question, and it’s good that she recognizes it is indeed a matter of incompatible beliefs on either side.

    Well, that question was addressed by Christian federalists who founded this country. The solution is to not establish and impose any belief at the federal level. Establishment of belief should be reserved to states, counties, cities, towns, etc.. If the atheists didn’t like what Christians believe, they can go live in the atheist town. Pagans can live in the pagan town. Porneia worshipers can live in sodom or gomorrah. Humanists can go live in the humanist town. Everybody stays in their lane, and nobody’s beliefs are forcibly imposed on anyone else.

    That’s the way it was supposed to work. No imposing of so-called “gay marriage” on the entire country. No imposition of transvestism and the belief that someone can become the opposite sex. No forcing people in other states, counties, cities or towns to support or fund the slaughter of the unborn. No law or policy that would force anyone to violate their conscience, and to defy God and His word, would exist at the federal level. None.

    Such an approach is congruent with scripture. 1 Cor. 5, and other scriptures, say not to associate – i.e., be separate. And it also says not to go out and judge the world. The solution given in 1 Cor. 5 is essentially federalist. Don’t go imposing on them. Don’t put up with them imposing on us.

    If they’re truly serious about not establishing and imposing any beliefs at the federal level, then they can start by undoing the existent establishment and imposition of beliefs that has surpassed tolerable limits in the past decade.

    Otherwise, standing there saying Christians should be forced to violate our conscience so the wicked don’t have to violate theirs, accomplishes nothing but to expose them as the apostate fakes and frauds that they are.

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