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Christian Post Promotes Replacement Of Native Scots

The Christian Post often publishes articles akin to press releases for major or minor organizations in Christianity. And while the comment section of Christian Post is rather liberal, the articles themselves are neoconservative. So when they unwittingly (or deliberately) promote a woke politician in Scotland who advocates replacing native Scots under the guise of Christianity, it is a rather noteworthy development.

In an article titled, Kate Forbes tells Scotland’s Christians not to ‘fear,’ Church is pivotal to fixing nation’s problems, Christian Post promotes a woke organization that is actively working against Scotland’s Christian heritage.

Scotland’s deputy first minister has sought to reassure Christians that they have a role to play in helping the country address its challenges.

Speaking at an event at the Scottish Parliament hosted by the Evangelical Alliance, Kate Forbes encouraged Christians to be confident in seeking to serve the nation and their communities in love.

Evangelical Alliance is a woke organization that appears as though a UK equivalent of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention or the National Association of Evangelicals, both liberal organizations. Kate Forbes is a politician that Christian Post has promoted in the past. She’s an MP in Scotland.

The event was held on Wednesday to mark the publication of the Evangelical Alliance’s new report, What Kind of Nation?, which sets out a number of priority areas for Christian engagement, including the economy, education, drug addiction, depopulation and poverty reduction. 

Commending the report, Forbes said: “I often talk to people and there’s an element of fear, there’s an element of worry, there are questions of whether we should get involved or not, and my response is to have that confidence to get involved.

“Because we know that the need is great, and as a Church, as faith communities, there is an opportunity for us to do something that demonstrates that love.” 

What Kind of Nation? was been published 10 years after the referendum on Scottish independence in 2014. It says more attention needs to be paid to the challenges of depopulation, and calls on the Scottish government to make improvements to how faith is taught in schools. The report also features examples of the work that Evangelical Alliance member organizations are already doing in these areas.

The “What Kind of Nation?” report promotes a woke agenda. One the website linked, Evangelical Alliance looks to steer the church in Scotland to be more woke.

We want to show policymakers how the influence of faith can make a hugely positive difference to policy making. We know that the Scottish Government values the role of churches and Christian charities in supporting the most vulnerable in society. This report seeks to set out the difference we can make to all aspects of governing, to make Scotland a more just, more thriving, dynamic and diverse nation than it already is. 

Christian Post did not note this quote that was readily apparent in what they linked. Wanting to diversify Scotland is wanting to replace native Scots. This report is published at a time when immigration is a raging issue in the UK and also Ireland. These Evangelical organizations know this and want to contribute to the problem.

The vision that shapes our sense of racial justice is rooted in a biblical theology of tribes, nations and languages worshipping together. The church is where racial justice should be naturally modelled and embedded because it is the hermeneutic of the gospel.8 The reality is that we aren’t where we could be and still have a lot of work to do in this area, but we all have the potential to help Scotland grow both in intercultural understanding of the church and in equality and justice. The future growth of the church in Scotland may be driven by migrating witnesses who come to Scotland from different cultures, nations and backgrounds. This is a beautiful foretaste of what Heaven will be like.

‘Racial justice” has long been the terminology used by Critical Race Theorists, and it is an operating premise here. Although they do not mention third-world immigration, they stick with mentioning Ukrainian refugees.

This is why Christians are at the forefront in supporting immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers to settle here and to have their needs met, and to help them integrate into Scottish society well.

The Evangelical Alliance is promoting the mass immigration that is rapidly liberalizing the UK, compelling the church to this end. Christian Post’s promotion of this nonsense showcases the inadequacies of a neoconservative worldview that reduces nations to mere ideas.

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