Theologically Sound. Culturally Relevant.

False Prophet James Lindsay Predicts Has New Prediction

Leading up to the month of June, James Lindsay in his overemphasis and remedial understanding of Hegel prophesied that there would be a major event, like a trans George Floyd to crack down on Christians. In the same Glenn Beck program in which Glenn Beck attacked Stephen Wolfe, James Lindsay proclaimed that the government would provoke […]

Hal James Lindsay. Christians Beat Pride Month Anyway.

Hal Lindsay and James Lindsay share more in common than a phonetic similarity. They are both false prophets. Whereas Hal Lindsey made a career off of end times prophesy, James Lindsay has made a grift also claiming to be an expert in the Hegelian Dialect. The irony as discussed before is that James Lindsay is […]

Glenn Beck: Stephen Wolfe Not A Christian What happens when an atheist and a Mormon get together to talk about Christian Nationalism? Apparently they decide who is an is not a real Christian based on blatant misrepresentations of the views they oppose. On Wednesday’s radio program, Glenn Beck had on James Lindsay to discuss the culture war as it relates to […]

How James Lindsay, Michael O’Fallon Go Woke On Gender Many Christians consider James Lindsay an expert on Cultural Marxism and reading the culture war. Last week, Evangelical Dark Web reported that James Lindsay was using a Queer Theory tactic, attacking Christians as “homophobic” for rejecting his synthesis of accepting homosexuality into the mainstream. Additionally, we raised the issue of Michael O’Fallon’s sordid gain […]

Michael O’Fallon Lies About Financial Relationship With James Lindsay As James Lindsay attacks Christians for opposing homosexuality, it’s clear that James Lindsay will go woke for his pet issues. Yesterday, Evangelical Dark Web reported that James Lindsay was employing Queer Theory, a branch of Cultural Marxism to attack Christians for opposing what he views as a legitimate movement: gay rights. This issue naturally […]

James Lindsay Uses Queer Theory To Attack Christians

The longer the debate on Christian Nationalism persists, the more it seems that those in G3 Ministries are taking their talking points directly from James Lindsay to oppose a self-consciously Christian Nation. Over the weekend, Lindsay’s lack of discernment on all things woke reared it’s ugly head again when he posted a liberal meme trying […]

An Offer Of Peace Between Christian Nationalists and G3 Ministries The brewing conflict between Christian Nationalist and Mid Eva figures, namely members of G3 Ministries has shown some signs of slowing down after what could or should have been an iron sharpen iron, but unfortunately never was on a bilateral level. Jesus says “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called Children of […]

I Was Wrong About James Lindsay Very rarely would I say an article that I wrote ages poorly. And while I’ve admitted on numerous livestreams that I was wrong to be excited about Tom Ascol running for SBC President last year, an article that I wrote in September 2021, has a nagging presence that I need to own up to. […]

Mid Eva And the Return Of Woke Tactics

The ongoing Christian Nationalism debate has dominated Evangelical conversation in the month of April. The conversation however, has taken some ugly directions that are eerily reminiscent of the previous fight within the church: the Social Justice Gospel. The Social Justice Gospel was a ubiquitous fight in the church but where it is distinguished was that […]