Matt Chandler Peddles Liberal Myths, Third-Waysim With the election coming up, and in some places ongoing, various big-name pastors are giving their takes on politics via the Sunday sermon. While it is unsurprising that overt liberals like Ortlund would endorse Kamala, what makes this season more interesting is the potential shifts occurring within certain pastors reasonably perceived to be liberal […]
Does Matt Chandler Regret His Past Wokeness?

Matt Chandler was on his way to becoming one of Gen X’s most prominent pastors. However, this was gradually undone do to his heavy-handed promotion of Critical Race Theory. Matt Chandler famously declared that he would hire a “Black 7” over an “Anglo 8” while describing his anti-White hiring practices. But an Instagram comment section […]
Matt Chandler’s Effeminate Third-Wayism While the indiscretion of Matt Chandler hiring his confessed sex abuser father to work as a custodian at The Village Chruch was being made public, Matt Chandler’s interview with Lecrae would spark many memes as the two liberals thought themselves speaking profound truths but uttered foolish nonsense. Matt Chandler is famous for being the […]
Matt Chandler’s Father Hired at The Village Church Despite Known Sex Abuse

With the Dallas Fort Worth Metropolitan area being wrecked by sexual abuse scandals, another sex abuse scandal has been alleged, this time against The Village Church in Denton TX, a satellite campus of The Village Church, where Matt Chandler presides. TVC has three locations in Flower Mound, Denton, and Highland Village, all suburbs north of […]
The Fall of Acts 29 Acts 29 was a major church planting organization with massive prowess in the world of Evangelicalism. It provided churches with a missional alternative to the North American Mission Board. Today they are in desolate ruin according to insider reports. How did this happen? Three blows killed this organization. 1. Go Woke After Mark Driscoll […]
Exposing How The Chosen Uses Woke Preachers The Chosen and the He Gets Us Campaign are a Venn diagram in their depiction of Jesus that is increasingly becoming a circle. The seeker-sensitive mentality is well-known in both instances. The Chosen has been marred by numerous scandals including Dallas Jenkins defending Mormonism and The Chosen promoting homosexuality in their promotional videos (along […]
Liberal Drift Further Exposed: Why Acts 29 Cannot Be Saved Last week, Evangelical Dark Web reported on Acts 29 and their affirmation of homosexuality. However the exposure of Acts 29 had only just resumed, as Acts 29 notoriously embraces Critical Race Theory. Nate Schlomann, a Virginia pastor was critical in exposing last week’s story, and is instrumental in exposing the liberals on Acts 29’s […]
Matt Chandler Returns After Bizarre Leave of Absence After three months of a leave of absence, Matt Chandler returns to preaching on Sunday at The Village Church. In late August, it was announced by the elders of The Village Church and Matt Chandler himself that he would be placed on a leave of absence for an issue that was never publicly explained. […]
Preston Sprinkle: Matt Chandler Simply Violated Billy Graham Rule

Last Sunday, Matt Chandler was publicly placed on a leave of absence for rather unclear reasons. The lack of transparency of the Village Church left many speculating that Matt Chandler committed a sexual sin. However, Preston Sprinkle would come to the defense of Matt Chandler, as he has Chandler speaking at his upcoming conference. Preston […]
How Matt Chandler’s Elders Violated Scripture The announcement that Matt Chandler would be taking a leave of absence following allegedly inappropriate DMs came with little information opening the door to much speculation as to whether or not The Village Church is covering up a deep sin or whether Matt Chandler even sinned at all. However, what is far more clear […]