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Josh Hawley

Based: Sen. Josh Hawley Supports Christian Nationalism

Senator Josh Hawley is easily one of the best sitting US Senators. However, many may have not known much about his faith. In an interview with Josh Daws, host of the Great Awokening Podcast, Josh Hawley was talking about his upcoming book Manhood: The Masculine Virtues America Needs. Yet in the midst of the conversation, Josh Hawley makes it clear that his book is a Christian book which leads to a broader discussion of applying Christianity in the public square. In this interview, Josh Hawley’s positions are in line with a 2nd Table Christian Nationalist.

Evangelical Dark Web defines Christian Nationalism as “The belief and practice of Christianizing a nation, either establishing or restoring a Christian heritage to a people, through the spreading of the gospel, establishing of institutions, and aligning civil laws with the Law of God.”

To that end Josh Hawley promotes the idea of a self-consciously Christian culture and nation and restoring this heritage to America.

It’s clear that being an effective Senator, Josh Hawley understands politics. Yet many in Big Eva and Mid Eva do not. They do not know what a nation is. Many who oppose Christian Nationalism believe that America is an idea. But a nation is a people and a place, put simple. One of the most clever arguments Hawley makes in this interview is juxtaposing a nation with a business. Whereas a business exists for profits and nothing more, a nation has a much greater fabric keeping it together.

With the liberals coalescing around their woke dystopian vision, the right needs to step up and coalesce around biblical values, Josh Hawley argues.

Josh Hawley maintains that he believes in religious liberty for all religions, implying that he is not supportive of enforcing the 1st Table of the Law. But it seems for this prominent US Senator, the 2nd Table is fair game, as public neutrality is a myth.

Prior to this interview it seemed as though Marjorie Taylor Greene was the most prominent Christian Nationalist in America, but it would seem that Josh Hawley’s views easily fit into this category as well, and he is far more articulate about it.

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4 Responses

  1. The main reason many oppose is because there are so many wolves in sheep’s clothing. They’re afraid of racism/nazism, pharisee-like mess, and similar wickedness that could arise not from without but from within.

    There are many white nationalists going around these days spouting the same mess the nazis did, praising the nazis, constantly bashing Jews and blacks and so on, who call themselves Christians. Visit Gab, the comment section at Revolver news, and so on, and it’s disgusting the mess being posted. Mostly a bunch of grown men freaking out like a bunch of little schoolgirls running from a grandaddy longlegs, scared to death somebody’s trying to eliminate the “white race”, as if that were even possible. Granted much of it is probably psyops, political games, controlled opposition, sting operations, and so on, but at the same time such wolves do exist. Racism is a very real problem.

    Other concerns such as the prospect of pharisee-like, over-restrictive laws that impose a bunch of mess that God never commanded, also factor.

    You will be infiltrated. Not maybe. Not could be. Will be. And probably already are. There will be efforts to undermine from within, in every way imaginable.

    We have to understand that a lot of the mess we’re dealing with these days is a matter of over-reactive backlash. But the fact that it may be over-reactive, and often false and based on false history, doesn’t negate the fact that it may be rooted in legitimate concerns. People are afraid, and we must recognize that they have legitimate reason to be afraid.

    They’re not afraid of the USA being a Christian nation as much as they’re afraid of all the non-Christian mess that could go along with it.

    But if you stick to God’s word and only God’s word, you’ll find common ground.

  2. You can’t run non-Christians out of the country. You can’t force them to convert. So what this Christian Nationalism debate/exercise is likely to lead to, imo, is something akin to a federalist model, similar to how this nation was originally designed. Towns, counties, maybe even states would have official religions, but as you go “up” through that hierarchy of governments, power and scope of authority decreases, according to least common.

    We all know it’s never going to happen. It’s going to get worse from here on out, as we near the end, but at the same time we can’t quit. It may still be a good exercise.

  3. Things that work in theory often present practical problems. The federalist model is no exception.

    One very practical problem, for example, would be how would people travel. If someone wanted to travel across the country, they’d be driving through areas with different religions and different laws. How would you address that problem?

    An example from history is segregation. During the days of segregation, it was very difficult for blacks to travel, because all along the road many businesses were “whites only”. Of course, that also is a reminder of what can go wrong with the racism and pharisee-like mess that could creep in – sadly, the majority of the people hanging those “whites only” signs were professing Christians.

    A Christian nation obviously wouldn’t have such delineations related to ethnos or skin color, but there would be similar practical problems related to religion/belief nonetheless.

    When people oppose it’s these sorts of things they’re thinking about. Pain of the past. Wrongs of the past. What could go wrong. The sad truth is that Christians have not behaved the way Christians should. It’s not Jesus they have a problem with. It’s us. And they’re not wrong.

    But the imposition of abominable sin has pushed it all beyond a point that is tolerable.

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