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Liberty University

Transvestite Sues Liberty University Using Civil Rights Act

Liberty University has been sued for discrimination and wrongful termination because they enforced their doctrinal statement on a man who decided he was a transvestite. To make matters more intense, the ACLU is involved.

According to Cardinal News:

The lawsuit, filed Monday by the ACLU of Virginia and the Richmond law firm Butler Curwood, claims that the university violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. 

The plaintiff, Ellenor Zinski, was hired to work at the private university’s information technology help desk in 2023, and received a positive performance review three months into [his] time there, the complaint says.

But after notifying human resources at the Lynchburg school that [he] is a [transvestite] who planned to legally change [his] name — and waiting for a month with no response from Liberty about the change — Zinski was terminated in August 2023, according to the complaint.

“Liberty University officials read a termination notice aloud to Ellenor citing ‘denying biological and chromosomal sex assigned at birth’ as the basis for [his] termination, stating a conflict with Liberty’s Doctrinal Statement that names ‘denial of birth sex by self-identification with a different gender’ as a ‘sinful act prohibited by God,’” a news release from the American Civil Liberties Union stated. The details of Liberty’s termination notice are not included in the complaint.

The transvestite is seeking $300000 and his old job back. Perhaps the job market is tough, or perhaps he’s a devout soldier to his cause. What’s noteworthy is how he’s using the Civil Rights Act as the standing for his lawsuit which is a direct affront to religious free practice of the Christian religion.

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One Response

  1. Wonder which one would have won this man, the Word of God, or the eunuch wannabe? Guess the watering down into 40+ versions was on purpose like a recent “shot” was?
    There is a new candidate in the VP arena, as for reading his qualifications, he is definitely the queen or king for this student, and therein is his expertise, I hope everyone remembers we are being prepared to be nuclearized, let’s hope these new candidates have more qualifications than knees knocking together when the bright arrows and spears begin to litter across the American landscape, that everyone is in denial, but denial is soon vanishing the mushroom: Jeremiah 25:29-38.

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