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Ruslan Preston Sprinkle

Ruslan KD Defends Preston Sprinkle’s Side B Theology

“Christian” YouTubers have been circling the wagons to defend Gavin Ortlund and his liberalism, including Jordan Cooper and Redeemed Zoomer, after it was broadcasted in Megan Basham’s bestselling book, Shepherds For Sale. Also included in the wagon circling is Ruslan KD, a YouTuber with 613K subs, which is quite large in the niche.

Ruslan’s entry into countersignaling Megan Basham was haphazard as he announced his conclusions before he read the book for himself. Nevertheless, Ruslan and I had a back and forth exchange where he defended Gavin Ortlund’s character leading to a debate surrounding Side B Theology. Side B Theology teaches that homosexual desires and identity are not sin. It other words, it’s partially affirming of homosexuality.

In the end, I point out a distinction between associations and alliances. Ruslan speaking at Preston Sprinkle’s conference is an association. It doesn’t make him a false teacher but it’s a glaring red flag. However, Immanuel Church has Gavin Ortlund, Sam Allberry, and Russell Moore in leadership. This isn’t mere association. Their wagons are hitched.


Ruslan would defend his attendance of the Exiles in Babylon Conference in a different thread. Ruslan insists that Preston Sprinkle is not affirming and does not believe Christians can be affirming.

But the video evidence of Preston Sprinkle teaching, in Cru’s curriculum, that being a homosexual is not a sin is overwhelming. So revealing were the clips that Preston Sprinkle went after Protestia for publishing his teaching.

Among homosexual activists in the church, the term “clobber passages” is used. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 is the most notorious of these. Preston Sprinkles’s handling of the text

I want to make something really clear. 1 Corinthians 6, the words arsenokoitai and malakoi, and 1 Timothy 1 that uses the word arsenokoites again. Paul is not thinking about gay people per se in these words. Now listen closely. Paul is not thinking about somebody, for instance, like my friend Matt, who is committed to celibacy, who is not sleeping with anybody else. He’s not thinking of my friend Tom or Leslie who is not engaging in sexual activity. Paul is thinking explicitly of people who are engaging in ongoing unrepented of sexual immorality. He’s not thinking of somebody who simply identifies as gay or somebody who experiences same sex attraction. He’s thinking of people engaging in ongoing sexual activity. In fact, in Paul’s day, a lot of people who engaged in same sex relationships weren’t even gay.

Preston Sprinkle talks at length about language throughout the various sessions. Sprinkle teaches that the word “homosexual” should not be used. He also believes that phrases like “gay agenda.”

[What do] spiritually minded or conservative Christians think of when they hear the term gay. They think of lust or they think of sexual behavior. And so I hear a lot of people say, well, I don’t think Christians should ever say they’re gay. I mean, I don’t say I’m an adulterous Christian or or I’m a lustful Christian. You see, when they when they say that, they assume that gay means something very sinful, like I’m lusting after somebody of the same sex, or I’m actually engaging in sexual acts with somebody at the same sex. But the term gay doesn’t have to mean that.

Preston Sprinkle broadens the term “gay” in a feeble attempt to remove the degenerate connotation.

I’m not saying it always will, but it could just erect like a thin wall that separates you from the person you’re trying to relate to. So I’ve gotten rid of the term homosexual. I just do not use it ever in this conversation.

To Preston Sprinkle the homosexual desires and identity are not sinful, therefore he embraces the usage of “gay Christian.” But Paul is quite clear in Romans 1:

26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

Romans 1:26-27 NASB1995

To Preston Sprinkle, buttsex is the only sin in homosexuality but often one sinful action was the result of multiple sins. But sinful desires (and identity) are also sins. Ruslan has been confronted on this error and still persists in defending Side B Theology.

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One Response

  1. Even after God saved me I battled an addiction to porn, I didn’t battle it for long as the Holy Spirit convicted me that doing what I was doing was not compatible with being a Christian so one day I cried out to God to take that evil desire from me and God heard me and what He did to me to remove it was nothing short of when the angel touched Isaiahs lips with that hot coal. Since that day ten years ago I can’t even bring to mind images of what I used to look at. God can cure any sin, but you have to want it gone out of your life, and you have to be willing to face the fire to make it happen. God bless.

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