The latest development in the fallout of the Robert Morris child sex abuse scandal is that Gateway Church, what was once America’s largest megachurch has lost an entire franchise location, one run by Morris’s own son-in-law. Ethan Fisher, senior pastor of Gateway Church Houston, has announced he is seceding from Gateway Church and rebranding.
The announcement came in a recent sermon where they unveiled the new branding.
Preceding the announcement, Ethan Fischer was preaching on how “if you can’t hear God calling you “in the middle of success, you are forcing him to lead you from failure to failure.” The rebrand is being framed as being led from success to success.
Fischer maintains that Gateway Houston, now Newlands Church has always been autonomous, even having its multicampus franchise, and is now stepping into the “role” that it has created for itself in the Houston area.
The timing of the announcement is with their “Summer at Gateway” sermon series ending and after having a few months to brainstorm a rebrand.