September 10 has arrived and with it the ability to order, not preorder, Winning Not Winsome: 10 Commandments of Spiritual Warfare. While the ebook has been available, the paperback has not been available unless you are a Zealot or Peacemaker tier patron to the Evangelical Dark Web. Those who have responded have received a signed copy in the mail, even internationally. This offer still stands.
Unmask fake Christianity and reject its slippery slope of compromise! Dive into ‘Winning Not Winsome’ as Ray Fava fearlessly steps into the ring of modern Christian debates. In this electrifying discourse, societal norms crumble as Fava challenges compromise within the Evangelical Industrial Complex. Buckle up as he exposes the slippery slope wielded by the word ‘winsome.’ With Scripture as a compass, Fava navigates contradictions, unveiling the essence of genuine Christian living amid cultural chaos.
This manifesto isn’t just a guide—it’s a battle cry! ‘Winning Not Winsome’ equips you with the 10 Commandments of Spiritual Warfare, forging an unshakeable faith to dismantle norms that clash with the timeless truths of Scripture. Get ready to rewrite the rules as Fava empowers you to introspect boldly and converse unapologetically.
Join the ranks of the spiritually unyielding—grab ‘Winning Not Winsome’ and charge headfirst into an era where faith, culture, and courage collide!