There have been many warning signs about NT Wright. His promotion for the New Perspectives of Paul is perhaps the most well-known controversy surrounding his doctrine. However, NT Wright is also an avid theistic evolutionist, endorsing the Biologos organization founded by Francis Collins. he would even be one of the initial high-profile signators to the Biologos Statement, chastising Christians to get jabbed in order to love their neighbors.
So when it comes to gun control (confiscation), expect Wright to have a liberal opinion. Woke Peacher Clips exposed him recently in two videos.
N.T Wright says Americans' defense of gun rights is inconsistent with their defense of the unborn, because they are too polarized by social media, they accept "over-simplified" arguments to fall in line with a particular leader, they can't handle "nuance," and ultimately, they…
— Woke Preacher Clips (@WokePreacherTV) September 5, 2024
“When I go to America, it always astonishes me that the same people are vitriolically opposed to abortion and vitriolically in favor of everybody carrying guns and being prepared to shoot people at any time. On the one hand, you’d have thought if they’re so concerned about preserving human life, even in embryo and in vitro, etc., then why are they not concerned about preserving human life when it comes to, say, a school shooting by somebody who’s been able to walk into a store, even though mentally disturbed, and buy a weapon-grade automatic rifle? I mean, for somebody from the other side of the Atlantic, and I suspect for you [Carey Nieuwhof] in Canada, this is just nonsense.”
N.T. Wright thinks a substantial element of the pro-life movement is just "people nervous about sex" who get manipulated by "powerful men telling women what they could and couldn't do."
— Woke Preacher Clips (@WokePreacherTV) September 5, 2024
He says our discourse on abortion has failed to frame the issue as the idol of "male…
“It seems to me that abortion became an issue, not least because people were aware, certainly in my country and I think in America, that abortion was being used as an easy and inverted-commas [UKish for “quote-unquote”] form of contraception. And that that, in consequence, was licensing sexual immorality, or what used to be thought of as sexual immorality. Promiscuity, anyway. So that the desire to have free abortion went with the desire to have free sex. And so people who were nervous about sex for whatever reason, and there’d be many reasons why people’d be nervous about sex, would say, ‘Oh, abortion is wrong, da da da da da da,’ and then produce all the standard arguments about, ‘Well, here is a picture of a fetus in the womb, etc., etc.’
Whereas then, conversely, that was turned into a power play by powerful people, often powerful men, basically telling women what they could and couldn’t do. Which, then, you get two of the ideologies of our time: Aphrodite, the goddess of erotic love, Mars, the god of violence and war, who are kind of squabbling with each other. Is this about male violence? Is it about the right to have a fulfilled erotic existence? Etc. And we haven’t named those issues. And in consequence, I think we’re often shadow boxing.”
NT Wright is British, so expecting him to not be liberal was already a stretch. Nevertheless, his understanding of politics is cringe inducing, so it’s unsurprising why he’s coauthored a book with Michael Bird.
2 Responses
In his earliest expressions of the New Perspective on Paul Wright when asked at a conference could not tell someone how to be saved on their death bed. He’s tweaked the warp and woof of his nonsense by now to be able to answer obvious public scoffing. He is emblematic of British who wish to be called evangelical and have no practical outworking of an actual evangelistic enterprise they can point at for the Church. So the Church has died in majority England, Scotland and Wales. We know the riches of the glory of our inheritance, of Wright it can only be said of his false Gospel riches that a fool and his money soon go separate ways. To me he is a lost man with a false gospel reduced to good works of the Church, but these works produce sociological collapse and produce no good.
I have actually met Tom Wright. I think his liberal mindset comes from being ensconced in academia for so long. It has served him well from a career perspective. However, I do questions his ability to wade into American politics.