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Evangelicals For Kamala Harris

Evangelicals For Harris Founder Promotes Transgenderism

Evangelicals For Harris is not even pretending to be a Christian organization. But despite their theological failings and their recent Zoom meeting where their female pastors clucked over how pro-abortion they were, Evangelical For Harris is not actually a movement within the church. Rather, it is a clumsy yet well-funded attempt to counterfeit Christianity. But even its founder, Jim Ball, a long time environmentalist is not nearly as smooth or cunning as many liberals in Evangelicalism.

In a recent interview on News Nation, a liberal cable news channel, Jim Ball waffled on a question about trangenderism indoctrination in schools. 

What is Evangelicals For Harris stance when it comes to trans education, young biological males playing in women’s sports, and the issues of teaching children in a form that some Christians think is indoctrination? What would you all say in response?

Jim Ball

Yeah. Well, we’re actually more concerned, well, let me back up a sec. For us, the Christian life is about fulfilling the great commandments, to love God and love our neighbor as ourselves. That is our calling as human beings. And God has a, because God loves everyone, God has a special concern for those who are vulnerable, who are endangered, those who are poor, those who don’t have what.

God intends for them in terms of the lives he wants for them. And so that’s why God is for justice, because God loves everyone. And so Jesus especially had a concern for vulnerable people and vulnerable populations. And anybody who was despised or looked down upon, Jesus was their champion. And so when we look at how these groups that you just mentioned, how they are being talked about, that they are being singled out, that they are just an incredibly, incredibly small group in our country. And yet there’s all this political talk about them and all this fear that’s being generated about them. I mean, my gosh, when people go into a restroom, the last thing they want to be is somebody to kind of like, you know, bring interest upon themselves, bring people thinking about, you know, oh, you’re this or that. They just want to take care of the business that they need to take care of when they’re in the bathroom.

If it wasn’t clear that Jim Ball supports transgenderism before launching Evangelicals For Harris, it’s certainly clear now. Viewing transvestites as a marginalized community rather than as perverts is a clear compromise. Moreover, he views them as a vulnerable population rather than one prone to degeneracy which would make them a danger in public bathrooms. In any case, Jim Ball does not believe its a sin issue, but he does imply transgenderism is a legitimate phenomenon and that Jesus is their champion through these trying times.

Even liberal pastors have done substantially better than this. Jim Ball is a joke of a pretend Evangelical.

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