The Moscow Mood is a term used to describe Doug Wilson’s sphere of influence in Evangelicalism. Nate Wilson, the son of Doug Wilson, has some coal for your feeds. The undergirding context is Doug Wilson’s position in Woke Wars II whereby he attacked rising pastors with the (liberal buzzword) label of antisemitism and produced the Antioch Declaration which proved to be an embarrassment. Enter Nate Wilson, the dutiful son, using the platform afforded to him by his father to bring the cringe to Christmas by arguing for a “Judeo-Christian Christmas.”
On the Canon Press distributed podcast, Nate Wilson cohosts the Stories Are Soul Food podcast which articulated the oxymoronic modified Christmas. The Moscow Mood believes in something called the “woke right” which like Judeo-Christian is an oxymoronic term. Yet similar to the Social Justice Warriors of the last decade, they change definitions to suit their purposes.
On Judeo Christian
Judeo-Christian is a term to describe the shared moral and religious values that are believed to be common among Protestants, Catholics, and Jews. The phrase gained more widespread usage in the latter half of the 20th century, particularly during the Cold War, as it was often used to emphasize the supposed unity of American values in contrast to those of the Soviet Union and other supposed godless ideologies. The term is a farce, as Christians and Jews have opposed values.
Nate Wilson and Brian Kohl frame the oft-used, traditional definition of “Judeo-Christian” as a straw man so that they can insert their own into the discussion which occurs towards the end of the podcast.
In essence, they argue that Christianity is a continuation of Judaism in the same way that The Two Towers is a continuation of The Lord of The Rings (their analogy). Wilson argues that “Judeo-Christian” is a recognition of this continuity, not a conflation or syncretization of two religions.
But if this is truly the case, then why is the thumbnail for their video a six-pointed star Christmas tree topper? Is Nate Wilson completely unaware that the so-called Star of David is an occultic symbol that Christians have zero connection with? The religion of the Old Testament is not embodied by this symbol, so with it, there is no continuity. So Wilson is perhaps dishonest in what he truly means by Judeo-Christian, because his entire podcast is a meandering trolling of his audience.
What is a Jew?
Wilson has two functional definitions to what constitutes a Jew. Trying to get the audience to buy in to the term “Judeo-Christian,” he defines a Jew as a “child of Abraham.” Father Abraham had many sons, the song goes. So, Wilson articulates that Christians have been grafted into the family of Abraham.
Brian Kohl then asked Wilson, why Christians are not called Jews if we are children of Abraham by virtue of being grafted into the tree by faith. Nate Wilson then asserts that “Jew” is derived from “Judah” which is a geographical term with an culture and law attached to it. These definitions contradict. Also, for what it’s worth, Abraham and Moses were by this definition, not Jewish since they were not descendants of Judah. Nate Wilson argues that Modern Jews should be viewed as “estranged brothers.”
Jesus had a different view than Moscow in John 8:
Jesus said to them, “If you are Abraham’s children, do the deeds of Abraham. But as it is, you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth, which I heard from God; this Abraham did not do. You are doing the deeds of your father.” They said to Him, “We were not born of fornication; we have one Father: God.” Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and have come from God, for I have not even come on My own initiative, but He sent Me. Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot hear My word. You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father.
Second Lobsters
Nate Wilson uses the term “main character status” to denote the role of all Jews in God’s salvific plan. The goy (the word he used) believers are as significant as the “second lobster” in a nativity play, a reference to some movie. Wilson then wrongly asserts that those opposed to the term Judeo-Christian read Christians into the Old Testament as main characters instead of Christ, which is an egregious straw man. So-called Christian Zionists have routinely made the Bible about Jews instead of Christ, especially true of Old Testament prophecy. Christ is the main character of Scripture, and asserting anything else is simply wrong. The church is the female love interest in the story whom Christ saves.
Despite previously arguing that genetics does not matter, to Nate Wilson there is one exception. “God doesn’t care about genetics, except these genetics; they get main character status” is basically Wilson’s argument, as he goes on to detail that Jews were created with a significant purpose while all others get to be “second lobsters” among the children of Abraham. But Christians are so much more significant to God than second lobsters in a nativity play.
Nate Wilson meanders and wants to hear the sound of his own voice while taking an indefensible position to further his father’s doomed cause. Moscow cannot change the definition of Judeo-Christian, nor can they simultaneously use two disparate definitions of Jew, interchanging them when the script requires them to.
But the entire purpose of this podcast was to antagonize Doug Wilson’s own base for being too right-wing. Moscow promoted this podcast and made viral a headline that was inflammatory, and arguably blasphemous with the Star of Repham on a Christmas tree.
The Moscow Mood ordered attention and is making a fool of itself even after their No Quarter November ended in disaster.
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8 Responses
I just don’t understand it. Why are they so enamored with a people who hate Jesus and us? They think He’s boiling in a vat of human fluids in hell. Those are “God’s people”? It’s not possible.
Like many spineless conservatives, Wilson got spooked when cultural Marxists called him names (racist, antisemite, Christian Nationalist, etc.). Like a nervous driver who fears swerving into the ditch on the right, he over-corrects and ends up stuck in the ditch on the left. I’ve followed Doug Wilson for a while and thought he was hip to these Alinsky tricks. Sad to see him fall for it. He, with the help of that Brazilian guy who likes to dress like the Pope, could well crash the CREC.
Traitors such as Doug Wilson, Owen Strachan, Joseph Boot, Russell Moore, Rod Dreher, James White, Ed Stetzer, etc are paid by the jews to manipulate, deceive, and gaslight Christians into being pro-jewish. The jews know that Christians are waking up and realizing (((who))) is behind the destruction of Western Civilization. In an attempt to divert Christians away from realizing the truth about the jews, the jews pay traitorous “Christian” influencers to gaslight Christians into believing the heretical lie that jewish are the chosen people.
The gaslighting by the Doug Wilson and the other traitorous “Christian” influencers usually follows a predictable pattern of gaslighting and lies: They tell you that race doesn’t matter except for the jewish race. They tell you that everyone should intermix except for the jews who are entitled to ethno-nationalism. They tell you that the jews are the chosen people. And they try to frighten, coerce, and intimidate Christians into being pro-jewish and letting the jews harm White people, by threatening “if you don’t support the jews and let them harm your family, you will go to hell!”
It takes a uniquely monstrous, depraved, and evil traitor to manipulate people into believing that “god” will send them to hell if they try to defend their own people and oppose the (((enemies))) who are harming your own people.
That is exactly what the traitor-pastors are doing: trying to intimidate the flock into doing nothing while the (((wolves))) destroy the flock.
These traitor-pastors such as Doug Wilson, Joseph Boot, etc are the TOTAL OPPOSITE of the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ.
These traitor-pastors are evil shepherds who collude with the (((wolves))) to destroy and slaughter the flock, and whose main role is to gaslight the flock into wrongly believing that “god” will be angry if the flock does anything to defend themselves from the (((evil enemy))) who is slaughtering the flock.
I truly believe that the traitor-pastors such as Doug Wilson etc will burn in hell for eternity, as punishment for their wicked and monstrous manipulations and gaslighting of the Christian flock.
The traitor-pastors are falsely portraying God as an evil and malevolent jewish supremacist deity, who is fine with the jews harming non-jews and will punish any non-jews who complain.
Furthermore, the traitor pastors are falsely portraying God as a destructive and harmful and wicked anarchist who wants to turn the entire world into Detroit or Mogadishu, and will punish anyone who wants to keep their community wholesome and safe.
Does that sound like a loving God to you? Of course NOT, but that is precisely the evil LIE about God that the traitor-pastors are propagating when they falsely claim that “God hates racism” and “God hates anti-semitism” and similar lies.
The traitor-pastors have created a totally false and dishonest portrayal of God as a monstrous evil deity who approves of the jews harming non-jews, and wants to destroy peaceful countries and communities and turn the entire world into Somalia or Pakistan.
Of course, the traitor-pastors are LYING about God and God’s Will.
The traitor-pastors are traitors to Jesus Christ, traitors to Christianity, and traitors to the Christian flock.
This commentary is spot on. Something is amiss with Canon Inc. and maybe they are showing us who they always were. It’s too bad, I liked them but it’s time to move on. Controlled opposition.
What comes to mind is the suicide of Denethor, movie version. Surely there is a meme in there with that horrible occult star included
As Jerome said of the Ebionites, “Seeking to be both Jews and Christians, they became nothing” (some translations say “neither” but I think “nothing” is more accurate).
Also its interesting Doug Wilson has had to turn off his comment section since the Antioch Declaration.
Also, I just want to point out, since in the past I’ve read lots of old 1800s bible scholars (can’t remember their names now though, lol) they used “Judeo-Christian” specifically for the Ebionites, Encratites, etc., i.e. the Judaizing Heretics because they were trying to be very modern-scholarly and not say “Judaizing Heresy” so they said “Judeo-Christian Sects”. So to be “Judeo-Christian” by its original usage means to be a Sabbath-keeping Unitarian group.
I meant scholars of early church history, not bible scholars. Do a search on google books for judeo-christian and set it on books that are “full view” and then set the time paramater to 19th century. You’ll see lots of examples of Judeo-Christian meaning the Judaizing Unitarian sects on the 2nd century. So when someone says they’re Judeo-Christian, it should be properly understood they are Unitarian Sabbatarians.