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Doug Wilson

Doug Wilson Attacks Refuge Church Pastors

While Christmas was underway, Doug Wilson was writing a longwinded diatribe against the pastors of Refuge Church in Ogden, Utah. This came after he had a face-to-face meeting with them. Refuge Chruch is known for its pastors Dan Berkholder and Brian Sauve, and entrepreneur and publisher, Eric Conn. And the reason for taking a shot at them after months of controversy is unrelated to what they did. In fact, Doug Wilson is demanding a denouncement of some other internet personality.

In a blog post, titled Laced With Poo, Wilson promises a short response to what is a nonissue.

As some of you are aware, Refuge Church in Ogden, Utah has a growing voice in our cultural melee (especially on X), and they are aligned with us in many ways. However, much like Revoice attempted to keep the door of flamer sympathy cracked open in the PCA, the leadership in Ogden continues to conduct a sympathetic bromance with the cancers of racial spite, malice, vainglory, and pagan, tribal hate. They are doing exactly what the Feds want men on the right to do in this regard, standing politely on the dots painted for them by the left, sharing and platforming folly, sin, and self-owns whenever Federal Agent Trainee Samuel Holden drops another white boy vid laced with poo. (All to the great acclaim of Feds, spite bots, and anons.)

Doug Wilson points to the meteoric rise of Sauve and Conn. He also ignores his history of embracing Side B Theology and by extension the Revoice Movement in making the comparison.

Enter Samuel Holden an online meme video maker and supporter of the White Boy Summer movement. Wilson calls him a federal agent without evidence and also a cancer. Wilson dislikes Holden for doing a video in the summer which contained apolitical imagery from the 1936 Olympics, and subsequently thinks he has evidence that Holden is a bad actor now as well based on Holden’s Christmas video.

Wilson’s objection to the video is as follows:

In his most recent, nestled in among barrels of commercial grade schlock lifted from everything from pharma commercials to It’s a Wonderful Life, Agent Trainee Holden tucked in a movie clip of a Santa character fresh off murdering a Jew with a menorah, bumping into and glaring at more Jews on a sidewalk. Don’t blame us, we’re just noticing.   

We now find ourselves in something like that scene in Prince Caspian when Nikabrik and the black dwarves want to ally with ghouls and witches and Jew-killing Santas. Like Trufflehunter and Trumpkin, we won’t do it.    

Doug Wilson is claiming antisemitism over Samuel Holden including clips from the film, Santa’s Slay, a forgotten 2005 Jewish comedy written and directed by David Steiman and starring Bill Goldberg. Doug Wilson’s smoking gun for the fake sin of antisemitism is firing blanks.

What fellowship does light have with darkness (2 Cor. 6:14)? We have better things to do, and better places to go. We have fights we want to win, rather than positions we want to undermine and discredit. 

Within a few years, Ogden will have either fully succumbed and been torn apart by the poison they currently decline to resist, or, by God’s grace, they will eventually stand and fight and triumph over this toxic nonsense. In the latter case, if and when that time comes, we will rejoice to have gained wiser and more battle-tested allies.   

Meanwhile, we expect that Ogden will continue to throw tomatoes in our direction. So be it. If the good guys win out in the end down there, we won’t hold it against them. 

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7 Responses

  1. Like all of the traitor-pastors, Doug Wilson is an evil liar.

    Notice how he claims that loving and caring about your own race is “racial spite” and “pagan, tribal hate.”

    Of course, nothing could be FURTHER from the truth. Doug Wilson is a FALSE TEACHER and a LIAR, who is falsely portraying “god” as an evil malevolent anarchist who doesn’t want you to love your own people.

    Your race is your extended family.

    So when anyone claims that “racism is bad” or “kinism is bad” or “god hates racism/kinism”, what that person is REALLY SAYING is that it’s a sin to love and care about your own racial family, and that “god” will be angry if you love and care about your own racial family.

    Does that sound like something a Good, Loving God would say???

    Of course NOT.

    By falsely portraying “god” as an evil anarchist who is angry when people love their own family, the traitor-pastors are driving people AWAY from Jesus Christ.

    Many people will decide that if “god” is angry when people love their own family, then “god” must be evil, and they will wrongly believe that “god” is evil and walk away from Jesus Christ.

    Of course, the traitor-pastors such as Doug Wilson are LYING. These traitorous false teachers intentionally and deliberately spew anti-White LIES, due to their lust for the (((approval))) and (((rewards))) from the evil jews who control modern anti-christ society.

    The evil jews are afraid that White people are growing a sense of racial unity, so the jews have deployed (((their))) legion of traitor-pastors and traitor-theologians to try to manipulate, gaslight, and deceive White people into wrongly believing that loving your own race is a sin.

    Of course, the TRUTH is that loving your own race is NOT a sin.

    ANY pastor who claims that “racism is bad” or “kinism is bad” or “god hates racism/kinism” or “racism/kinism is a sin”, is a FALSE TEACHER who is LYING.

    Don’t believe the lies spewed by the wicked, manipulative, deceitful traitor-pastors, who falsely portray “god” as an evil anti-White deity.

    The traitor-pastors are LYING about God.

    The TRUTH is that God WANTS and COMMANDS us to love and care about our own racial family.

    “Racism” and “kinism” simply means loving and caring about your own extended racial family. That is what God wants.

    Christians for 2000 years until the 1970s knew this.

    Is the traitor-pastor Doug Wilson really claiming that all of those Christians for 2000 years are WRONG to love their own race?

    Does Doug Wilson really expect us to trust him, instead of trusting ALL the Christians of the past 2000 years before the 1970s?

    It’s obvious that Doug Wilson is a total and complete TRAITOR and FALSE TEACHER, who is wickedly trying to curry favor with the evil jews by manipulating and gaslighting White people into hating their own race.

    Doug Wilson reveals himself as a TRAITOR and a LIAR by falsely claiming that loving your own race is “pagan, tribal hate” and “racial spite.”


    He and the other traitor-pastors will be spending eternity in hell as punishment for driving people away from Jesus Christ by FALSELY portraying God as an evil, malevolent, anti-White deity.

    Please don’t let these lying traitor-pastors such as Doug Wilson cause you to walk away from Jesus Christ. Stay strong in your faith in Jesus Christ.

    Don’t let yourself be manipulated by the evil lying traitorous false teachers such as Doug Wilson, who spew anti-White LIES in exchange for jewish money.

  2. I find it very ironic that the traitor-pastor Doug Wilson has the nerve to mention The Chronicles of Narnia, when he is the equivalent of the evil ape from The Last Battle, who pretended to represent “aslan” and went around portraying “aslan” as an evil destructive deity. The evil ape told the Narnians that “aslan” wanted foreign invaders to take over Narnia and enslave the Narnians. The evil ape told the Narnians that if they didn’t submit to the foreign invaders and let the foreign invaders enslave and abuse them, that “aslan” would be angry and punish anyone who resisted the foreign invaders.

    Of course, the evil ape was a LIAR and a TRAITOR, as King Tirian and the other true Narnians realized. They knew that Aslan is good and loving, and would never want them to submit to foreign invaders. They knew that the evil ape was LYING about Aslan’s Will.

    Doug Wilson is exactly like the evil ape. Undoubtedly, CS Lewis was aware of these types of lying manipulative false teachers, so Lewis intentionally warned people through his writing, by including the character of the evil ape in The Chronicles of Narnia.

    To recap: Doug Wilson is an evil monster and a TRAITOR, a LIAR, and a FALSE TEACHER, who in exchange for jewish money, tries to use religion to manipulatively deceive and gaslight White people into hating their own race.

    After the Patriot Movement wins power, traitors such as Doug Wilson should be arrested and charged with treason and inciting genocide against White people.

    In the meantime, everyone should spam the evil heretic “Antioch Declaration” with lots of taunting fake names. This will annoy evil lying Doug Wilson and cause him to let his mask slip even further.

  3. With regard to “anti-semitism”:

    Whenever someone accuses you of being “anti-semitic”, the correct response is: “the jews and judaism are evil. Opposing evil is what good people do.”

    God wants Christians to oppose evil judaism and the evil jews, just as God wants Christians to oppose pedophiles, rapists, drug cartels, human traffickers, pimps, and pornographers.

    The jews are actively working 24/7 to harm and destroy Christians and especially White people.

    Opposing the evil jews who are harming and destroying your people is honorable, good, moral, and righteous.

    God wants us to oppose evil.

    The lying traitorous false teachers such as Doug Wilson have inverted good and evil by falsely claiming that the evil jews are good, and that the righteous people who oppose evil judaism, are evil.

    Of course, the traitor-pastors are LYING.

    The TRUTH is that opposing the jews is the right thing to do, because the jews are evil.

    The Bible says woe to those who invert morality by falsely portraying evil as good and good as evil.

    God will punish the traitorous false teachers who try to deceive people into wrongly believing that the evil jews are good, and that opposing the evil jews is bad.

    As we know from the Parable of the Talents, God gets very angry when liars falsely portray Him as evil.

    And that is exactly what the lying false teachers are doing when they falsely claim that “god hates anti-semitism.”

    The jews and judaism are evil, so when anyone claims that “anti-semitism is a sin”, what that person is REALLY SAYING is that opposing evil is a sin, and that “god” supports evil.

    Of course, the traitor-pastors are LYING. The TRUTH is that God opposes judaism, because God is good, and judaism is evil.

    Since God hates evil, that means that God hates judaism.

    The traitorous cowards such as Doug Wilson, who curry favor with the evil jews while the jews destroy the White race and erase Christianity from society, are NOT pleasing to God.

    God doesn’t approve of cowards and traitors such as Doug Wilson who curry favor with the jewish evildoers out of cowardice or in exchange for rewards.

    The anti-White, lying, cowardly, manipulative traitor-pastors are evil, cowardly, traitorous, and antichrist.

    These false teachers will be spending eternity in hell as punishment for falsely portraying God as an evil, pro-jewish, jewish-supremacist deity.

    As I said in the beginning of this post, whenever a manipulator accuses you of being an “anti-semite”, the correct response is:

    “judaism and the jews are evil. Opposing evil is what good people do. God wants Christians to oppose evil, and since judaism and the jews are evil, God wants Christians to oppose the jews and judaism, just as God wants Christians to oppose rapists, pedophiles, human traffickers, drug cartels, pimps, and pornographers.”

    When using the above response, be prepared to explain why the jews and judaism are evil, if the pro-jewish manipulator tries to entrap you by asking why you believe the jews are evil.

    The jews KNOW that (((they))) are evil, which is why (((they))) are continually trying to censor anyone who tells the truth about how evil (((they))) are.

    Remember: the TRUTH is on the side of the “anti-semites.”

    The jews and judaism are evil, and God wants Christians to oppose evil.

    God wants the TRUTH about the evil jews to be exposed, because God is the God of Truth.

    And when the jews persecute you, remember what Jesus said: if the world hates you, remember that the world hated Jesus before the world hated you.

    As Jesus says in John 15:

    “The World Hates the Disciples

    18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20 Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’[b] If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21 They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. 24 If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. 25 But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’[c]

    The Work of the Holy Spirit

    26 “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. 27 And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.”

    (John 15:18-27)

  4. When Jesus says turn the other cheek and lend to everyone who asks and don’t ask them to pay you back, he was telling that to the Jews because he was psyoping his enemies to destroy themselves; so don’t let them to tell you Jesus was saying those things to White people.

  5. Doug Wilson is a good man in other ways, but he is wrong about the Jews, and I hope he gets out of this rut soon.
    You are right that the Narnia things were mixed up in the article he wrote. As it was the white witch and her foul army, and not Miraz and the Telmarines, who killed Aslan on the stone table, it was the Jews, and not the National Socialists, who killed Jesus Christ. Whether Hitler was redeemed or not, I will be surprised if he receives equal or greater punishment than the Jews on judgement day.
    And, on a final note, Christians who support the Jews are kind of like Prince Rillian when he was enchanted.

  6. Doug Wilson is NOT a good man. He is a wicked lying manipulative traitor who FALSELY portrays God as an evil, anarchist, cultural marxist, jewish-supremacist deity.

    Due to the LIES of false teachers such as Doug Wilson, countless good people have abandoned Christianity, because they wrongly believe that Christianity and the Christian God are anti-White, malevolent, jewish-supremacist.

    Of course, that isn’t true, but Doug Wilson and other false teachers have driven countless people away from Christianity, by spewing anti-White LIES such as “god hates kinism” and “god hates racism.”

    Since no good or decent or honorable person would want to follow an evil “god” who demands that you embrace the destruction of your own race and kin, many people have abandoned Christianity due to the evil LIES of false teachers such as Doug Wilson.

    Doug Wilson’s lies about God and God’s Will is NOT a victimless crime.

    Countless good people have been gaslighted and deceived into abandoning Christianity and losing their salvation, all because they have been tricked into wrongly believing that “god” is an evil anti-White deity.

    Doug Wilson is personally responsible for driving people away from Christ, causing them to lose their salvation.

    As we know from the Parable of the Talents, God gets very angry when liars falsely portray God as evil.

    As punishment for driving people away from Christ, Doug Wilson will be spending eternity in hell. Which is exactly what he deserves.

  7. In my view, “turn the other cheek” means to forgive small insults and offenses.

    As a user on another website put it, turn the other cheek means not acting like a ghetto thug and trashing a McDonalds when they get your order wrong. Turn the other cheek means not murdering someone because they insulted your shoes.

    Turn the other cheek does NOT mean allowing evildoers to harm your race and your loved ones.

    It is noteworthy that Jesus NEVER says that we should turn the other cheek when evildoers are harming OTHERS.

    If an evildoer commits a small insult or transgression against OURSELF, we can turn the other cheek.

    But NEVER turn the other cheek when an evildoer harms the people we care about.

    Jesus WANTS and COMMANDS us to protect and fight for the people we love and care about.

    The Bible says that those who don’t provide for their own are worse than unbelievers.

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