The term “woke right” is the recent persistent attempt by liberals who have successfully infiltrated right or center-right circles to ostracize things on the right that they do not like, such as classical views on nations being more than ideas; an affirmation of biblical sexuality; opposing mass migration; and a recognition that all politics is identity politics in some capacity. Many credit James Lindsay, Konstantin Kisan, or some other liberal with coining this phrase, but the truth is more insidious and discrediting to the term’s ability to thrive.
JD Hall wrote in his substack, Understanding “Woke Right” and It’s Propagandic Origins, a primer on its origins.
Although some might accuse James Lindsay of creating the term, I’m pretty sure he stole it from arch-NeoCon, Dan Crenshaw.* In a 2022 interview, Crenshaw used the term to castigate conservatives who don’t buy into never-ending wars, the shameless enrichment of the Military Industrial Complex, or those who complain about Republican Benedict Arnolds like Crenshaw who primarily exist to bankrupt the United States taxpayer by increasing the size of government, all the while campaigning while invoking the name of Ronald Reagan.
Dan Crenshaw has rightly been derided by Republicans as “Eyepatch McCain” for his blatant liberalism while in office, using military service as a shield against criticism. For a time, it worked for Crenshaw, but eventually, his voting record and disdain for Americans shone brighter than the personal he built in 2018.
That Dan Crenshaw used the term first, in the same way that Lindsay did, and for somewhat the same reasons, would place James Lindsay and his NPCs is the discredited neocon camp. JD Hall did excellent work pointing this out, and his findings should be blasted, so as to cause embarrassment for the liberals who would subvert Christians’ attempts to save our country.
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The term “woke right” is a blatant attempt to manipulate and gaslight conservatives into wrongly believing that caring about the White race is “woke.”
The traitors who use the term “woke right” are hoping that conservatives will say to themselves: “well, woke means liberal and I don’t want to be woke! Dan Crenshaw and Doug Wilson are saying that it’s woke to care about my own race. Since I don’t want to be woke, I’d better follow what Crenshaw and Wilson say, and reject White nationalism.”
The lying traitors know that conservatives view “woke” as bad. Thus, the traitors are hoping that by smearing racial loyalty as “woke”, they can manipulate White people into opposing racial loyalty.
Paul Ryan used the same gaslighting technique when Trump announced the muslim ban in 2016. Paul Ryan tweeted “banning muslims isn’t conservatism.”
Clearly, Ryan’s goal was to gaslight conservatives into thinking: “well, I’m a conservative and Paul Ryan says that it’s not conservative to keep muslims out of America. Since I want to be a good conservative, I’d better do what Paul Ryan says and support open borders so all the muslims can come to America.”
Doug Wilson, Dan Crenshaw, and the other traitorous gaslighters are hoping to manipulate White conservatives into believing that it’s “woke” to care about the White race.
Of course, the traitors are lying as usual.
They also use other variations of the same gaslighting strategy, such as “Democrats are the REAL racists! Don’t be racist like the Democrat KKK” and “the Nazis were far-left liberal socialists” and “conservatives shouldn’t play racial identity politics like the liberal Democrats!”
All of these manipulative slogans are intended to deceive and gaslight White conservatives into rejecting racial loyalty.
This type of manipulative gaslighting can be easily refuted and defeated, by showing that you don’t care what names the traitors call you.
Whenever any manipulator tries these gaslighting tactics on me and calls me a “woke liberal” or a “Democrat” or a “socialist” or whatever, I simply respond:
“You don’t get to define what it means to be a conservative, especially since you are twisting and corrupting the definition of conservatism to serve jewish interests. Modern conservatism isn’t actually conservative. Modern conservatism is neoliberal. Anyway, I’m not interested in playing your manipulative word games. I don’t care what names you call me. My political views are simple: If something benefits the White race, I support it. If something harms the White race, I oppose it. If modern fake conservatism is against White racial loyalty, then I’m not a modern conservative.”
You can use the same response when manipulative traitors such as Doug Wilson try to claim ownership of Christianity and accuse anyone who has racial loyalty of “not being a Christian.”
Just respond: “You don’t get to define Christianity or what it means to be a Christian. Jesus says that the only thing necessary to be a Christian is to believe in Him as Savior. So quit adding your own cultural marxist antichrist requirements to Christianity. You’re a lying false teacher, telling lies about Christ and Christianity in order to manipulate and gaslight Christians into embracing cultural marxism. You’re a lying traitor who is corrupting and perverting and twisting Christianity, to serve jewish interests. You are betraying Christ and the Christian flock, in exchange for earthly rewards. You’re a lying manipulative traitor hoping to curry favor with the (((enemies))) of Christ.”