In 2020 and 2021, Big Eva was obsessed with writing about Christians and conspiracy theories. Following in their footsteps 4 years later, Doug Wilson follows suit in an article that is confusing at best and a straw man at worst. In an article titled, A Christian Take on Conspiracy Thought, Wilson fails to deliver on the headline.
Following the observation of Gregor Sebba, the “bad guys” in much conspiracy thinking are a stand-in for the devil, and are very much like the medieval devil in many ways.
“The Devil is ubiquitous, insidious, powerful, and morally corrosive. He must be identifiable and recognizable as an image, but unidentifiable when at work. Groups that can serve as Devil images must therefore be ubiquitous, insidious, powerful, and morally corrosive; they must be identifiable as groups, but capable of disguise . . . the operations of the fiend are worldwide and secret . . . The Great Conspiracy has a secret Master Plan which may accidentally become known”
Gregor Sebba, as quoted in The Nature of the American System
It is from this point onward that Doug Wilson makes a substantive argument, and because it’s Doug Wilson, it’s worth mentioning that George Sebba is Jewish.
When you look at this description, you can see at once why a group like the Jews would be a favorite whipping boy. But there are plenty of others out there who can fit the bill as well . . . and over the centuries have fit the bill. Darn Freemasons. This is not to say that there are no Freemasons, or Jews for that matter, who are actually trying to do what the conspiracy theorists are claiming about them. But it is to say that to attribute the devilish characteristics of a universal and shadowy power is a lie.
When we make the mistake of thinking that the devil is God’s opposite, or God’s counterpart in some way, we are setting ourselves up to fall into the wrong kind of conspiracy theory. But God has no opposite. The devil’s opposite, such as he is, would be someone like the archangel Michael, and not God at all. The devil is a creature, and the distance between him and God is infinite, comparable to the distance between God and a glow worm.
When we assign the devil a role (or the devils of our various conspiracy fears) that is opposite to God, we are granting him (or them) far too important a place. We are setting ourselves up for the sin of letting someone or something other than Jehovah be our fear and our dread.
Using Sebba’s quote Doug Wilson argues against Christians replacing the work of Satan with Jews via attribution. It is not the understanding of Christian noticers that Jews are organized in a Kabal as enemies of mankind. Rather, this is the natural outgrowth of a culture uniquely created to oppose Christ and His church. Dual loyalty, degeneracy, and in-group preference are all natural and supernatural consequences of this particular culture.
Christian noticers are not substituting Modern Jews or any particular individual with Satan, but they are suggesting that this hostile bloc is amiable with the schemes of hell. Doug Wilson ultimately addresses a nonissue dressed in a stuffing of sophistry.
4 Responses
I saw a recent Wilson Video. I had to leave it about 5-7 minutes in because it was so laced with hate, and a desire to attack anyone who doesn’t just fall in line behind him. How does this man still have a pulpit is what I keep asking myself? His pride and arrogance fuel continued assaults on fellow believers, and we are just here observing it all go down. It’s very sad.
Wilson continues to distance himself from his early Reconstructionist influences. The Reconstructionists did believe in conspiracy theories such as the work of Antony Sutton. As a matter of interest, Gary North wrote a book A Biblical View of Conspiracy, which is free online.
That Satan does his work through the Synagogue of Satan, through his chosen people the Jews, should not be surprising.
He’s a decent author but he obviously is full of himself. He likes using 25 cent words when a 5 cent would do. He wants to control every narrative and anyone to the right of him is now an enemy. Maybe he wants to be on TBN.