Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

Livestream Announcement: Woke Wars II Woke Wars II are upon us. Tonight at 9pm Eastern, we will explain what that is and who’s on what side. We will also dive into the latest controversy or hit job on Joel Webbon perpetrated by Tobias Riemenshneider of Frankfurt, Germany. This livestream could get a little spicy. Support the Evangelical Dark Web […]

Eschatology Matters Distributes, Removes Podcast Slandering Joel Webbon

By measurement of driving conversations and debates, Joel Webbon is one of the most influential Reformed pastors. His rise to prominence in Christian circles has led to a rapid growth of his YouTube channel, Right Response Ministries to 116K subs, which has eclipsed James White’s Alpha & Omega Ministries (110k) and Doug Wilson’s Canon Press […]

James White, Stephen Wolfe, And The Unnecessary War The massive personalities in Evangelicalism who jockey for clout and market share have led to unnecessary divides over the years. G3 Ministries was the biggest example from 2023 where their personalities caused unwarranted strife paired with their unwillingness to discuss disagreements. But in the past few months, it’s Apologia that has become unduly divisive. […]

Destroying Michael O’Fallon’s Credibility Micahel O’Fallon is one of the staunchest opponents of Christian Nationalism operating in Big Eva. And like many in Conservative media, Micahel O’Fallon has used predictions of the worsening state of the country to bolster his credibility. When someone says something bad is going to happen and then it happens, it certainly gives the […]

An Offer Of Peace Between Christian Nationalists and G3 Ministries The brewing conflict between Christian Nationalist and Mid Eva figures, namely members of G3 Ministries has shown some signs of slowing down after what could or should have been an iron sharpen iron, but unfortunately never was on a bilateral level. Jesus says “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called Children of […]

AD Robles and Jon Harris reach 10K subscribers

In the grand scheme of YouTube, ten thousand subscribers is not a lot. But in the Kingdom of God, such a platform can effect change within the church and without. I want to write this as a congratulations to the two of them who have built a platform contending for the faith against the principalities […]

DarkLinks 39: The Gospel Coalition is not on your side with corona virus


In this edition of DarkLinks we explore The Gospel Coalition’s recent response to the church and corona virus. This is a bit of a followup from when we reported on Ed Stertzer in Christianity Today backtracking on the Chinese propaganda he was pushing in calling those who claim that the virus was made in a […]

DarkLinks 35: Progressive Christianity never sleeps

Progressive Christianity is never ceases to move of drive society back into pre-Christendom. The theme of this edition of DarkLinks is exposing much of this heretical blend of Christianity with paganism that begins with undermining Scripture. We begin with a small excerpt from a longer read out of Pulpit and Pen. It really dives into […]