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DarkLinks 2: Bad responses to the EDW, losing to SJWs, and science!


Deflect, Deny, Disguise! Three Bad Responses to the “Evangelical Dark Web”

by Jon Harris @ Worldview Conversations

“Albert Mohler, Thabiti Anyabwile, and Mere Orthodoxy all seem to have responded in different ways to organizations that have exposed the social justice movement in evangelicalism. Their responses are instructive to say the least!”


Why are we losing to the SJWs?

by Jeff Dornik @ Gate Keepers

We have this celebrity mindset within the church where we accept a particular teaching simply because a famous pastor says it’s true. It could be completely off or 100% true, and the church will believe it either way. That’s a serious problem. Discernment has gone out the window.


Debunking the religion of ‘settled science’

By Ted Noel MD @ NOQ Report

As a physician, I have lived this process for decades. There are many ideas in medicine that have been promoted as “gospel truth,” just to be disproved later. But this kind of uncertainty is simply not good enough for the political class.

“Science” is not an answer, it’s a method. First, a researcher sets up a test designed to prove his theory wrong. You read that correctly. Every good piece of science is set up to show that the researcher’s idea is bad. Only good ideas can survive that sort of inquiry. Then, when the first researcher says, “My study showed that the ‘null hypothesis’ is wrong,” another researcher sets up a different way to prove the idea wrong. Only when the experimental hypothesis is confirmed by repeated experimentation can we have real confidence in our answer. By the way, most studies can’t be confirmed.


Does Bible prophecy point to climate change ALARMISM as the real existential threat?

By JD Rucker @ NOQ Report

There are many apostasies happening in the modern western church today. Christians are being pulled in every direction away from proper Biblical teaching, whether through the prosperity gospel, the rise of church-based social justice warriors, or the coexist movement that tries to homogenize the various religions into Christianity (and visa versa). But one topic that is hot in the news today while quietly creeping into the church is climate change alarmism. You may be hearing about it in your church today.


Vatican suspends US archbishop’s decision to strip ‘Catholic’ label from pro-gay ‘marriage’ Jesuit school

By Doug Mainwaring @ Lifesite News

“Following standard canon-law procedures, the Congregation for Catholic Education in Rome has temporarily suspended the effects of a decree by the Archdiocese derecognizing Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School as a Catholic institution. This is a common, temporary measure that does not affect a final determination. The Archdiocese of Indianapolis awaits a final determination by the Congregation for Catholic Education.”

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