I must lament some the frustration I have with certain things that are going on. Following great strides like a grassroots orthodox organization within the Southern Baptist Convention, the Conservative Baptist Network, it would be nice to capitalize on this strengthened organization, but alas, the theme of this edition of DarkLinks is one highlighting numerous setbacks. This edition will be formatted a little differently than others. I want to give my reaction to each article individually after the excerpt. If you like the format comment below, I’d appreciate the feedback.
Why SEC charges against Mark MacArthur, son of pastor John MacArthur, matter to the church
By JD Rucker @ NOQ Report
The sins of the son do not bring punishment to the father in this world, but there must be questions asked of a man charged to lead a congregation towards the light if his own son is accused of dwelling in darkness. The severity of the charges must not be overlooked. $16 million dollars is not chump change and the accusations point to willfully misleading people to receive lesser gains while the company and the partners made greater gains. It isn’t just dishonest. It’s harmful.
The church is already under attack in America and abroad. Scandals that attach to one church are fodder for militant anti-Christian groups to attack all churches. In our post-truth society, the last thing the faithful need is another reason for our religious leaders to labeled as hypocrites. The lies against us are bad enough. When there’s truth to the wrongdoings of religious leaders and their seeds, it works against our calling to spread the Gospel.
My colleague nails the frustration with this white collar incident. John MacAurthur’s ministry success has earned him a lot of zealous supporters, which he’s dealt with in the past. But in no way are these charges positive development on the onset. People like Beth Moore are probably foaming at the mouth at this news. However, the positive silver lining in this is that we will need to rely less on big personalities like John MacArthur and more on God, if we are to preserve the church in America, and the west.
By Seth Dunn @ Pulpit & Pen
Unfortunately this conference is headlined by the disgraced, self-appointed, adulterous, and unqualified Tennessee “pastor” Greg Locke. Locke is the founder of his own church, Global Vision Bible Church in Mt. Juliet Tennessee, and was most notable for being a popular internet pundit before making news by divorcing his wife of 20 years and marrying his secretary. Somehow, a conference featuring multiple pastors which is ostensibly intended to address a threat to the church is being headlined by a known wolf.
A lot of times, Pulpit & Pen takes liberty with sensation, but this is not one of those instances. The incendiary language used against Greg Locke shocked me at first. And then I read the article Seth Dunn penned documenting how he abused his wife and pursued divorce so that he can remarry. He did this in a way that to preserve his ministry reputation. Dunn was righteously incensed at the perpetuation of the relevance of this unqualified man claiming the title “pastor” in what appears as though an unbiblical church. Jeff Dornik in response has by all appearances doubled down.
Christianity Today: Biblical Hospitality and Community Causes Christians to Desire Multiple Sex Partners
By Jeff Maples @ Reformation Charlotte.
Now, Christianity Today just ran an article — by Preston Sprinkle — essentially making the same argument for polyamory — that is, multiple intimate love and sex partners. While the article titled Polyamory: Pastors’ Next Sexual Frontier stops short of affirming the practice of polyamory as a moral thing, Sprinkle does argue — like they do for homosexuals — that there are aspects within polyamory that are good — especially in churches that “idolize marriage and the nuclear family.”
Having read the initial article, the reaction is accurate to what was said. It was a response to the issue that denoted weak resolve for biblical truth. This is why we need to remain firm on biblical sexuality and not give an inch to the world where Scripture is clear. Jeff’s analogy to Beth Moore saying that complementarianism breeds sex abuse is spot on. This level of dumb should not be tolerated by professed Christian institutions.
FBC Dallas refuses to fund Russell Moore’s ERLC
By Capstone Report
Pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas and a prominent evangelical commentator on Fox News, Dr. Robert Jeffress said his church stopped funding the ERLC. Jeffress told One News Now that his church wanted to be good stewards.
“There are some agencies like the ERLC that we no longer fund, and we’re putting money into the things that we feel good about,” Jeffress told One News Now. “We’re not mad at anybody … but we feel like we have a responsibility to be good stewards of the resources God has given us.”
FBC Dallas is one of the largest megachurches in the Southern Baptist Convention that is on our side as it relates to fighting the Social Justice Gospel. His stoppage of funding to the ERLC is huge, and is no setback. However, the article highlighted past words of Jeffress that we are in a post-denominational age, which is saddening for reasons I will want to specifically respond to in time.
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