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The Real David Platt

The Real David Platt Is Devastating

Church Reform Initiative released the long awaited The Real David Platt documentary detailing the experience of members of McLean Bible Church. Part 1 is a deep dive into David Platt’s beginnings at MBC and his involvement in dragging MBC into the Southern Baptist Convention. As someone who has covered David Platt extensively, including the contents of the documentary, there was still more that I gained from watching.

The biggest part that left me with more questions was the suggestion that Lon Solomon departure was not amicable. This is stated by one of the witnesses and supported by him never stepping foot in MBC despite having no intentions of retirement a few years prior to Platt’s arrival.

The biggest fireworks of the documentary come at the end where David Platt is on video lying to his congregation at a 2021 meeting about the affiliation of MBC to the Southern Baptist Convention. David Platt is directly asked if MBC is affiliated multiple times and Platt minces words even though Platt is exceedingly aware of the affiliation and has been for years. This is then followed up with a motion to remove David Platt. Platt insists that this is not the time or place, which the member responds that David Platt shut down the church and that there would be no time or place.

Surprisingly, the member is given a chance to present evidence, but ultimately gets nowhere as the MBC platform eventually cuts his mic.

The biggest weakness in Part 1 is that part where they discuss David Platt changing small groups, as this could entail a tendency to reject any changes a new pastor would make. Perhaps the part would have been better in Part 2 where I imagine Church Reform Initiative will discuss David Platt’s slate of elder nominations which resulted in lawsuits in the first place.

Overall, Part 1 is devastating to David Platt, and I eagerly await Part 2.

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11 Responses

  1. While I agree there are problems with David Platt and MBC, I think there is a small group of disgruntled people who were following a man (Solomon) rather than a message. This small group got bent out of shape when their ministry world started to end.

    Small groups often end or implode with major issues. I speak from experience on this topic from two churches. I have never been a fan of promoting any group in the church where there is decisively no oversight.

    Additionally, I do not see any clear evidence of proper church discipline being followed here. There was no report of any individual first going to their brother who committed the offence to reconcile their difference. I think feelings trumped facts.

    Finally, God’s word would seem to indicate that David Platt is a false teacher and a hypocrite for his promotion of the social gospel while not practicing what he preaches. This is not a recent revelation for me but stems from the beginning of my introduction to his teachings. However, I will allow God to judge.

    These few should have just quietly left the church and allowed God to convict Davit Platt. They instead, acted (and are acting) as his judge. If I were on the jury, I would move to dismiss and tell the congregants to leave and start a new “church.”

    This is just one man’s opinion, so be gentle and godly in your replies please.

  2. After watching part 2 of this documentary, I’m even more convinced that none of this was handled biblically. This group should have just quietly left the church and settle elsewhere. To have their children present during the filming and was abusive. Think of the harm they may have caused them in their future involvement in church. With the world looking in from the outside, what would they conclude? They would say, who needs mess?

    As I watched, I thought if I were there, I would have felt threatened. Who knows how people will be stirred under such circumstances. That situation could have turned very badly for everyone. They put a lot of people in harm’s way.

    God is not please on either side.

  3. Based on it being a Washington DC church filled with powerful lawyers and congressmen, Lon Solomon being secretly pushed out by Sutherland and Platt installed with no vetting by the elders, it would seem to me that Sutherland and Platt are CIA and this was an op by the government to push woke.

  4. what a mangina, people demanding accountability of a man stealing millions of dollars in the only place where it could be done was “putting people in danger.” Give me a break. Pampered man women like you are why the churches have gone so gay.

  5. Matt 18 is for when another Christian commits a private personal sin against you, not for when Lawson publicly commits adultery or Platt embezzles from the church’s treasury. Anyone who can read can see that; these Calvinist pastors always misapply this because they know Matt 18 will not an cannot work to punish them for their vileness, so applying that as the standard is just a get out of jail free card.

  6. I understand your point. What I prefer is to go privately and reason together. This public display only stands to hurt the church.

    Again, Platt and team did plenty of wrong and I think they should all be removed from the church. I think you would agree those fighting against them should handle themselves in a more decent and orderly manner (1 Cor. 14:40).

    Also, I am not Calvinist.

  7. Wow! That was really Christ-like. I guess your reading level is lower than what I wrote.

    Let me say it in shorter, smaller words: THEY ALL SINNED IN THIS!

    God bless you

  8. All my old conspiracy theories came true in 2020, so I need a new one, and this is it: Platt is CIA. A guy with a gay lisp like him who doesn’t know the Bible at all, and only preaches woke nonsense and flails his arms…how could he have risen the ranks of the SBC and been plastered all over Internet Evangelicalism like this? CIA is behind it. There is no other option.

  9. Watch part 1 and 2 and you will see that they spent very little of the total runtime discussion small groups and how those volunteer leaders were told their ministry was not successful.
    The vast majority, with overwhelming evidence, is about corruption and manipulation. They definitely tried to get answers and to talk to leaders, but were not given the time of day. On the contrary, people had their church membership terminated for emailing in and asking questions about SBC affiliation and the lack of financial transparency of the church. The church leadership did not exercise proper church discipline. Please watch part 2, very eye-opening.

  10. I understand saying the aggrieved members should leave silently, I really do. But I understand even more that sin needs to be confronted and exposed and be brought into the light.

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