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Toby Sumpter

Toby Sumpter Argues Homophobia Is A Sin

One of the oft-overlooked consequences of celebrity Christianity When there is a Big Eva empire, untalented sycophancy arises. This often comes in the form of nepotism, but there are institutions that serve as a proving ground. For instance, 9 Marks was a breeding ground for woke pastors. Doug Wilson as the Evangelical Pope of Moscow, Idaho, has a bullpen of talent around him. Most are excellent. But Tobias Sumpter is not, and in a recent blog post, he argues that liberal taboos are sins.

Last week, he wrote “The Woke Right Civil War” which is a failed attempt at peacemaking on the basis that he legitimizes the work of James Lindsay.

On the other hand, those on the “radical right” who are talking about “using the power of the state to crush radical leftists” need to spend a lot more time defining that power and the objects of that vengeance. This is where the James Lindsays of the right have a point. And this is where James White has a very good point. There is such a thing as racial vainglory and racial animosity. There is such a thing as fleshly pride, spite, vengeance, and wrath. There is such a thing is true hatred of Jews. There is such a thing as a bunch of white boys flopping on the soccer field crying “Help! Help! I’m being repressed!” Just because the leftists have weaponized sins and victimhood and falsely accused us of being racists and bigots and homophobes for decades, doesn’t mean that those sins don’t exist or that no one on our side harbors them. And for a bunch of so-called Christians to go suddenly agnostic about the real version of those capital “S” sins is to join James Lindsay in his philosophical labyrinth. 

It cannot be stated clearly enough that “homophobia” is not a sin. While popularly understood to mean a fear-based hatred of sodomites, a phobia is also a repulsion such as the term hydrophobic denotes a material that repels water. Such a phobia is how the gay interacts with Christianity.

The Bible is exceedingly homophobic by all understandings, as Leviticus 20 makes sodomy a death penalty offense, something the Apostle Paul affirms as deserving death in Romans 1. A biblical legal system, which Christians should strive for, would have the sword of the state used to suppress sodomy, just as it once did in this nation. There is no homophobia that amounts to a “capital S sin” whatever that means.

Toby Sumpter writes as though he wants Christians on his right to stop making certain mistakes that are advantageous to James Lindsay, a complete misread of the situation. James Lindsay is making a fool of himself, with other liberals and normies, such as Konstantin Kissin and Tim Pool deriding his use of the term “woke right.” His attempt to own the American Reformer was called out resoundingly by the right. James Lindsay has liberals like Neil Shenvi and Joel Berry in his corner, but he has lost, and has no real influence or audience of his own.

Napolean said it best, “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” So Toby Sumpter has no strategic wisdom to offer, but in the course of appealing to the sensibilities of James Lindsay, a devout Reddit atheist, Sumpter adopts a liberal premise of homophobia as a sin.

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6 Responses

  1. The most evil and insidious thing the traitor-pastors and traitor-theologians have done, is to make cultural marxism an inherent, essential, and non-negotiable part of modern mainstream “Christianity”.

    The traitorous lying false teachers aren’t content to simply be cultural marxists themselves.

    Instead, they go far beyond that, and have the nerve to manipulatively claim that in order to be a “Christian”, you have to be a cultural marxist like they are.

    In their lust for the approval of (((modern society))), the lying false teachers have made anti-White cultural marxism a foundational pillar of “Christianity.”

    They have the nerve to brazenly claim that “you can’t be a Christian unless you hate racism and anti-semitism”.

    Of course, that is a total LIE, which is found NOWHERE in the Bible.

    Jesus Christ Himself says that the only thing necessary to be a Christian is to believe in Him as Savior.

    The false teachers have corrupted and perverted modern “Christianity” by marrying it to cultural marxism and making cultural marxism a foundational pillar of modern “Christianity.”

    This, of course, has driven countless good people away from Jesus Christ and Christianity.

    After all, who would want to follow a malevolent “god” who demands that you embrace the destruction of your own race and your own people?

    That is EXACTLY the way the traitor-pastors are portraying God, when they falsely claim that “god hates racism and anti-semitism.”

    The traitor-pastors are claiming that “god” demands that you allow jews and third worlders to destroy your race and harm your family, and if you resist, then “god” will be angry at you and send you to hell as punishment for caring about your own people and your own family.

    Your race is your extended family.

    So when the traitor-pastors falsely claim that “god hates racism” or “god hates kinism”, what they are REALLY saying is that “god” hates people who care about their own family.

    Does that sound like a good and loving god to you?

    Of course NOT.

    The cuckservative Doug Wilson version of “god” is an evil monstrous deity who wants to harm and destroy everyone except the precious jews.

    By falsely portraying “god” as an evil anarchist who wants to turn the world into Detroit, the lying false teachers have driven so many people away from Jesus Christ.

    Of course, the false teachers are LYING about God and God’s Will and God’s Character.

    As we know from the Parable Of The Talents, God gets very angry when manipulative liars falsely portray Him as evil.

    So Doug Wilson and the other cuckservative, pro-jewish, anti-White, false teachers will be spending eternity burning in hell.

    The TRUTH is that God is Good, and because God is Good, God WANTS and COMMANDS us to love and care about our own race.

    And God WANTS and COMMANDS us to oppose evil judaism and evil jewish anti-White cultural marxism.

    “Racism” is an absolute Christian moral good. “Racism” simply means loving, caring about, and favoring your own extended racial family, which is exactly what God wants us to do.

    The Bible says woe to those who call good as evil and who call evil as good.

    The lying traitor-pastors who call “racism” as evil, while claiming that judaism is good, will burn in hell for eternity as punishment for inverting the definitions of good and evil, and falsely portraying God as evil.

  2. Joel Berry is an evil wicked depraved monster from the deepest pit of hell.

    Joel Berry tweeted that interracial marriage should be mandatory for everyone (except jews), until all the races are blended out of existence.

    Obviously Berry regards interracial marriage as harmful and destructive, or he wouldn’t be demanding an exemption for his precious jews.

    So Berry is essentially saying that he wants to harm and destroy everyone except the jews.

    What would Berry do if someone doesn’t want to marry interracially? Would Berry imprison that person? Would Berry torture that person? Would Berry kill that person?

    Truly Joel Berry is an unspeakable depraved monster. Berry is one of the biggest traitors in the entire USA.

    Berry should be arrested and charged with treason and inciting genocide.

  3. Its part of the post-war consensus, you can’t criticize what Jews like and they like homosexuality, so this is really Doug Wilson saying this through a mouthpiece.

    I expect a Doug Wilson video eventually arguing it from the story of David and Jonathan like his Abigail thing. Doug Wilson or his son will say in that video to come nwxt year that David and Jonathan were gay because Saul said “You have chosen the son of Jesse to youe confusion and the confusion of your mother’s nakedness” and therefore homophobia is a sin because David experimented with being homo and we can’t condemn David. And my answer will be the same as with Abigail: David was not a man after God’s own heart; Samuel is Judean propaganda to make a horrible David look acceptible by gicing excuses for the horrible things he does, contra the other tribes and their potential kings. And the blind man saying to Jesus “have mercy on me aon of David” and Jesus actually having mercy is intended to show that David is not really a man after God’s heart since God’s heart is to have mercy on the lame and blind but David said “My soul hates the lame and blind, so kill them all.” All the liberalism goes back to the excuses Samuel makes for David’a sins, whether its letting whores and whoremongers run amock or tolerating gay, or adding “Judeo” to Christian. And the more Doug Wilson talks the more that will be shown.

  4. This is gravely serious. The term homophobia as actually used includes all moral disapproval of homosexual conduct. Heat should be kept on Toby’s Sumpter until he what recants what normal grammatical analysis would find to be an assertion that homophobia is a sin. Every mention of Toby Sumter should be coupled with “who has recently declared homophobia to be a sin”. And pressure about should be applied to Doug Wilson and others at Moscow about this.

    Asserting that homophobia is a sin, now that’s a sin for you.

  5. Wow, what translation of the bible do you read? Paul warns in Romans that we Gentiles should not suppose we are supplanting the tree since we are merely a branch that is grafted in. It is only by the grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who said, “Salvation is of the Jews” that we the, wild branch can be grafted into the true tree. You sound extremely haughty and boastful about whatever you think sound doctrine is.

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