Neil Shenvi is Big Eva’s chosen apologist to tackle Critical Race Theory in the church. It’s a convenient arrangement as he is able to provide a general critique of wokeness while protecting woke Evangelical leaders from the accusation of being woke, most notably JD Greear, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention during the Black Lives Matter Riots of 2020. Shenvi has made a go of going after the “Woke Right” accusing them of using the same rhetorical mechanics as the liberals. However, Neil Shenvi, someone obsessed with race, has a view of race that is steeped in Critical Race Theory.
Christians are sometimes hesitant to affirm “race is a social construct” because they think gender will be next. But that’s not the case.
For example, it’s possible to be half-Indian or one-quarter White, or five-eighths Black.
It’s not possible to be five-eighths female.
Neil Shenvi asserts that race is a social construct because unlike gender, mixed race exists. Shenvi is arguing against a slippery slope, or perhaps even a strawman, that asserts that accepting the premise of race being a social construct leads to gender being viewed as one. In regard to gender, those who use the term “woke right” such as James Lindsay do believe that gender is socially constructed, to some degree, distinguishing it from sex.
Getting back to the topic of race, Shenvi finds common ground with perhaps the most famous race grifter of this decade, Robin DiAngelo, who asserts race is socially constructed.
According to Robin DiAngelo, a sociologist and author of “White Fragility,” the concept of race is a social construct that was created to justify and perpetuate systemic racism and inequality, specifically the Atlantic Slave Trade. DiAngelo argues that race has no biological or genetic basis, but is instead a product of social, economic, and political forces that have historically privileged White people at the expense of non-Whites. DiAngelo’s views are largely in line with Critical Race Theory, which holds that racism is deeply embedded in the structures and institutions of society and that White supremacy is a pervasive force that shapes our understanding of race and racial identity.
Many of us have pointed out that Neil Shenvi is a woke apologist, and perhaps this will be a wakeup call for Conservative Inc and Evangelicalism.
10 Responses
Is Neil Shenvi ethnically jewish? He looks jewish. That would explain why he hates White people and wants to manipulate and gaslight White people into wrongly believing that “rAcE iS a SoCiAL cOnStRuCt.”
Neil Shenvi is a lying traitor and a false teacher.
After the America First movement wins power, it will be a Class 1 felony to use religion for any anti-White purposes.
Additionally, it will be a Class 1 felony to express any anti-White views.
Anyone who spews anti-White lies such as “race doesn’t exist” or “there’s only one race, the human race” or “god hates racism/kinism” will be arrested and charged with treason and incitement of genocide against White people.
Keep trolling, “A Christian”, keep trolling.
I don’t think “A Christian” is trolling. There is no question that Shenvi is a rabbi.
Can you give proof that he is? I wouldn’t be surprised, but I don’t know much about him. Though I disagree with him on this and probably many other things.
Anyone who won’t say what race they are, are thereby proven to be Jews. What race are you? We know Shenvi is a rabbi because (1) he attacks Whites, (2) he is a Zionist, (3) he never identifies himself as White, (4) he supports the Left, (5) He is good at subterfuge before stupid people which is particularly a Jewish talent.
He could also be a Jew of the subcontinent (a Brahmin). See wikipedia on “Shenoy”. Whether he is a Ben Shapiro or a Vivek Ramiswampy, doesn’t much matter; they both have the same agenda of wiping out Whites, and of wearing Christianity as a skinsuit to help them accomplish that.
Jere says: “Keep trolling, “A Christian”, keep trolling.”
I’m not trolling.
I’m speaking up for the White race, and I’m defending the existence and the survival of White race, which is currently being genocided.
It’s interesting how (((Jere))) who claims to be a “fellow Christian” is totally unbothered that the White race is being genocided, but (((Jere))) is upset that I am opposing the genocide and naming the (((genociders))).
That says a lot about (((Jere’s))) twisted moral compass and lack of character.
(((Jere))) is either a jew or a race traitor.
The jews are trying to genocide the White race (and eventually every other race too), hence the jews are the enemies of God and the enemies of humanity.
Neil Shenvi looks like a jew and certainly acts like one.
Even a brief glance at his writings prove that Shenvi is an evil, manipulative, anti-White, subversive.
Shenvi goes around spewing manipulative anti-White LIES such as “Jesus was a brown-skinned refugee!”
Shenvi is also constantly denouncing “racism” and “anti-semitism”.
It is very clear that Shenvi hates White people, and Shenvi’s goal is to twist and pervert Christianity into a destructive anti-White ideology, in order to manipulate and gaslight White people into embracing the destruction of the White race.
Neil Shenvi, Doug Wilson, Joseph Boot, Owen Strachan, the wicked monster Joel Berry, Russell Moore, and various others are all traitorous lying false teachers who serve jewish interests, by manipulating and gaslighting White people into wrongly believing that White racial loyalty is “un-Christian”, which of course is a LIE.
These evil LIES cause many White people to wrongly believe that “god” wants the destruction of the White race, while simultaneously driving many Pro-White people away from Jesus Christ, by FALSELY portraying “god” as a depraved psychopathic genocidal monster.
As the Bible explains in the Parable of the Talents, God gets very angry when manipulators tell lies about God and God’s Will.
Thus, Doug Wilson, Neil Shenvi, the depraved monster Joel Berry, and all of the other lying false teachers will be spending eternity in hell, as punishment for driving countless people away from Jesus Christ.
“A Christian” have you seen Trent Horn’s video where he is upset at his fellow Catholics who are touting the AI reconstruction of what Jesus looks like based on the Shroud of Turin and saying “Jesus doesn’t look like the ugly brown goblin the media claims, but looks like the Mormon depictions of Jesus!” And Trent Horn took offence because he’s got Jew and apparently black in his ancestry.
Dave, I haven’t seen Trent Horn’s video. But I am familiar with the ugly brown goblin image of “Jesus” that you mentioned.
This fake and fraudulent image of “Jesus” was created by the jews and (((their))) underlings, with the intention of de-whitifying Christianity, and gaslighting White Christians into wrongly believing that “Jesus was a brown-skinned jew who supports open borders and race-mixing.”
The (((goal))), of course, is to manipulate, deceive, and gaslight White Christians into wrongly believing that “god” is against White racial unity.
The jews know that if (((they))) can deceive and gaslight White Christians into wrongly believing that “Jesus” is a brown-skinned jew, it will be much easier for the jews to destroy the White race, because White Christians will be tricked into wrongly believing that “god” wants the White race to be erased from existence.
Of course, the TRUTH is that the ugly brown goblin image of “Jesus” is a total FRAUD and FAKE that was fabricated by the jews.
Ultimately it doesn’t matter how Jesus looks, because He is God and He can look however He wants. Since Jesus is God, He could choose to be White one minute, Korean the next minute, and Hawaiian the minute after that. Jesus can appear however He wants to.
But the historical consensus (at least before the modern cucked era) is that Jesus is White-skinned.
Pontius Pilate, who met and talked to Jesus, described Jesus as fair-skinned with a golden beard. Pilate specifically noted Jesus’ White skin and fair hair, in contrast to the swarthy appearance of the Israelites.
For nearly 2000 years, it was universally recognized that Jesus is White in appearance.
This only began to change around 20-30 years ago, when the lying cuckvangelical cultural marxists began to FALSELY portray Jesus as a brown-skinned jew, in a manipulate effort to gaslight White Christians into embracing racial destruction.