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Antioch Declaration

Antioch Declaration Not Woke Enough For Christian Post Zionists

2025 has begun with a host of articles on Christian Post defending Zionism and attacking the historic position of Covenant Theology. The outlet which by volume produces more liberal articles than even The Gospel Coalition weighed decided to weigh into the Antioch Declaration and attack Stephen Wolfe, author of The Case For Christian Nationalism. What’s fascinating is that although the Antioch Declaration is welcomed it is not woke enough to satisfy.

Gerald McDermott wrote a column titled, “Attacking antisemitism among the Reformed” weighing into the Antioch Declaration and Reformed theology. After an appeal to emotion citing October 7, McDermott states:

We Christians who follow a Jewish messiah ought to be the first and loudest defenders of the Chosen People when they are on the run again (which ought to remind us of the Church’s failures a century ago), so it is doubly tragic that we are starting to see antisemitism among our own.

Therefore, those of us who have been enlightened by the insights of Reformed theology welcomed November’s Antioch Declaration against antisemitism. We were not surprised that this was written and signed by leading Reformed thinkers, for Calvinist theologians have resisted the Lutheran temptation to pit Gospel against law. Calvin and Edwards saw that God’s Law, first stewarded by the Jewish people, is a gift to the world and Church and is in fact a form of grace.

Despite claiming to be Reformed and Anglican, McDermott asserts that Modern Jews are God’s chosen people and chides the church for a failure a century ago (in the 1920s Jews were terrorizing Europe through revolutions, so not sure where he’s getting at with that.) Moreover, John Calvin who McDermott appeals to had the same position of Jews as Martin Luther and Francis Turretin, adding more to the incoherence of McDermott’s conflicting theologies.

After lauding the credentials of Doug Wilson, crediting him with spearheading the Antioch Declaration. He then attacks Stephen Wolfe who is published by Wilson’s Canon Press, noting that the Antioch Declaration was written to counter Christian Nationalism. He then weighs in on the Babylon Bee executives attacking Stephen Wolfe.

Perhaps then we should not be surprised that in a January response on X to The Babylon Bee’s Jewish CEO who wondered why Christians don’t share Paul’s heart for Israel, Wolfe wrote, “Believing that Israelis are ‘of my own race’ is a mental disorder.”

To be fair, Wolfe was responding to Seth Dillon’s use of an English translation of Romans 9:3 where Paul supposedly refers to “my own race.”

But one still wonders what Wolfe means. When “race” in today’s culture usually denotes skin color, is Wolfe ignoring the fact that 45% of Israelis are Ashkenazi Jews with white skin? Or does he mean that because most Israelis are Jewish they cannot have any connection with Christians, even Jewish Christians like Dillon?

Stephen Wolfe said that it was a mental disorder to use Romans 9:2 tp assert that Israelis are the same race as American Christians  Romans 9. McDermott reduces race to skin color and then argues that most Jews are Askanazi and therefore White. What’s ironic is that Jews do not view themselves as White (made evident when they pushed Critical Race Theory) and Black Americans do view Jews as White. McDermott views Jews as White, which actually undermines their claim to Abrahamic lineage. This is the level of critical thinking in a seminary professor, by the way.

If Wolfe is ambiguous, Thomas Achord and Andrew Torba have been downright malicious. Achord, a Calvinist who has been co-host of the Ars Politica podcast with Stephen Wolfe, has written under the alias Tulius Aadland that “a random shooting of Antifa members hit 100% jews [sic] and 100% pedos,” complained of “the Yiddish roots of antifa,” and hoped for “no more Jew wars.”

Torba, co-author of a book on Christian nationalism recommended by Wilson, wrote in November 2022 that the GOP needs to be destroyed before another “Zionist bootlicker” is voted into office. He complained that “the Jews in positions of power” worry that your freedom of speech will give you “the freedom to reach a lot of people and criticize their power and oversized influence in our culture, government, and society.” Torba reposted a charge that Jews are “psychologically and spiritually castrating citizens.”

The examples of Christian Nationalists cited by McDermott for their vile words devoid them of context. The Archord posts were hilarious commentaries on Kyle Rittenhouse and his run-in with Antifa. Attacking Tobra, the founder of Gab, he linked the Jewish Anti-Defamation League to regurgitate their talking points on a Christian.

The Antioch Declaration is to be congratulated for its forthright denunciation of antisemitic conspiracy theories and Holocaust deniers. But it too is a bit disturbing.

Why should we think of Jews as the “easiest target” of conspiracy theories? Why not radical Muslims, who are by all accounts the source of most terrorism today, and by their own admission are trying to take over the world? Readers can be forgiven for wondering if the Antioch authors suggest by “easiest target” that there are legitimate reasons for antisemitic conspiracy theories.

Doug Wilson attacks people for noticing and ultimately brushes it off as “high performing people.” But Wilson does not deny that pornography is a Jewish cottage industry, for instance. In contrast, McDermott cannot stomach the thought that God’s “chosen people” are uniquely hostile to Christians unless it is the church’s fault. But the Antioch Declaration is not woke enough for him.

This odd language in the Declaration suggests what most supersessionists (those who think God’s new covenant with the Church supersedes and replaces his covenantal love for the Jewish people) have concluded, that God has given up on the Jews. But Paul specifically denied that. “Has God rejected his people? By no means!” The remnant that has seen its Messiah is proof that the “whole lump” of Israel is still “holy” (Rom 11:1, 16). Paul warns the Gentiles in Rome not to be “arrogant” toward the “branches” of Israel that have been broken off: “Remember it is not you who support the root [Jewish Israel], but the root that supports you” (v. 18). The Jews and Gentiles who have seen the Messiah are mysteriously connected to the root of Jewish Israel, even those parts of the root that have not seen Jesus yet. 

The Antioch Declaration implies that the “commonwealth of Israel” is the Christian Church. But the phrase refers to Jewish Israel in Ephesians 2:12, from which the gentile Christians in Ephesus had been “alienated” before their conversions, but to which they were now connected because of their oneness with the Jewish Messiah.

The Antioch Declaration provides preferential treatment to Jews that would not be extended to Muslims or any other pagans, but this is not enough for McDermott and the woke Zionists who insist that the Reformed world recognize Jews as God’s chosen people despite their lack of faith in God. McDermott’s John Hagee-esque reading to Romans 11 is more of a screed than an exegete.

The article concludes by essentially arguing in favor of Hageeism warning of another Holocaust if Reformed Christians persist in historic Christian theology. Doug Wilson’s wokeness with the Antioch Declaration was not woke enough to satisfy the Zionists of the Christian Post, and this development is hilarious.

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3 Responses

  1. What we know for sure about the Jews is, if they are Israelites, they are descended from those who killed Jesus Christ, and did not repent. If not, they are people who converted to the religion of those who killed Christ and made it worse. (One rabbi claimed to be descended from Emperor Nero, that persecutor of the church, who the Talmud supposes escaped and converted to Judaism.) Hitler did not hate the Jews because he wanted to destroy God’s chosen people. And he didn’t hate them because they had big noses either. He hated them because of their links with communism, corrupt capitalism, and various sorts of immoral or just plain bad art. And, while it is disputed what the Fuhrer believed, and while he did do some terrible things, we do know that at very least he admired Christ, being fond of the story where Jesus drove the moneychangers from the temple, and called Him Lord and Savior. God and the (dead) saints and angels alone know whether Hitler was redeemed. But whatever his ultimate fate, I hope that it will be more bearable for him, his lieutenants, and especially the German people of the time on Judgement Day than for the Jews who provoked him to wrath. And I feel that I probably won’t have much trouble with that.

  2. Adolf von Harnack in his monograph on Marcion ends by saying that it was right for the church to condemn Marcion and keep the Old Testament back then but that its positively stupid for the church to continue doing so today (1920s). It seems he was right, as least with regard to the claim that the Jews ever were “God’s chosen people”; we have to transition to a theology that acknowledges that the reason Christ incarnated in Israel is NOT because they were God’s chosen people but rather because his mission was to die for our sins so he had to live amongst the most wicked race, the one that for sure would put God to death because they hate sexual morality, and who one of their race (Sarah Silverman) has boldly said “We’d do it again.” He incarnated there not because they were “his people” but because they needed salvation more than all others being more sinful, and so he gave them a chance (“to the Jews first”, not because they were the chosen people because they were the most vile). If we can’t make this transition, then Christianity dies out by just being subsumed into Talmudic Judaism as another dead messiah cult like the Labavichters who believe that Menechem Schneerson who died in 1994 is the messiah and that he rose from the dead and is hiding out in the tunnels underneath 777 Brooklyn and is the one who soiled the mattress there.

  3. Dave S and Civil Rights Apostate have written excellent responses above.

    The jews are NOT the chosen people, Jesus is NOT a jew, and the jews are NOT White.

    The jews are evil, depraved, and wicked. That is why the jews are hated: because wherever (((they))) go, (((they))) abuse, exploit, and harm the non-jewish population, and (((they))) try to divide and conquer the non-jews.

    It is obvious to any honest person that the only cause of “anti-semitism” is the jews’ own evil and depraved behavior.

    The jews are the most evil group in the entire world. (((They))) view non-jews as subhuman cattle who exist only to be abused and exploited and enslaved by the jews.

    The fact is that the jews have no interest in stopping (((their))) evil behavior, but instead try to persecute anyone who is brave enough to speak the truth about how evil the jews are.

    Any so-called “Christian” who sides with the jews or (((their))) earthly imposter “israel”, is a traitor.

    Almost every single “Christian” zionist and “judeo-christian” I have ever encountered, is a malignant narcissist. This isn’t surprising. The cucks who worship the evil jews, tend to be evil themselves. Robert Morris and Mike Bickle are two examples, of many.

    Do the traitorous cuckvangelicals worship the jews because the traitorous cuckvangelicals are evil, or did the traitorous cuckvangelicals become evil by worshipping the depraved jews? Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

    The jews-worshipping cuckvangelicals are traitors to Jesus Christ, and traitors to Christianity, and traitors to their own people.

    After an America First government wins power, the sanctimonious pompous cuckvangelical traitors will be sent on an all-expenses-paid vacation to the “Camp Bonhoeffer” penal labor camp, where they will do heavy manual labor for 12 hours each day (except Sundays), until they can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they are no longer traitorous scum.

    Additionally, it will be a Class 1 Felony to use religion for ANY anti-White purposes. Anyone who spews evil LIES such as “Jesus was a jew” or “jews are the chosen people” or “god hates racism/kinism” or “god supports race-mixing” will be arrested for treason and incitement of genocide against White people.

    Furthermore, in order to protect the Christian flock from being manipulated and gaslighted by treasonous lying false teachers, it will be a requirement that anyone preaching to an audience containing any White people, will be required to adhere to a Pro-White theological viewpoint at all times.

    Any pastors who are unable or unwilling to comply with this directive, will win an all-expenses-paid vacation to the “Camp Bonhoeffer” penal labor camp described above, where they will do heavy manual labor until they can prove that they are no longer traitors.

    The era of so-called “Christian” traitorous pastors and theologians manipulating and gaslighting White people into embracing racial suicide, will be OVER.

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