The willingness of our legal system to charge Kyle Rittenhouse with 1st degree murder is an injustice of cosmic proportions. Kyle is a seventeen year old who felt compelled to help the people of Kenosha, Wisconsin because the government refused to do their jobs. He risked his life because the government will not do its job. And it nearly cost him his life. But thankfully, the good guy with a gun was able to stop the pedophile and the bad guy with a gun. I find it incredibly ironic we are charging a minor with murder for killing a pedophile who attacked him. I cite Isaiah 5:20 in reference to this situation and the ever increasing lawlessness permitted in our cities.
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20 KJV
Situations like this make me angry, and we cannot afford to memory hole Kyle Rittenhouse. While the government bore the sword in vain, he risked his life for this country, a life that may be shafted by the legal system. We need to come to his aid.
6 Responses
But it is for the greater good to definitely prevent peaceful protests. Just like in Atlanta. They didn’t have any riots after that Wendy’s incident. (Do I need to identify that as facetious? )
Joined Gun Owners of America today.
On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 6:03 AM Evangelical Dark Web wrote:
> > > > > > > Ray Fava posted: ” > > > > > > > The willingness of our legal system to charge Kyle Rittenhouse with 1st > degree murder is an injustice of cosmic proportions. Kyle is a seventeen > year old who felt compelled to help the people of Kenosha, Wisconsin > becaus” > > > >
Nice! I like them quite a bit. They have always been a solid alternative that kept the NRA in line and may now become the alpha on the issue.
Not on subject but I can’t reach you on twitter: Employees fighting back against critical race theory