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Max Miller

Max Miller Gets Lizzie Marbach Fired from Ohio Right to Life

Last week, Lizzie Marbach received the ire of freshman Representative Max Miller over a tweet rightfully claiming that “There’s no hope for any of us outside of having faith in Jesus Christ alone.” Miller, whose Jewish, believes he on account of ethnicity is the chosen people, when in fact the only thing about him that is “chosen” was Trump’s selection of Miller for his congressional seat.

Unsurprisingly, his wife Emily Moreno Miller serves on the board of Ohio Right to Life, Marbach’s employer had her terminated for refusal to delete the tweet. Unironically, this was predicted on the Steve Deace Show, of which Marbach had appeared earlier this month so promote a statewide ballot issue.

The story was broken by The Sentinel who reported:

Internal communications at Ohio Right to Life reviewed by The Sentinel showed that Marbach was offered the opportunity to resign from the entity or receive a transition period before her official dismissal, both of which she declined.

The dismissal came days after Marbach and another senior Ohio Right to Life employee disagreed about a separate post from Marbach, in which she called a pro-abortion activist a “murderous liar” in reference to a proposed state constitutional amendment that would expand the legality of abortion in Ohio. The employee was concerned about the tone of the post.

Though they might attempt to add another “controversial” tweet to conceal their true intentions, good luck convincing anyone that attacking the RINO congressman whose wife serves on the board had no bearing on her termination. Calling a pro-abortion activist a “murderous liar” should really be parr for the course. If the pro-life industry sought to win on the issue, then rightfully branding abortion as “a lifestyle of murder” where repeat customers account for 45% of all abortions nationally is a sound strategy to make people realize the inherent disgust of abortion.

Ohio Right to Life, despite having faithful warriors like Lizzie Marbach, who fought for Ohio’s Question 1 unlike Conservative Inc., would rather subvert the pro-life agenda than support its soldiers. And that is why the pro-life movement took fifty years to overturn Roe, while turning into an industry that does not want to end abortion. That is why there is no “post-Roe” strategy, because they have none!

Donate to End Abortion Now, Free the States, or to local prospective candidates like Dusty Deevers instead of these heathens.

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