After the launch of the Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics, The Gospel Coalition has announced its latest organization to honor one of its founders: the Carson Center for Theological Renewal, to honor Don Carson. According to the announcement:
Around the world today, biblical illiteracy inhibits spiritual depth—not just in the shrinking church of the West but even in the growing churches of the South and East. But there’s no spiritual renewal without returning to Scripture. And while the internet offers unprecedented access to the Bible, many of the most widely used resources for studying God’s Word are unhelpful at best or heretical at worst.
That’s why TGC has started The Carson Center for Theological Renewal, named in honor of TGC cofounder Don Carson. As we see in Scripture and church history, spiritual renewal follows theological renewal when the ancient gospel of Jesus Christ recaptures our hearts and minds.
At this point it’s worth noting that Don Carson was directly responsible for the rise in Side B theology in the church. Side B theology is a heretical view in which homosexual (and transvestite) identity and desires are deemed compatible with a Christian life. In 2010, DA Carson commissioned Mark Yarhouse to write a white paper titled, “A Christian Perspective on Sexual Identity.” This white paper is not readily presented on the internet by the parties who champion it. Nevertheless, this 2010 paper by Yarhouse has glaring theological issues intended for use by campus missionaries. We covered this when exposing the nefarious influence of Mark Yarhouse.
Over the next few years, The Carson Center aims to do the following:
1. Create: The Carson Center will produce and distribute a multi-resource, digital-first collection designed to serve church leaders around the world. Resources will include commentaries on every book of the Bible, Bible and theological dictionaries, a hermeneutics handbook, and more. We want every church leader to have access to the core tools necessary to thrive in biblical study.
2. Curate: The Carson Center will collect and distribute a wide range of biblical and theological material. This collection will include a sermon library, free courses on hundreds of theological and practical ministry topics, book reviews, and scholarly articles on a range of topics. For the first time, the Carson Digital Library compiles Don Carson’s work, including more than 600 sermons and conference messages in audio and transcript form; multiple free ebooks; hundreds of articles and reviews on topics ranging from the authority of Scripture to the challenges of postmodernism; and several courses, including the well-known lecture series The God Who Is There.
3. Cultivate: A select group of fellows—top biblical scholars and theologians from around the world—will help lead The Carson Center by producing resources to serve the next generation of church teachers. These fellows will also provide online cohort-style training to Bible teachers, students, and anyone else who wants to become better acquainted with God through his Word.
Compared to the Keller Center, the Carson Center seems rather low effort, essentially functioning as a searchable database of approved, curated content. But of course they are accepting donations. It does appear as though they will follow up with a cohort of Big Eva groomees of their own, just like the Keller Center.
The Keller Center had the controversy surrounding Joshua Butler who was canceled from Big Eva because he angered feminist. As Don Carson’s legacy includes pushing gay theology on college students, one can only suspect that TGC’s Carson Center will follow in those footsteps.
2 Responses
It’s sad what happened to Carson who is probably the biggest name at Trinity Evangelical Divinity school if he hasn’t retired. Possibly the Vax muddled his brain. But that once somewhat acclaimed seminary is now in the dustbin of history with the trajectory of the rest of the EFCA unless they pull the nose up. But it seems they have already crashed into the flight deck. I’m a campus pastor and this week in a discussion (after going through the Gospel) with a Bosnian Muslim girl
Anyway in evangelism this liberal pro-gay theology gives us a black eye now with Muslims.