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Why The Left Is Going All In On Trump-Hitler

The liberals have launched an all out offensive on Donald Trump to label him Hitler based on unverifiable claims of a former general and his recent rally at Madison Square Garden. But is this a meaningful Oktober surprise, or is this a Battle of the Bulge?

The claims of Trump’s desire for generals like what Hitler had are laughably ironic, considering many of them had dubious loyalty, including Rommel who would commit suicide to avoid trial. These generals also lost, adding to the incredulity of Trump’s mythical quip. Moreover, Trump’s recent rally at Madison Square Garden made headlines over comedian Tony Hinchcliffe cracking jokes about Puerto Rico, Nazis, and other groups. Hinchcliffe is one of the rare equal-opportunity offenders in comedy who went viral at the Roast of Tom Brady.

Nevertheless, the Kamala Harris campaign is betting on the Post-War Consensus whereby, in this case, Hitler is the ultimate evil and thus must be the comparison to everything we don’t like. This is not too dissimilar from Eric Metaxes’s Letter To The American Church, which does the same thing. However, the Democrats have simplified the argument by forgoing logic and reason.

However, the Democrats failed to reserve the Post-War Consensus trump card, in favor of liberal invocations of Adolf on Republican nominees no matter how far left. They’ve used the card already, so much so that a supposed Trump quip is white noise in the midst of their cries of him being the American embodiment of the Third Reich.

Kamala Harris is floundering, so calling Trump Hitler is the best move she has left, but only Boomers will be swayed by it. However, Boomers are not so indecisive that such a late push will change their minds. More importantly, many Millennials and Zoomers are true believers in the Trump-Hitler narrative. This has certainly led to modern Bonhoeffers shooting their shot. The calls to make Trump out to be Hitler are not about winning the election. It’s about fomenting revolution and violence.

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One Response

  1. The Left has called ever Republic presidential candidate in my lifetime Hitler. So since they’re position is that Trump is the worst candidate of all time, he has to be super Hitler. If he’s just regular Hitler, he’s no diff than every other Republican to them.

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