Meme have generated a lot of controversy recently so, we are viewing them.
First, the meme Rich Pierce wants to cancel Eric Conn over.
Now the meme Tom Buck wants to cancel anons over.
Jeff Durbin’s recent foray into social media.
People who use the term “woke right.”
If you know, you know.
How things got here
When you hate on Christmas carols
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5 Responses
Anyone else find it odd that some of the same people, who seem to be upset at the Judeo-Christian talking point, may also have been folks who’s theology basically ignores Israel and Jews after Christ as being of any importance? But now they want us to believe that it matters? (It’s not everyone, but the fact that a few seem to be doing that is so so strange) My working memory ain’t great, so maybe I’m confusing personalities online, but I thought I read somewhere about some of these peopel who seem to be disguising themselves as not woke right or woke right or something.
The traitor-pastors and traitor-theologians are using the term “woke right” in a blatantly manipulative attempt to gaslight and deceive Christians into wrongly believing that it’s “woke” to support nationalism.
Moreover, the traitors aim to intimidate and smear good patriots with the “woke” label.
Their goal is for patriots to say to themselves: “well, I don’t want anyone to call me woke, so I’d better keep quiet and not express any support for nationalism.”
The attempts to smear anyone who denounces (((globohomo))) is frequently used by the enemies of Christ.
The enemies and traitors do the same thing when anyone tells the truth about the jews and earthly imposter “israel.”
The traitors and enemies viciously attack the truth-teller and call the truth-teller names such as “muslim”, “democrat”, “communist”, “woke”, “AOC supporter”, etc.
The goal is to intimidate the truth-tellers into silence. Nobody likes being smeared as “muslim”, “democrat”, etc, so the enemies and traitors hope that these smears will intimidate patriots into shutting up.
Another thing to be aware of is how the enemies and traitors try to take over, co-opt, and re-define various concepts to suit their own interests.
For example, conservatism, which once stood for preserving traditional values, has been transformed into a neoliberal ideology which eagerly collaborates with the liberals to destroy traditional values.
The same is true of modern mainstream institutional “Christianity”, which has been heavily corrupted, subverted, and twisted, and is now largely just cultural marxism with a “Christian” wrapper.
It reminds me of how in CS Lewis’ The Last Battle, the evil ape took a lion skin, put it over a donkey, and went around pretending to be a prophet and falsely claiming that the donkey covered in the lion skin was Aslan.
The same thing has happened to modern conservatism, modern institutional “Christianity”, etc.
It still has same name (“conservatism”, “Christianity”, etc), but underneath the facade, it has been corrupted and twisted into something completely different.
The strategy of the enemies and traitors works like this:
Step 1: infiltrate and take over an institution.
Step 2: change the content of the institution to serve the interests of the enemies and traitors. Replace the traditional ideology and beliefs with new ideology and beliefs that serve the interests of the enemies and traitors.
Step 3: since the outer facade of the institution and the name is still the same, use people’s loyalty to the pre-takeover institution to manipulate people into accepting the new, destructive ideology that is hidden under the old facade.
That is exactly what has happened to concepts such as conservatism, institutional Christianity, and the meaning of America.
The enemies and traitors have hijacked and redefined these concepts, while taking advantage of people’s loyalty to what these concepts used to be, to gaslight the people into accepting the new destructive ideology that is packaged in the old wrapper.
That’s how traitors like Paul Ryan have the nerve to say things like “Trump’s muslim ban is not conservatism.”
The enemies and traitors have so heavily corrupted, twisted, and re-defined conservatism, that now keeping muslims out of the west is “not conservative” according to the neocons.
It is vital for real Christians and real conservatives to be alert and aware of how the enemies and traitors seek to corrupt, twist, and re-define ideologies and even religions to suit their own evil interests.
And it is even more vital for Christians to put our trust in Jesus Christ alone, rather than in corruptible earthly religious leaders.
Doug Wilson and his sons still say things that the ADL would call antisemitic so I don’t know who they think they’re fooling. Like in this recent video he says explicitly that Jews and Christians don’t share values. But then defends the absurd Judeo-Christian term anyway. These men are just double minded men unstable in all their ways.
Just turn it back on them: Jews on the right like Ben Shapiro, and Judaizers like them are the Woke Right, because they accept Jewish Anti-White narratives which are Wokeness, and thus help the Jews pushing transing kids.