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Frankfurt Declaration

Writing The Frankfurt Declaration: An Interview With Steven Lloyd

Earlier this month a group of pastors drafted the Frankfurt Declaration as a repudiation of Branch Covidianism and attempts by the government to dislodge Christ as head of the church. Many pastors from around the globe were part of the initial signing, but three men were tasked with writing the document. Yesterday, I sat down with Steven Lloyd, a missionary serving in southern France, and the only American writer of the statement. In this interview we got an inside baseball view of how this important document going forward came to be and addressed criticism and misconceptions surrounding the signers.

One such misconception addressed was the perception that all of the signers were exclusively reformed. This was in large part due to the name recognition of prominent signers were all reformed. However, Steven Lloyd is not reformed, a fact that easily debunks the misconception.

My only quibble with the Frankfurt Declaration is it was a statement exclusively aimed at government. Steven expressed how the drafters of the statement were of a unique unified mind and drafted the statement God called them to make. Additionally, he believes that pastors who were on the wrong side would be far more willing to agree to this ecumenical statement if it were less combative.

The Evangelical Dark Web previously endorsed the statement stating:

The Frankfurt Declaration is a necessary proxy for vetting pastors. Though the initial signers are almost exclusively Calvinist, the statement is fairly ecumenical making it a unify stastement in response to a pagan religious cult known as Branch Covidianism. Historically, I cannot say whether the church has had a response this quick to a pagan religion’s emergence. And while many believe that this is a dead issue, people continue to suffer from the effects of the jabs and  lockdowns.

Where the statement falls short is that its scope is devoted to the government and not the people or church leaders who called evil policy good. They bare responsibility for the suffering they have inflicted, but this statement does not focus on the NPCs. Overall, this Frankfurt Declaration is a great response to mark down for future generations of believers.

We encourage our readers to likewise sign on to the statement.

This interview is available in audio format.

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