The decision to bring Calvin Robinson on to the Right Response Conference to replace Jeff Durbin has not been without controversy. Such controversy was somewhat expected and is ongoing. However wise it was for Joel Webbon to announce Robinson is a matter of whether a person wants to build a movement with broader appeal than Reformed social media circles or whether a person believes that Robinson’s views run contrary to the overall mission of the conference centered on defeating Trashworld.
But for now, it is necessary to point out the hypocrisy in the selective outrage of Calvin Robinson from people who either had no issue with him a mere month ago or people who have shared a platform with far worse.
Calvin Robinson is a rare breed of theologian, mildly put. As an Anglo-Catholic who is not woke, is a noticer, and has taken stands within the Anglican denomination, he has attracted a lot of positive attention. However, he is an Anglican who rejects Calvinism, has an affinity for Rome but not the Papacy and believes in the Papist dogmas of Mary. Moreover, Robinson has harsher words to say of Baptists than Papists. But none of this was new and was widely known in 2023, shortly after he became famous in the United States.
For No Quarter November, Doug Wilson did a podcast with Calvin Robinson. Eschatology Matters did a podcast with Calvin Robinson.
Enter James White, Doug Wilson’s most active ally against Right Response and Ogden in Woke Wars II. James White has been extremely vocal against Webbon for inviting Robinson to speak at the conference. White who is vehemently anti-Catholic used Robinson’s theology on this matter as a cudgel against Joel Webbon.
James White would falsely claim that Calvin Robinson’s theology was not widely known, but it came about after Robinson’s social media posts were examined following his presence on Doug Wilson’s podcast, which he also said he did not know about at the time. White said that he assumed as an Anglican, and by Wilson’s association, that Robinson was sound in theology. But where Joel Webbon is treated with scorn for inviting Robinson, Wilson is excused out of a plea of ignorance. James White has also had no qualms speaking alongside atheists at conferences, such as Jordan Peterson who would later become a false teacher.
Defendign Jordan Peterson’s presence at the time, both James White and Doug Wilson played a role. Michael O’Fallon, of G3, at the time, and Sovereign Nations, wrote:
Respected reformed Christian scholars and apologists such as Dr. James White, Pastor Douglas Wilson, and Dr. Owen Strachan have had a fairly balanced understanding of the positives of Dr. Peterson – as well as helping to provide a polemic that also understands and elucidates the issues with Peterson’s worldview apart from the soteriological aspects of the Gospel. And these are balanced and fair views
But there is a terribly negative push coming from men and women who are at the pinnacles of Christian denominational or seminary power who are trying to protect their own new, current, postmodern, urban ministry, progressive agendas driven by the over-arching strategies that we covered in Episode 5 of The Causes of Things: the Bibles Badges and Business schemes.
This attack will be coming from Deconstructionist Christians who will encourage their followers to completely reject Peterson as they forcefully attack Peterson’s training in Jungian psychoanalysis.
Enter G3 Ministries. Tom Buck came out against Joel Webbon’s platforming Robinson, due to his views on Mary being incompatible with outlawing idolatry. This would be fair if Tom Ascol, and much of G3, had not spoken alongside liberal atheist James Lindsay at The Great Awokening Conference or Jordan Peterson the Jungian. G3 has reputationally been cozy with atheists, especially considering O’Fallon was G3 until 2023.
Are not atheists worse than so-called Anglo-Catholics? Is Calvin Robinson, somehow, worse on the issues than either James Lindsay or Jordan Peterson? Whether Robinson was wise to invite is debatable, but it calls into question the standards for co-belligerency which need to be clarified by all.
5 Responses
“White said that he assumed as an Anglican, and by Wilson’s association, that Robinson was sound in theology. ”
This one line is baffling, because it feels so true that White believes this, but when one looks at the Church of England of which the Anglican church is close. I have always thought of both as closely Catholic but under a different name and authority system.
To be honest, I don’t understand some in the Reformed camp’s failure to see how many doctrines inherited from the Catholic church still remain in the confessions and catechisms. So they object to this Anglican minister because of one belief, I keep remembering Jesus’s words about the log in one’s own eye, trying to pry a spec out of another’s. Big Reformed needs a drenching down pour of humility from where I sit, and I admit I don’t understand the purpose of all these big conferences to begin with.
Your last two paragraphs seem to be purposely obtuse. Is not a wolf in sheep’s clothing far worse than a wolf with no camoflauge so that the shepherd and sheep can spot it from afar? Atheists don’t pretend to be what they are not, many people in churches do. Even leadership.
James White has said on one of his ridiculously long 3 or 4 hour streams in the past that calling Mary “Mother of God” is orthodox and fine, so what could he possibly object to about Calvin Robinson? That’s the most objectionable thing about him. I don’t think you can even argue that he teaches works salvation; only that he will certainly say “Mother of God” at some point in his speech. And James White is supposedly ok with that.
“Respected reformed Christian scholars and apologists such as Dr. James White, Pastor Douglas Wilson, and Dr. Owen Strachan”
ROFL. Respected by whom? Few people have even heard of these charlatans, who are legends only in their own minds. And of the people who are unfortunate enough to be aware of the existence of these false teachers, even fewer respect these individuals.
With regard to James White, he has the nerve to attack Catholics and accuse Catholics of idolatry, while he enthusiastically gets on his knees and worships the evil jews.
Considering that James White eagerly idolizes and worships the wicked jews, he is in no position to accuse anyone else of idolatry.
Wolves-in-sheep’s-clothing: Doug Wilson, Joseph Boot, Rod Dreher, depraved monster Joel Berry, Robert Morris, Mike Bickle, Chris Rufo, Mike Johnson, Dan Crenshaw, (((Mike Evans))), (((Justin Welby))), Russell Moore, JD Greear, David Platt, Joe Carter, Mark Dever, CJ Mahaney, Owen Strachan, Matthew C Harrison, and countless other liberal anti-White charlatan traitors masquerading as “conservative Christians.”