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Top Ten Stories of 2024

With 2025 here, we can now give out top ten stories of 2024. It was difficult to narrow down the list of scandals that made the cut. The list has a lot of bad but also some reasons for optimism in 2025.

Big Eva’s immigration treachery

The Evangelical Industrial Complex, which we call Big Eva has long been a proponent of open borders. Beginning in 2024, the Southern Baptist Convention made amnesty for illegal aliens a lobbying priority. Later, they would partner with a George Soros-backed group to promote a narrative that Evangelicals supported amnesty. Moreover, while it was not surprising that many NGOs supported the invasion at the southern border, more surprising additions to this list include Send Relief of the Southern Baptist Convention and Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse. When Haitians would overrun an everytown in Ohio, Big Eva would support the Haitian invaders who were fraudulently processed as refugees. This would stand opposed to Evangelicals as a voting bloc who voted overwhelmingly to support a popular mandate of mass deportations as part of Trump’s 2024 victory. Even after this, Big Eva continued to support amnesty.

Fall of Alistair Begg

Alistair Begg was once a highly respected Reformed preacher. In January 2024, Evangelical Dark Web broke the story of the advice he gave to a grandmother, encouraging her to attend a homosexual wedding. This created a major controversy for the otherwise scandal-free minister. But rather than repent for his sinful counsel, Alistair Begg doubled down and chastised American Evangelicals for their lack of nuance. Begg was canceled from major conferences and ministries due to his compromise on homosexual weddings.

Fall of Robert Morris

Gateway Church was once the largest megachurch in the United States until Robert Morris confessed to having committed child molestation, a continued course of conduct for years. Apparently, Robert Morris lied about his past to his elders, and the failure of all involved for their failure to report to the police in 1987 led to a major embarrassment for the church and one of multiple scandals for megachurches in the Dallas Fort Worth area. Gateway Church would then do a major staff overhaul and face a lawsuit from congregants over financial infidelity.

Fall of Steve Lawson

In the Reformed world, Steve Lawson was a major deal, perhaps the successor to John MacArthur’s audience. However, Steve Lawson lived a double life having an adulterous relationship with a woman nearly a third his age. Additionally, he was not a pastor and not functionally a member of Trinity Bible Church. Despite this glaring ecclesiastical deficiency, Lawson was platformed in ecclesiocentric circles such as G3 Ministries, Grace To You, and The Master’s Seminary. To make matters worse, Steve Lawson has not repented.

Beginnings of national revival

2024 is a year with many high-profile celebrity conversions with Russell Brand, Nala Rae, Hulk Hogan, and others indicating a national revival might be underway in America. Bible sales would similarly indicate a positive trend in this direction. While the conversion of Brand is debated, and Jordan Peterson and Denzel Washington have claimed Christianity without a credible profession of faith, the revival appears to be underway, and in my estimation is being driven by young White males, the people that Big Eva has spent decades alienating. This is the beginning of what years from now will be marked as a period of revival, and is thus a major story of 2024.

Shepherds For Sale exposes Big Eva to a larger audience

Shepherd For Sale is definitely the book of the year exposing the corruption to a mainstream conservative audience. It was a difficult process for this book to be published, and it exposed to a more casually Christian audience the evils of men like Russell Moore, JD Greear, David French and more. The book garnered controversy for going after Gavin Ortlund, apparently ahead of the Overton Window on exposing this liberal actor. Simply put, Megan Basham’s work was able to teach even me some new aspects of corruption in Big Eva, and her book was a best seller with a huge impact for a reason.

Fall of Syria threatens Christians

The downfall of the Assad regime in Syria threatens the livelihoods of Christians in Syria. As a global event, the downfall of a regime is a major story, but like most recent developments in the Middle East, it is the Christian populations that will suffer the most.

Woke Wars II

Among Christians who opposed wokeness as of 2021 and 2022, there was a split on the issue of Modern Jews, with one side recognizing Modern Jews as pagans on the same level as Islam, and the other carving out a standard of sinful partiality reserved for this powerful demographic. As dispensationalism has been a subject of intensifying debate in Evangelicalism, so to has the view of Jews in the modern age, with many Evangelicals under the influence of John Hagee or adopting his erroneous view of church history. In contrast, many Christians are recovering more classical views of Jews as well as being unable to ignore patterns of behaviors associated with this demographic. In Woke Wars I, Evangelical leaders went woke for Black people in light of the racism narrative promoted by liberal activists. Woke Wars II is the same war with Jews instead of Blacks and antisemitism instead of racism. A major clash in this was over the Tobias Riemenschneider slander scandal and Doug Wilson’s fail Antioch Declaration.

SBC refuses to ban female pastors

The Southern Baptist Convention had the chance to ban female pastors, keeping with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. Despite fighting a Conservative Resurgence decades ago on this issue which forced a lot of liberals out of the SBC, the Southern Baptist Convention has many churches with female pastors, of which Rick Warran was a merely high-profile example. Instead, Southern Baptists voted to protect female pastors with the full endorsement of their institutional leaders and recent presidents.

White Evangelicals drive Donald Trump to victory

Contrary to belief the church was not divided on whether to support Donald Trump or Kamala Harris, but rather Donald Trump or not voting. But the Christians who did vote voted overwhelmingly 81% for Donald Trump, being a critical bloc for Trump’s resounding victory in 2024. This story highlights the disparity between the laymen and the clergy who are to the left of their flock. It also highlights the disparity between White Evangelicals and every other religious demographic, especially Modern Jews, one of the few blocs that Kamala Harris improved upon. This election further highlighted the futility of the term “Judeo-Christians.”

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8 Responses

  1. The alister begg story is the one that stills mystifies me, it still feels like a story where pearl clutchers want to hold onto their bag of better than you, but not actually have to engage with what begg was saying. That doesn’t mean begg is right, mind you, but the knee jerk reactions I saw, showed me how little thinking a lot of pastors put into some of thes epublic positions, and was when my radar started going up.

  2. I’m genuinely confused about the “judeo-christian” discussion on your videos and articles. I have only read/watched a few and am still unclear why using that term is an issue for Born again believers or 20th century church language in evangelical circles.

  3. One of the biggest stories of 2024 is Dr. Michael Brown’s “inappropriate relationship with a young woman” 23 years ago. According to The Roys Report she wasn’t the only one involved with DMB. There was also a married woman, now deceased, whose husband came forward to fill Roys in on the disgusting details. Thus, DMB’s fall from grace. Like Steve Lawson, he’s not going to make a comeback. Churchwatch Central has been following the DMB saga here

  4. I’m interested in people’s opinions as to why YouTube deleted this comment at the video:

    I’m glad that Evangelical Dark Web exposed the role of Samaritan’s Purse in promoting the illegal alien pipeline. As a result I will certainly not consider giving to them. I doubt that Franklin Graham was the initiator of this policy, but he problem is an entity like that is prone to get staffed with people from the Democrat-leaning evangelical inteligentsia. These purported Christians are happy to promote the agenda of the Democratic Party for a de facto one-party state in the United States by sending people north to cross illegally, even though they have to know that many of those people are going to be violated by the cartel members, that many of them are going to drown in the Rio Grande, and that many of them are going to end up as buzzard food in the desert, very much like how illegal aliens end up as shark food in the Mediterranean Sea. Far from supporting illegal immigration, Christians should be treating it as an evil to be eradicated like the slave trade. (Of course there is indeed actual overlap between illegal immigration and slave trading.)

    In the meantime I think Christians who want to give charitably are best advised to blow off the big liberal charities like World Vision and World Relief and Samaritan’s Purse and give to smaller charities known to be staffed by bible-believing Christians, like Equipping the Persecuted working in Nigeria, whom Jon Harris is featuring again now.

  5. judaism is demonic, antichrist, and totally evil.

    Christianity is good and holy.

    Thus, judaism and Christianity are total and complete OPPOSITES, and are mutually exclusive.

    That is why the term “judeo-christian” is oxymoronic, ridiculous, blasphemous and false.

    The Bible says that light does not ally with darkness, and Christ does not ally with evil. (2 Corinthians 6:14-17).

    Since judaism is undeniably evil, that means that God opposes and hates judaism.

    Anyone who uses the term “judeo-christian” is committing blasphemy and also lying, by falsely portraying God as evil.

    Most of the false teachers who use the term “judeo-christian” know this, but they don’t care that they are lying about and blaspheming God, because they are ambitious, corrupt, and evil charlatans who seek to obtain earthly riches and status by currying favor with the depraved, wicked, evil jews.

  6. YouTube (more like jewtube) is staffed by (((open borders globalists))). They don’t like it when people question the open borders narrative.

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