Owen Strachan is one of the biggest flip-floppers in Mid Eva, a shorthand for not quite Big Eva, and also how the young people use the word ‘mid.’ Over a decade ago, Strachan was a woke writer for The Gospel Coalition and was fast-tracked by people like Al Mohler. Then he switched to opposing wokeness. But in 2022-2023, Owen Strachan returned to his woke ways. In 2020, Owen Strachan would write about church disciplining the woke. In 2023, he would denounce Christians who oppose mass immigration (Replacement Theory) as a means to replace native populations and would attack White Evangelicals claiming that it is taught or believed that God only loves the White church, More related to this is his opposition to Stephen Wolfe who he’s gone out of his way to slander at G3 as a kinist.
Yet as Woke Wars II is heated, a wedge has been driven between Doug Wilson and the Christian Nationalists. Sensing an opportunity, given recent events involving Tobias Riemenschneider, Owen Strachan campaigned on social media to cancel Stephen Wolfe from Canon Press, his publisher.
Doug, can I encourage you–in all due respect, calmness, and charity–to pull Stephen Wolfe’s Canon Press book, disavow it, and never publish another sentence from him?
His nationalism book unleashed absolute unblinking chaos in the church. It opened the door to the myriad ills you’re now fighting. Though one can read it in a number of different registers, some of them healthier than others, one of the strongest of them is in service to a genuinely white supremacist and ethno-nationalist worldview. There is no mayhem like we are fighting without Wolfe’s book, which fueled the rise of his profile. Without Wolfe and “Case for Christian Nationalism,” Stone Choir is hyper-niche. But Wolfe’s book meant the mainstreaming and respectifying of godless anti-gospel ideology that is harming the church and confusing the sheep.
Please, for the sake of the health of the bride of Christ: pull this book. Disavow it. And never platform Wolfe again, not giving him so much as a second of airtime. That is the only way this starts to turn back the right way.
Please, for all that is good in the world, see Wolfean ethno-nationalism out the door. It is not only not the gospel; it is anti-gospel. And when you have seen it out, as I pray you do, then lock the door, and double-bolt it, and after that post a flaming sword and maybe a 12-foot-angel on watch-duty as well.
In opposing Stephen Wolfe, Owen Strachan has generally championed multiculturalism as a good. But this time, Owen Strachan whines like a child, formulating a hysterical argument about Wolfe’s book posing a threat to the unity of the church.
Recently, Canon Press has insisted that Stephen Wolfe has not violated their contract. Moreover, they are publishing his next book.
5 Responses
Wilson probably told Strachan to say this. Wilson regrets publishing The Case for Christian Nationalism, but as he said himself in his recent staged interview, Wolfe hasn’t violated the publishing agreement. There was no need to mention that unless Wilson wants to drop Wolfe, and simply can’t.
I have an oddly different view on this one.
For the last 15 years I’ve noticed more and more, that many Christians are not informed at Church. They don’t grow closer to God in Sunday School, Sermons are easily forgotten, but they will run like a cat to a mouse when a hot book get’s their attention, they’ll gather their friends, have a bible study (really a book study with scant scripture slipped in). I saw it happen in a group I was in 10 years ago. I didn’t understand it at the time, but I had always resisted any published work as supplanting God’s scripture. I did not feel most Christians felt that way.
So when i see people on either side complaining about any book, and its effect on the church (whether i think its positive or negative I can’t help wonder, why the worry, when many of them were pushing these and other books in church book stores, in classes, or elsewhere. When you put the deference on books instead of God’s word, you reap what you sow.) SO to that end Christian be on Guard, never go from exterior writing to God’s truth, start in God’s truth, use it as a lense to decipher everything else, and your walk can stay straight on his path
This big push being coordinated by these losers right after Trump’s win proves they’re all Leftists who voted for Kamala, no matter if they deny that or whatever. Its just more salty Leftist teara to mine.
Have you heard anything about Peter’s mausoleum in Lebanon being destroyed yet? I only just heard about it. They’re saying Israel did it.
I’m white pilled because we are winning and all the PWC guys can do is cry.
The time for hippie Christianity is over. Being a pushover to Zio-Commies invading our lands and capturing our government to do their bidding isn’t the gospel.
This is our home and a lot of people are going back.